Comprehensive Manga: From the Armored Warriors to Blast Unlimited

Chapter 561 Wang Xiaoming's Inverse Scale

Fiora cooperated with two Kryptonian elite fighters, successfully caught Wang Xiaoming's opening, and punched him hard in the chest!

After being attacked by three Kryptonian elites in an instant, even Wang Xiaoming couldn't hold it back completely. Immediately, his whole body turned into an afterimage, broke through more than a dozen sound barriers, and flew out quickly.

Wang Xiaoming's body instantly traversed the entire desert, and then smashed into Las Vegas, the casino city on the edge of the desert.

In just an instant, the entire casino city was destroyed in pieces, because the shock wave that Wang Xiaoming set off was indeed very powerful.

If you look at it from a high altitude, you will find that the entire Las Vegas has been cut into two sections of different sizes, with a huge blank gully several kilometers wide in the middle.

And Wang Xiaoming's body didn't mean to stop, but his momentum slowed down a little, and because of his simple passing, at least tens of thousands of ordinary people died, causing economic losses, which must be calculated in tens of billions.

But Wang Xiaoming was knocked backwards, and Fiora and two Kryptonian elite fighters were flying behind and chasing him.

Wang Xiaoming's body barely stopped after smashing several high mountains. After being hit like this, the blood in Wang Xiaoming's body was also rolled, and his blood surged up.

For a while, his face was also flushed, and he didn't look normal. After pulling his body out of the collapsed snow mountain, Wang Xiaoming also spat with a ruthless face.

"Damn, what a dog skin plaster, so difficult!"

"Karl, don't engage in indifferent resistance anymore, and go back with me to meet the general, otherwise your adoptive father may be in danger."

This time Fiora didn't start fighting as soon as she hit the ground, instead she calmly threatened Wang Xiaoming, and Wang Xiaoming's anger immediately maxed out after hearing his words.

"How dare you threaten me with my father!"

Fiora, who successfully stepped on the thunder, did not realize at all that what she said was absolutely against Wang Xiaoming.

So when Fiora said this, Wang Xiaoming's body instantly turned into an afterimage and appeared in front of her.

Wang Xiaoming's speed this time was faster than before, at least twice as fast. Fiora didn't have the time and space to react. !

Fiora was instantly sent flying violently, and the wave of air created by this punch instantly shook all the fragments of the mountain.

Then Wang Xiaoming accelerated three times again, and every time he accelerated, he punched Fiora hard in the face.

Fiora, who was hit by Wang Xiaoming's four punches with full acceleration, was a little dazed, and her head began to become unclear.

At this time, the number of Mach rings erupting behind Fiora was too numerous to count, and the entire sky trembled because of her flight.

This is because Fiora's body has broken through a terrifying speed, at least it has to be thousands of times the speed of sound to have this effect.

Wang Xiaoming can't make Fiora into light. After all, the speed of light seems to be more than 40 times the speed of sound. Don't underestimate the speed of light.

If Wang Xiaoming really fights with these guys at the speed of light, or fights on the earth, the aftermath of the battle can destroy the entire earth in an instant.

A pen traveling at the speed of light can explode the entire earth in an instant, not to mention a few people that big.

So sometimes the plot of the comics really can't be taken seriously, what is a slash that exceeds the speed of light, what is a kick that exceeds the speed of light, if you really want to talk about a little science, reaching the speed of light is already a star-killing combat power.

The physical body breaks through the speed of light, and it can basically be regarded as a planet-level, or even a star-level powerhouse.

And Wang Xiaoming's beating of Fiora hadn't ended yet, before the latter stopped, his figure instantly appeared on top of the opponent's head, and then he kicked down fiercely without hesitation!
The latter suddenly turned into a meteor and fell hard, and at this time there was a vast white glacier below Fiora. It was obvious that Wang Xiaoming's punch just now directly hit Fiora to the North Pole.

There was another earth-shattering explosion, which lasted forever, and the iron-hard Arctic ice was directly cracked.

Centering on Fiora, where it fell, there are countless scalp-numbing cracks all over the entire arctic glacier continent.

Not only the glacier itself, but even the permafrost beneath it was shaken until countless cracks appeared and began to melt slowly.

Until then, the angry Wang Xiaoming gradually calmed down. In his life, he hated people using Wang Ming as a threat to blackmail him or endanger Wang Ming.

"Not good! Father!"

After calming down at this moment, Wang Xiaoming, who gradually regained his senses, also reflected it. Immediately, he thought that Wang Ming might have been captured by the Kryptonians.

So without even thinking about it, he flew directly towards the place where Wang Ming lived. Because of his long-term education in Europe and the United States, Wang Xiaoming moved out to live by himself after he became an adult.

He would visit Wang Ming every once in a while, and the two had always been separated, but this did not mean that Wang Xiaoming was that kind of heartless person.

Because in western countries, children should live separately from their parents when they grow up, even if the parents are very old, if the parents really can't take care of themselves.

Children will also spend a lot of money to send them to private orphanages and let specialized personnel take care of them.

This is the norm in Western countries, even common sense. Children will not feel that they are unfilial, and the elderly will not feel that their children are unfilial, because they used to be like this.

Although in the eyes of Chinese people, this is very unfilial, it can only be said to be a difference in ideology, and one cannot impose one's own values ​​on others.

At this time, where Wang Ming was, inside a farm manor, General Zod led a few men to the outside of the manor.

"General, according to the information found on the human internal network, it seems to be here."

A Kryptonian soldier said to General Zod very respectfully, and the latter also nodded and said calmly.

"Very good, you two go and bring him out. Carl values ​​him very much. In order to control the card, he is a necessary bargaining chip."

At this time, General Zod already knew that Fiora and the others were so beaten up by Wang Xiaoming that they couldn't find their way. After all, the Kryptonian spacecraft was parked above the earth, monitoring all movements on the earth at all times.

It was difficult for Wang Xiaoming and the others to prevent people from observing the battle just now, so General Zod set off directly to the place where Wang Ming was when he saw half of it, and prepared to use Wang Ming to blackmail Wang Xiaoming.

This is also the reason why Fiora suddenly became confident just now, and then she was severely taught by the furious Wang Xiaoming.

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