Looking at General Zod struggling on the ground, Wang Xiaoming also frowned impatiently. After thinking for a while, he decided to teach him how to adapt to this state.

"Use your super brain to block useless information. I believe you should be able to do it with your strength."

After hearing Wang Xiaoming's reminder, General Zod also began to follow suit. It has to be said that General Zod's strength and comprehension are quite strong.

Only half an hour later, General Zod was able to barely resume his actions and speak normally. Seeing this, Wang Xiaoming also asked directly.

"Who are you? What is your purpose for coming to Earth? Why are you looking for me?"

"I am General Zod, the supreme military leader of Krypton. I have only one purpose in coming to Earth, and that is to transform the Earth into Krypton. As a Kryptonian, you, Karl, have the obligation to rebuild the glory of Krypton."

"And the code of life is in your body. If you want to continue the glory of Krypton, you must use the code of life to cultivate more Kryptonians."

General Zod also bluntly stated his purpose. After hearing his words, Wang Xiaoming frowned.

"If we transform the environment of the earth, what will happen to the people on earth?"

"Naturally, they couldn't adapt to Krypton's high gravity and atmospheric environment, so they all died."

General Zod said in a tone of explaining the facts, and Wang Xiaoming frowned deeper after hearing his words. Although he didn't think he was a good person, he was not a bad person either.

Moreover, his adoptive father is still from the earth. If the environment of the earth is changed, his adoptive father will also die. This is what Wang Xiaoming does not want to see.

"With the technology of Krypton, there is no need to stare at the earth, right? Krypton's outposts were almost all over the universe. I don't believe there is no second planet suitable for transformation."

"Take your people and leave. The earth belongs to me. If you dare to mess around, I won't be polite. I will give you a chance to choose for the sake of the same race. I hope you will not listen to my advice."

Wang Xiaoming said with a serious tone, staring at General Zod seriously, Wang Xiaoming found some clues on the spaceship left by his biological father.

By the way, his battle suit was also found on the spaceship.

Then Wang Xiaoming also learned how brilliant Krypton was once, and it is not too much to be called the overlord of the universe, but it was only because of the high-level people in the clan that their rigid thinking led to the demise of Krypton.

On the eve of the destruction of Krypton, the unbearable General Zod launched a coup and killed all the high-level members of the clan, but it was too late because Krypton exploded.

The Kryptonian elders and high-level leaders are also a group of weirdos. They think that the blood of Kryptonians is extremely noble, and then they started something similar to family planning.

This caused the blood of the Kryptonians to become scarce. Except for Wang Xiaoming, none of the children gave birth normally, and basically all the children were artificially bred like worker ants.

They have been arranged before they were born, with various identities and levels, soldiers are soldiers, workers are workers, civilians are civilians, and it is impossible to change levels forever. Krypton has lost its changeable future.

Originally, with the powerful technology of Krypton, the entire universe could be colonized, and all planets suitable for survival could be transformed into the environment of Krypton.

At that time, the number of Kryptonians will swell to a terrifying number, but the Kryptonian Presbyterian Church feels that this is an insult to Kryptonian blood, so they stopped these plans.

All Kryptonian outposts were destroyed, and each of these outposts could be transformed into a second Kryptonian, just like that.

If according to General Zod's idea, if the original Krypton continued to implement this colonization plan, then the universe is now completely ruled by Krypton.

After all, the strength of Kryptonians and technology is definitely the strongest in the universe. Every outpost can establish a baby training base.

According to the genetic data stored in the code of life, Kryptonian fighters are produced in large quantities, and Kryptonian fighters can adapt to various extreme environments.

Coupled with high-tech weapons, there is no race that can withstand the pace of Krypton's invasion and growth.

"I can leave, but you must give me the code of life. If there is no genetic information in the code of life, even we will not be able to cultivate the seedlings of Krypton again."

General Zod thought about Wang Xiaoming's powerful strength, and decided to take a step back. After all, there are indeed other planets suitable for transformation in their star map.

Although the previous skirmish was destroyed, the star map information is still there. If you want to go, you can. By the way, the former earth has been marked by Krypton.

If it weren't for the Kryptonian elders' convulsions, the current earth would have disappeared and become another Kryptonian.

"But I don't know where the code of life is, and there was no such thing in the spaceship when I fell."

Wang Xiaoming is not an unreasonable person either. In order to prevent the bloodline from being broken and the Kryptonian bloodline completely extinct, he understands the need for genetic information.

Unlike in the original book, Superman in the original book has completely regarded himself as an earthling. He does everything from the perspective of an earthling, and thinks about the feet of the earth in everything.

He is just a Kryptonite traitor, but the Superman in this life is different because he was brought up by Wang Ming since he was a child.

His character is a bit detached, and he doesn't completely regard himself as an Earthling, nor does he completely regard himself as a Kryptonian, so his handling of things is not as extreme as in the original book.

"The code is in your genetic code. You just need to give me some blood, and I can reverse-engineer the data of the code. This is not too difficult for you."

"As long as you want, I will leave Earth after I get the code information."

At this time, General Zod did not have the aggressive attitude before. It was mainly because of Wang Xiaoming's strength that he chose to speak well.

General Zod's original plan was to directly kidnap Wang Xiaoming and forcibly transform the earth, and then build a brand new Krypton.

But now he can only adopt plan B. After getting the code, he will go to another suitable planet to build a new Krypton.

"It's easy to say, then take your things and leave as soon as possible, and don't come to the earth again in the future, otherwise you will understand the consequences."

Wang Xiaoming wanted to ask, but he didn't refuse. After all, it was just a little bit of his blood, and the other party could just give it to him if they wanted. They were compatriots anyway.

During the battle just now, Wang Xiaoming didn't even have a scratch, let alone bleed, so General Zod couldn't get his blood without his consent.

Then Wang Xiaoming woke up and squeezed out a few drops of blood, controlled the blood with a biological force field, and floated it in front of General Zod.

Seeing this, General Zod also took out a glass bottle and filled the blood.

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