"Then we will meet later, Carl, I still hope you return to Krypton to help us, after all, you don't want to see the descendants of Krypton go extinct."

General Zod was about to leave after collecting the blood. Before he left, he finally persuaded Wang Xiaoming, but Wang Xiaoming's answer was also very straightforward.

"I'm not interested in these things, and I have no feelings for Krypton, so you call me the wrong person."

"Since that's the case, I don't force it, so be it, I'm leaving."

General Zod also sighed with some disappointment, and then flew directly into the sky with his body, broke through the atmosphere, and returned to their spaceship.

After a while, several black shadows flew back to the spaceship from all over the earth. Although Wang Xiaoming was angry before, he did not kill him.

So Fiora and several other Kryptonian elite fighters were beaten badly, but their lives were not in danger.

After a while, the spacecraft sailed away from the sky above the earth and disappeared into the vast starry sky of the universe. In a certain place in the universe, Krypton will be resurrected again, and it is still a powerful planet with a military focus.

That's why General Zod didn't dare to say that Wang Xiaoming's own father was killed by himself, otherwise, he would have been severely injured, and he wouldn't even think about blood.

So the current Wang Xiaoming actually doesn't know that General Zod is his biological father's father-killing enemy, and Wang Ming didn't point out these things. Sometimes, some things are better not to know than to know.

At the same time, under the Wayne Building in Gotham City, Bruce Wayne, also known as Batman, was hugging a disgraced little girl, looking at the sky with hatred in his eyes.

And the direction his eyes were looking at was the direction where Wang Xiaoming and Fiora disappeared and passed by just now when they were fighting fiercely.

The aftermath of the battle just now split the entire Wayne Building in half, and many of Batman's employees died as a result, so Batman at this time hated Wang Xiaoming and the Kryptonians to the extreme.

"No matter who you are, even if you are a god, I will bite off a piece of your flesh!"

Batman gritted his teeth with hatred, he didn't hate Wang Xiaoming because his property was damaged.

What he hated was the attitude of the Kryptonians who disregarded the lives of mortals, killed and seized them unscrupulously, and even regarded mortals as ants.

From this moment on, Batman began to think of ways to deal with Wang Xiaoming. In the DC world, he should not make an appointment with Bruce Wayne.

Because the resourceful Batman (Batman) can always find a way to deal with his enemies, even the high gods are no exception.

And Batman's position has always been on the side of humans, so for humans, Batman is a real good partner, and Superman is just an alien.

Although Superman is the main C position in the Justice League, in fact, the real talker of the Justice League is Batman.

There are three giants in the Justice League who are the most authoritative. They are Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman, and Batman is the most exaggerated. He has set up no less than three methods of death for everyone in the Justice League.

Power needs restraint and control, so Batman secretly draws up a plan to restrain all members of the Justice League, including himself.

Batman is definitely a Zhuge Liang-like existence in the DC world, and he calculates everything perfectly.

Even how to kill himself after losing control, Batman has written it into the plan, and when necessary, it will be sent to the necessary people.

However, Wang Xiaoming didn't know anything about all this. At this time, he had already returned to the manor where Wang Ming was. Seeing that Wang Ming was intact, Wang Xiaoming was relieved.

"Thank goodness, you're fine."

"I'm fine. If you will be completely exposed to the public after today, you should think about how to deal with those rumors in the future."

"Human beings have a common problem. They are all afraid of forces that they cannot control or even understand. I hope that the pressure of public opinion will not embarrass you by then."

Wang Ming looked at Wang Xiaoming with an indifferent smile on his face, and said earnestly, but the latter obviously didn't care about these things at this time, Wang Xiaoming just waved his hands indifferently.

"I'm too lazy to care about this. I don't need others to judge how I am."

Seeing him like this, Wang Ming didn't persuade him much, but a few days later, a storm of public opinion swept the world.

After all, what Wang Xiaoming did before was too shocking and frightened everyone on the earth. After all, he smashed the glacier continent and almost kicked into the center of the earth.

Until now, the US government departments have not found out how deep Wang Xiaoming kicked, let alone the earth-shattering sonic boom just passing by.

It is no exaggeration to say that Wang Xiaoming is no less than a demon god in people's eyes, and the only thing people can think of when facing an existence stronger than themselves is to start complaining.

After all, you can't beat them, so you can only be the king of the mouth, and directly attack the weak, and directly scold the strong. Human nature of bullying and fearing hard can't be changed.

So on that day, all the major media and newspapers around the world began to publicly accuse Wang Xiaoming, calling him an evil alien.

Even some powerful countries have investigated Wang Xiaoming's life experience, and all records from childhood to adulthood have been investigated.

This is being targeted by major countries all over the world, and even the United States secretly called Wang Xiaoming, threatening him with his safety.

There is one thing to say, politicians are really amazing. In the face of fame and fortune, they dare to say and do anything without thinking about the consequences.

This made Wang Xiaoming so angry that he almost turned into an ancestor on the spot, and directly wanted people all over the world to see the power of gods.

If it wasn't for Wang Ming's stop, the earth might be plunged into the abyss of doomsday. After all, missiles are just tickling for Kryptonians, and nuclear bombs are their charging treasure.

Before humans discovered kryptonite, there was no way to deal with the Kryptonians. Even if an elite fighter from Krypton wanted to destroy the earth, it would take some time to do so easily.

Because no one can stop him, human beings are really brave enough to dare to provoke Wang Xiaoming like this.

If the people of the motherland saw that their reputation was so bad, that they lost any prestige, but possessed the strength of the Kryptonians, I am afraid that the earth has been ruled by him now.

What made Wang Ming puzzled and found it funny the most was that the human United Nations government actually filed a public prosecution against Wang Xiaoming.

A group of ants and mortals issued an invitation to the god to be judged, and ordered the god to arrive at the scene at 10:00 in the morning three days later to accept the judgment.

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