"Seniors, I just came back this time to take a look. I heard that you have encountered some troubles, so I came back."

Wang Ming first smiled and greeted all the armor deities before speaking.

"It seems that the old guy told you something?"

As soon as the emperor heard Wang Ming's words, he immediately understood that the old devil must have told him, and Wang Ming's answer was indeed as the emperor guessed.

"That's right, the old man told me. Most importantly, I was also a little curious about what the so-called eternal night is, so I came here."

Wang Ming spread his hands and sold the old devil king directly. As for why the emperor didn't let the old devil king talk about it, it might be for keeping secrets, or for his own face.

It may also be that they are really in big trouble and don't want to involve more people. No matter what the possibility is, Wang Ming will not just sit idly by and want to come back and take a look.

"Forget it, since you've come all the time, I won't hide it from you. This guy, Shadow, and I have indeed encountered some troubles recently."

"And this trouble is exactly what that old guy said, it's very weird, and Shadow and I have nothing to do with these so-called citizens of Eternal Night."

Seeing that Wang Ming already knew the general situation of the matter, the emperor also spoke directly.

"Oh, why is there no way?"

Wang Ming immediately became interested when he heard that, to actually make the Shadow Emperor and the Emperor helpless, this Yongye seems to be not easy.

"How should I put it, I can't kill it, I can't kill it at all. Shadow Shadow and I have tried countless methods, but we can't kill these so-called people of Eternal Night. Now we can only seal them up."

"He is not the kind of person who is completely immune to attacks, but will be resurrected immediately after death. The guy who has the most has been killed more than 60 times so far, and he is still alive, and his vitality has not even been lost at all."

"This feeling is like cutting off the water with a knife. It can't hurt its essence. For them, death is just a river that temporarily stops flowing."

When the emperor said this, there was some incomprehension in his tone. With his rich experience, there were times when he was puzzled and puzzled.

Facts have proved that this so-called eternal night is definitely not a simple character, and there must be big secrets and big problems in it.

"Interesting, can you take me to meet them?"

Wang Ming also became interested after listening to the emperor's description, and the emperor would naturally not refuse his request.

"Then you should follow along and take a look. We were still in a meeting just now to discuss how to deal with these two guys."

"These two guys were captured from the Shadow Universe and the Bright World respectively. According to the information we got, they are the pioneers who only send one pathfinder in each universe."

After a few brief explanations, the emperor got up and walked towards the outside of the Armor Temple. Wang Ming followed behind him and said thoughtfully.

"In this way, they are the vanguard, and there may be a large army coming later? Then this is indeed a bit troublesome."

"That's right, this is exactly what we are having a headache with. If large forces invade the two worlds in the future, it will be very difficult for us to deal with them given their unkillable nature."

"Even if it can be sealed, it cannot be sealed, because it will be difficult to deal with such things when there are more of them."

When the emperor said this, his tone was also a little sad. It was the first time Wang Ming saw the emperor like this.

After the two left the Armor Temple, they came to the Armor Holy Prison. All the criminals were imprisoned here. Many of them also entered the Armor Universe by mistake, and then they were arrested by the Emperor for doing many evils.

The two of them went all the way to the deepest part of the armored holy prison. At this time, there was a holy light enchantment seal, and a cell was sealed. The emperor pointed to the two men in black robes who were imprisoned in the cell.

"These two are the citizens of Eternal Night that we captured. As far as I know, they belong to the bottom of the ranks. Above them are the General of Eternal Night and the King of Eternal Night. This is a strict hierarchy. power."

"I see, is it similar to some kind of cross-border empire?"

Wang Ming also roughly understood the meaning of the emperor's words, and then he said to the emperor.

"Open the cell door, I'll go in and have a look."

"it is good."

The emperor didn't talk nonsense, and directly opened the barrier to a hole that only allowed one person to pass through. After Wang Ming entered, he sealed the barrier again, and the emperor stood outside watching quietly, and No plan to go in.

Because for the emperor, those two guys inside were extremely filthy, and he didn't want to touch them at all, just like human beings would instinctively reject them when they saw feces.

At least that's the case for the emperor, after all, he is the light of the light world, and those two things are very dirty darkness, not the pure darkness of the shadow emperor.

If I had to make a crude comparison, it would be that the shadow of the Shadow Emperor is similar to stinky tofu to the emperor, but it just smells stinky, and there is no rejection reaction.

To the Emperor, the two Sons of Eternal Night inside were just two lumps of stinky shit, just looking disgusting and stinky.

If the emperor was still in contact with them, it would be tormenting him. He was not the eighth man, and he didn't have any special hobbies.

"Hehehe, why did another person come to interrogate again? Still want to kill us? Feel free to use any moves, just frown and count me as the loser."

One of the two black-robed men, seeing Wang Ming coming in, also let out a strange smile that made people feel uncomfortable, while the other black-robed man also sarcastically just right.

"A group of lowly creatures who don't know the greatness of Yongye at all, and you want to kill us just because you can't understand Yongye at all? It's ridiculous."

Let's not talk about whether the two are strong or not, but the level of their mouths is really worthy of beating, and Wang Ming didn't pay attention to the ridicule of the two, he just stood there and observed quietly.

Wang Ming was observing the strength of the two. To be honest, they were so weak that he couldn't understand that the strength of these two things hadn't even reached the planetary level.

At most, it can be regarded as a city level, which can destroy a city's combat power. It's just such two little things, the emperor and the shadow emperor can't kill them. Isn't this too weird?

Wang Ming also directly realized the seriousness of the problem, and in order to verify the authenticity of this matter, he was also going to try to see if he could kill these two guys.

At this time, these two guys were still mocking Wang Ming recklessly, but Wang Ming didn't take their words seriously at all.

After all, in Wang Ming's eyes at this time, the two of them were like guinea pigs in the laboratory. They were about to conduct experiments on others, and it didn't matter if they scolded or twittered a few times.

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