"Try ordinary obliteration first."

Wang Ming murmured thoughtfully, and the next second he stretched out his hand to one of them, and the next second that person instantly turned into flying ash and died on the spot.

"It's useless, you have already tried these attempts."

After seeing this scene, the other black-robed man who was not dead didn't panic at all, he said with a slightly embarrassed smile.

And as if to confirm his words, the next second, the black-robed man who was directly obliterated by Wang Ming just now was revived on the spot surrounded by a burst of black air.

"Interesting, very interesting."

After Wang Ming saw this scene, he immediately became interested. Just now he only used the most violent obliteration, and now he is going to try the power of the law.

"Since violence is useless, let's try this first, the law of killing."

While Wang Ming was talking, he waved his hand and shot a red light, which directly shot into the body of the man in black robe who had just been revived. The man in black robe died again before he could say a word.

However, the law-based attacks seemed to have some effect, and the resurrection speed of the black-robed man became slower than before.

When Wang Ming killed him just now, he was resurrected almost within three seconds, but now it took more than ten seconds to revive, which shows that attacks based on laws are still somewhat useful.

"I see. Immune to physical damage, only take damage from laws, or only a certain law can obliterate it. If this is the case, try the law of the soul."

After Wang Ming pondered for a while, he came to another conclusion, and then the man in black robe was just resurrected, and was killed by Wang Ming again.

And Wang Ming's attack this time is to completely eliminate it from the soul level. It stands to reason that this kind of death is useless if you are reincarnated, because there is no soul to reincarnate you.

Wang Ming felt that even if this move couldn't kill the black-robed man, he should be able to inflict serious damage with the soul law, but what happened next surprised him a bit.

Following a surge of black mist, the man in black robe was resurrected unscathed, and the aura on his body did not weaken at all.

This also means that he didn't suffer any harm, he just literally died once and was resurrected with full blood, which made Wang Ming even more curious.

"This is really interesting. I know a lot about traveling through the worlds, but this is the first time I have encountered freaks like you. It seems that this trip really didn't go in vain."

After being frustrated twice in a row, Wang Ming didn't feel ashamed or angry. He just felt that things were getting more and more interesting, and more and more worthy of his in-depth exploration.

"Physical damage is useless, and soul damage is useless, so I can only try other laws of attack. Anyway, I don't believe that there are real undead creatures in this world."

Wang Ming's eyes were full of thirst for knowledge, and then he started his own experiment, in order to ensure that one would survive to provide information and the accuracy of the experimental data.

Wang Ming only attacked the black-robed man at the very beginning. Before continuing to use the law to attack, Wang Ming chose to trace his origin, obliterate his timeline and causal line, and tried various methods to kill him.

But something even more unexpected happened to Wang Ming. Its origin cannot be traced. There is no timeline or causal line for this guy.

To put it simply, looking at it from Wang Ming's perspective, this guy is nothing. Literally nothing means that it never existed.

Wang Ming kind of understood why these two guys couldn't be killed, because no matter how powerful the strong man was, it was impossible to kill something that was nothing.

Because it doesn't exist, things that don't exist can't be killed, that is to say, these two men in black robes are a bit like Schrödinger's cat, they are between existence and non-existence.

If you observe them, they exist, but if you try to kill them, they do not exist, what is that?Schrödinger's man in black?Or Schrödinger's Eternal Night?
"No wonder the emperor can't kill you. It turns out that's the case. I probably understand your nature."

After in-depth thinking, Wang Ming also had some understanding, and he didn't need to try other attacks based on the law, because the Shadow Emperor and the Emperor probably used these things long ago.

As the rulers of their respective universes, the two are proficient in almost all the power of law. If the two of them can't do anything, it proves that they have tried it a long time ago, and it is meaningless for Wang Ming to try again.

"This is a bit of a headache for me, I think about how to deal with you two..."

Wang Ming also frowned in distress, and began to think. His brain, which hadn't been working seriously for a long time, also started to work at full speed, and even the six realms in his body began to deduce.

In this way, time passed little by little, and three days passed quickly. Just when the Emperor suspected that Wang Ming had fallen asleep, Wang Ming suddenly opened his eyes and had a very good idea.

"That's right, you can try it like this. If you don't exist, then I will forcibly fabricate an existence, and then kill you. This is the so-called opening Schrödinger's cat box, thoroughly confirming its existence, and then killing you."

Wang Ming was talking to himself dreamily, he had been thinking for the past three days, how to completely let the existence of these two men in black appear.

As long as its existence is fully revealed, it can be eliminated, the uncertain nothing can be turned into something, and finally something can be turned into a real nothing. This is the countermeasure that Wang Ming came up with.

"Since you call yourself Eternal Night, it stands to reason that the corresponding mortal enemy, or something that mutually restrains each other, should be light."

"But they must have tried light a long time ago, but they may have simply used light to obliterate without performing other operations, so I can try it again."

Wang Ming came up with a new countermeasure while talking to himself. In fact, there are many kinds of light. The so-called starlight, moonlight, and sunlight are actually the light of stars.

These are all natural light, and what is a little more mysterious is the light in people's hearts, and the emperor's concept that he himself is light.

The emperor must have used his own light to deal with the two men in black, but it proved to be ineffective.

So Wang Ming is going to change his mind and try with the natural light that seems to be inferior. Inferior does not mean it is useless, maybe these guys just like this one.

"Then try it with the light of a star, the so-called light of the sun."

While Wang Ming was speaking, he ingested a beam of star light from the outside. The originally invisible light was in Wang Ming's hands, as if it had an entity.

Wang Ming made some small changes to the light in his hand, which could give the opponent some existential changes, and then he shot the light into the body of the black-robed man without hesitation!

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