Chapter 123

Qianye glanced at the other ninjas around without a trace.

First of all, I will omit all the tricks that don't even have names.

Yu Ninja and Taki Ninja skipped it directly.

Kusanagi can pay a little attention to two people, one is Orochimaru dressed as Kusanagi.

The other is Xianglin who has not yet become a power bank and has no bite marks on his body.

In the previous life, because the previous plot was too long ago, Qianye only remembered that Xiang Lin had appeared in the Chunin Exam, but forgot which village she came from.

So he didn't go out to save her.

Now that I saw the forehead guard in Caoyin Village, I suddenly remembered it.

It is estimated that her mother has been sucked dry by Caoyin Village.

Looking back, you can consider throwing her to Tsunade for training.

As for Er Zhuzi's severe beatings in the future, without Xianglin's charging treasure, whether he can resist it or not is not his concern. Anyway, he has the aura of the protagonist, and the old man Liu Daoxian will stare secretly.

If it really doesn't work, as his stepfather, it's okay to take a proper rescue.

Then there are Liudaotos of Yinnin Village, and the sacrificial gold and Sac of the first and second generations of Hokage reincarnation.

I have to say that in order to forcibly increase the strength of the third Hokage, Orochimaru created the illusion that the third Hokage is the "strongest Hokage in history", which is really enough.

The strength that the dirty soil reincarnation can exert is related to the offerings.

The more powerful the ninja, the more so.

How much strength he could exert during his lifetime almost depends on the strength of the sacrifice.

Prepare two ninjas as sacrifices for the first and second generations, and use the immature dirty soil to reincarnate and resurrect.

No wonder it pulls hips so much.

And the two Hokages don't have a trace of combat IQ under complete control.

If it weren't for the reincarnation of the dirty soil, I'm afraid I don't know how many times I was killed by the old man of the third generation.

After Otonin is Sand Ninja, Gaara, Kankuro, and Temari three siblings, Qianye has already met, so there is nothing to care about.

In the end, only Konoha remained.

At this moment, Naruto and Er Zhuzi's seventh class had already walked in.

Remove the seventh class.The only ones who can be named are Akimichi Choji, Yamanaka Ino, Hyuga Neiji, Li Luoke, Tenten, Yume Shino, Inuzuka Kiba, Hinata Hinata, and Kabuki.

Among them, Hinata, the little loli Qianye looked at her twice more.

Think back to those two winter days.

When Qianye met this little lolita, a faint smile appeared on Qianye's face under the bandage.

Compared with the original book, although Hinata is still shy, Qianye can feel that she seems to be much stronger.

At least, not much weaker than Neji, who is also a member of the Hyuga clan.

It seemed that this little girl had really changed.

Perhaps it was because of her own intuition, Hinata noticed Qianye who was looking at her, and the moment Qianye withdrew her gaze, she turned her head to look over, an inexplicable throbbing flashed in her heart, and said suspiciously: "That Yu Why are you looking at me? I don't seem to know him."

Orochimaru and Dou also noticed Qianye's gaze.

as an old acquaintance.

The two recognized Qianye at a glance through their eyes, and they couldn't help looking at each other in astonishment, with a trace of solemnity in their eyes.

Orochimaru, disguised as Kusanagi, sat behind Qianye, with their backs facing each other.

"I didn't expect Qianye-kun to come here. I think this lady here should be Ms. Hakura, I don't know who this is" Orochimaru looked at Itachi from the corner of his eyes, different from the usual low and hoarse, his voice The voice was a bit sharp, but it was a woman's voice.

Qianye knew that Orochimaru had seized the body of a female ninja.He reckoned that this voice was the original voice of the female ninja.

Uchiha Itachi on the side naturally recognized Dod and Orochimaru, but he didn't reveal his thoughts, but lowered his head with his arms folded, so that Orochimaru couldn't tell.

Seeing this, Qianye also felt that there was no need to reveal it to Dashewan, so he just said indifferently: "It's just a new intern. The leader asked me to bring him here to see the world."

Qianye also changed his tone, becoming a little deeper.

"It's really interesting to be an intern." Suspicion flashed across Dashemaru's eyes, and he asked with great interest: "Then, Mr. Qianye, what are you planning to do when you come here specially to take this boring exam?"

"Didn't you also come to participate?" Qianye asked without answering.

"I came here to test whether Sasuke is qualified to be my container, presumably Qianye-kun will not violate the agreement." Orochimaru replied frankly, he knew that he couldn't hide it from Qianye.

As soon as these words were blurted out, Qianye's knowledgeable face clearly sensed Itachi's moving face, he pursed his lips and smiled, and said calmly: "It's up to you, as long as it doesn't hurt Renzhuriki's life."

While the two were talking in low voices, Naruto, who was the most restless in the examination room, couldn't bear the oppressive atmosphere in the room, raised his right hand above his head, pointed at everyone in the room, and yelled, "I am Naruto Uzumaki, I am the absolute I won't lose to you guys. Do you understand?"

As soon as these words came out, the huge examination room exploded in an instant.Everyone expressed hostility and ridicule towards Naruto.

Immediately afterwards, there was a bang on the podium in the examination room, and a cloud of smoke exploded.

A group of Konoha examiners headed by Morino Ibiki appeared on the stage.

The first round of the Chunin Exam officially begins.

The first round of exams is difficult and difficult, but easy and simple.

There are 9 very difficult competition questions. You can’t cheat in clumsy ways. You must cheat without the knowledge of the invigilators and third parties. There are 2 chunin who know the answers and are writing the correct answers. If you get caught 5 times, you will be eliminated. , To examine the criminal investigation ability of Xia Nin, or the basic ability, even if you don’t know how to copy, you can do it.

1 additional question, to test the team cohesion of Xia Ninja, those who don't give up can pass.

Including Uchiha Itachi, everyone in the field either copied or wrote it themselves.

Only Qianye, Ye Cang, and Naruto did not start writing.

Ye Cang was because Qianye had greeted her in advance, while Naruto simply knew nothing.

In the end, with the encouragement of Naruto's social bullshit, he faced the additional test of Morino Ibiki.

The first round of exams left a lot of people behind.

It's just that on the basis of the original number of passers: 26 groups - 78 people, there are three more people from Qianye.

"I am Mitarai Anko, the examiner of the second round of examinations. Come with me, juniors."

However, before everyone could be happy, a black package entered through the broken window outside the classroom, turned into a curtain and was fixed on the platform of the examination room.

Mitarai red beans appear in an extremely exaggerated way.

Everyone in the field looked at Mitarai Anko, feeling speechless for a while.

The same is true for Qianye.

It's just that he was not speechless for the way Hongdou appeared.

Instead, I feel speechless for the image of Hongdou.

Fluffy lavender short ear-length hair, tied into a loose ponytail, sweet and slightly middle-aged face, flesh-colored fishnet tights, showing a hot figure, and a beige windbreaker on the outside, looking very heroic.

Qianye didn't know how such a beautiful woman, who was rumored by bloggers, turned into a fat aunt.

ps: The fourth change, please recommend a ticket, ask for a monthly ticket

(End of this chapter)

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