Comprehensive Manga: From the Armored Warriors to Blast Unlimited

Chapter 560 Wang Xiaoming's First Battle

But as we all know, in general, the American soldiers in movies are stronger than each other, and they are never the ones who listen to persuasion.

Not only did Fiora's kind warning have no effect, but it completely angered the soldiers at the scene. The atmosphere on both sides suddenly became tense, and a fight might break out at any time.

But at this moment, a loud noise broke the deadlock on the scene, and a black figure descended from the sky and stood in front of Fiora.

And this is Wang Xiaoming wearing a black Kryptonian suit. At this time, Wang Xiaoming's dress is exactly the same as the Superman in Zhadao's version of Justice League.

This is not to say that blackening is not blackening, because in Kryptonian etiquette, pure black or pure white are combat clothing.

Superman's most classic blue and red battle suit is actually a kind of diplomatic dress in Krypton.

"I'm here, what do you want to do?"

Wang Xiaoming stared at Fiora seriously and said, Wang Ming explained his life experience a long time ago.

Wang Xiaoming also knew that he was from Krypton, and he was adopted by Wang Ming. After all, the two of them had an Asian face and a European and American face.

No one would believe that it was his own. He didn't have any mixed blood genes. It was precisely because he understood Superman's character that Wang Ming chose to confess directly.

And Wang Ming himself pretended very well. In the past 30 years, Wang Xiaoming always thought that Wang Ming was an ordinary person. After all, in his opinion, there was nothing special about Wang Ming.

"It seems that you need some basic etiquette teaching. As a Kryptonian, it is simply uneducated to be so rude to your superiors."

Fiora said with some disdain and arrogance, but his words really touched Wang Xiaoming's backlash.

To say that he is uneducated is to scold Wang Ming. The person he respects the most since he was a child is his adoptive father, Wang Ming. If anyone dares to touch his bottom line, then Wang Xiaoming will definitely take it seriously.

"Please pay attention to your attitude, otherwise don't blame me for being rude!"

"I'm just stating a fact, and I don't think I've said anything wrong."

Fiora still had that air of superiority and arrogance, but now Wang Xiaoming couldn't stand it anymore.

"Don't insult my father!"

Amidst a terrifying sonic boom, Wang Xiaoming shouted angrily, and when the sound was heard, Fiora had already been punched and flew by Wang Xiaoming.

And Wang Xiaoming's punch officially declared the beginning of the battle. When the two Kryptonian soldiers saw Wang Xiaoming's sudden attack, they immediately exploded at a terrifying speed and rushed towards him!
Wang Xiaoming punched one of the Kryptonian soldiers on the chest, and the latter flew backwards like a fired shell. His whole body slammed into the depths of the desert, splashing thousands of meters of sand waves!

This scene is not much less shocking than a nuclear bomb explosion. Because of Wang Ming's intervention, the current superman, that is, Wang Xiaoming's combat power is N levels stronger than in the original movie.

To put it simply, the current Superman has officially entered the bronze period, not the rookie period in the movie. The power he can explode is unimaginable for ordinary people.

After knocking the Kryptonian soldier into the air, Wang Xiaoming punched another Kryptonian soldier on the head with a backhand at an extremely fast speed.

The latter's front teeth were shot out at the time, and the direction in which he was shot was the US tank battle group.

This time the US tank battle group suffered disaster, and the Kryptonian flew out backwards, plowing out a huge chasm in the desert.

And the resulting air explosion and air wave overturned all the tanks very easily, and even many tanks were directly blown out.

For a moment, people glanced over and saw tanks and soldiers all over the sky, and when they landed, there was no need to say much.

Most likely he was thrown to death alive, but Wang Xiaoming didn't even look at this group of people, because he is not the kind and benevolent superman in the original book.

Now he can't be said to be an unrighteous superman, but at least he can't get involved with good people, let alone the Holy Mother or something.

And the Zhadao version of Superman, whether it's character or deeds, has borrowed a lot from the stories of God in the Bible.

To put it simply, Dao Zha is filming Superman as God, which is why he looks like in the original book, but the Superman brought out by Wang Ming will definitely not have this kind of virgin character.

"Fire! Kill them all, they are enemies!"

The unscrupulous battle between Wang Xiaoming and the Kryptonians has indeed attracted the hostility of the US military. The top military officials have completely regarded them as enemies and started their own counterattack.

Swish swish!
Boom boom boom!
The moment the high-level military gave the order, the rockets and missiles that had been deployed on the outskirts of the desert began to launch frantically.

Advanced fighter planes flew across the sky and began to attack the four Kryptonians frantically.

Horrific fireballs exploded in the desert. One can imagine how fierce the firepower of the US military is.

However, none of the four Kryptonians present cared about these terrifying firepower, missiles, bombs, machine guns, etc., which are extremely powerful on the earth.

In front of the Kryptonians, they are like big and small fireworks, there is no way to hurt them at all, and they don't even bother to hide.

Not to mention these conventional firepower, even the nuclear weapons that human beings are most proud of, are just like charging treasures in front of the nemesis, and they may become stronger after being blown up.

At this time, the four of them started a self-contained battle amidst the sky full of artillery fire and machine gun bullets.

These artillery fires and splashing bullets are like the prelude to the opening of the curtain, they only exist as a foreshadowing and opening remark.

The two Kryptonians who had just been beaten by Wang Xiaoming also stood up again, and Fiora also flew back from afar. At this time, the three of them were attacking Wang Xiaoming together.

The random collision of the three of them was like the explosion of the most powerful missile, producing extremely terrifying shock waves and air waves.

The four-person battle made the entire desert tremble, and the aftermath of the battle directly killed thousands of American soldiers.

Just after the four-person battle entered a fierce stage, the U.S. military began to retreat gradually, because they had realized one thing, these four monsters could not be dealt with by conventional firepower.

At this time, in the White House conference hall in the United States, a group of politicians were discussing fiercely whether to use nuclear weapons, but all of this was beyond the concern of the four Kryptonians.

At this time, the four of them were a little bit red-eyed, and began to really use their full strength, so the damage they caused was getting bigger and bigger.

Fortunately, this is a desert, which can withstand their toss. If it is a city, these four guys are a natural disaster in human form.

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