On the night of the nine tails, I cut off Hu Yuzhibo Quan

Chapter 124 Bringing a Dutiful Son to Zhi Leng

Chapter 124 Bringing a Dutiful Son to Zhi Leng
It made him, a senior beauty lover, unable to arouse the slightest interest in her.

Not to mention trigger system options.

"Bo Renzhuan is not Hokage, Bo Renzhuan is not Hokage," Qianye shook his head vigorously, thinking silently.

Not long after, everyone came to the second examination room, Death Forest.

Because the dead forest needs to snatch scrolls from each other.

Fighting means that death will be born, so half an hour was given for the candidates to consider whether to sign the certificate of life and death.

Sitting on the boulder, Uchiha Itachi signed the word Acid Rain with his unfamiliar left hand, then glanced at Qianye in the distance, and said indifferently, "What kind of deal do you have with Orochimaru?"

Qianye casually signed the word shelter from the rain, controlled the pencil to rotate between his fingers, and joked: "Does this have anything to do with you? Why, are you worried that Orochimaru will be bad for your second pillar?"

"No, it doesn't matter to me what Sasuke does, but I have something to do with Orochimaru. If you don't make it clear, I seriously suspect that you are suspected of betraying the organization. You can tell the leader at any time." Uchiha Itachi stood up, coldly Staring at Qianye Qianye, the double-pupil three-gou jade quietly opened.

The crumpled life and death shape showed that he was not at peace at the moment.

"What, are you going to turn against me here? I should have told you that you don't have a second chance to attack me." Qianye narrowed his eyes slightly.

And Ye Cang saw the two men's swords were on the verge of breaking out, and immediately stood beside Qianye, joining him in the same camp.Stand by.

Hearing this, Uchiha Itachi didn't answer, but just opened the Sangouyu into a kaleidoscope state to show his attitude.

At this moment, a crisp voice approached from far away, "Hey, what are you guys doing? No private fighting is allowed before the exam begins."

Not far behind Itachi Uchiha, Kuroyuki slowly walked over.

Qianye was a little speechless. It seemed that his teacher, who had just been despised by the jockey, had passed the test list, and then recognized his disguise with foresight.

"It's nothing, it's just a joke between us." Qianye walked towards the red with a smile, and as he passed by Dai Xiaozi, he whispered: "The deal between me and Dashewan is that he provided me with four generations of Kazekage. Intelligence, the condition is that before Konoha’s collapse plan starts, I will not interfere with any of his actions. It’s that simple, believe it or not.”

While talking, Qianye walked towards Yuhihong.

Hearing this, Dai Xiaozi put away his Sharingan, turned his head to look at Xi Hihong, his eyes couldn't help but a touch of surprise, because he didn't expect that it would be Qianye's former teacher, Xi Hihong.

"You guy, you really don't make people worry." Xi Hihong complained in a low voice, and at the same time did not forget to pretend to warn loudly, "Be careful next time, and those two over there are too."

"I'm very sorry. Try to be more careful next time." Qianye scratched the back of his head, his face turned red, blinked his right eye, and apologized loudly.

"Then be careful. Among my few students, one of them is a girl from the Hyuga family. If their lives are in danger, you can help them secretly." Yuhihong said in a low voice.

"Don't worry, don't you trust me as your man?" Qianye responded with a voice that only the two of them could hear.

Even if the other party doesn't say anything, the child bride-in-law is not Xiao Hintian, once Xiao Hintian is in danger, how could he not help?

"Don't be an example." Yu Hihong gave Qianye an angry look, gave a warning in a symbolic voice, nodded, and turned to leave.

After Yuhihong left, Hakura came over, and she asked in surprise, "Master Qianye, do you know that female ninja?"

"Well, he is my teacher." Qianye nodded without denying it.

Ye Cang was stunned, and said to himself, no wonder Lord Qianye, who was always strong in the past, would choose to compromise today.

It seems that this Konoha Jominin occupies a rather high position in Master Qianye's heart.

Half an hour flew by.

Everyone handed in the life and death lottery one after another, and received their respective scrolls.

There are two types of scrolls, Sky Scrolls and Earth Scrolls.

The original test content was that there were 13 scrolls of heaven and 13 scrolls of earth, which were randomly assigned to 26 groups, and each group would pass if they got a pair of scrolls of heaven and earth and reached their destination through the forest of death within 5 days.

But because of the joining of Qianye and the others, there was an extra set of Sky Scrolls.

What Qianye and his group received was the extra days.

The examiner of the second examination room, Mitarashi Red Bean, saw that all 27 groups had arrived, nodded with satisfaction, and said loudly: "Not bad, it's kind of good, all 81 people from 42 groups have arrived, but don't be complacent about it, because the scrolls The number of pairs is only thirteen, that is to say, at least [-] of you will be eliminated, come on, trash."

After the voice fell, a total of 27 groups of examinees were led by the person in charge of the examination room, and were divided into various entrances and entered the forest of death.

As soon as he entered the death forest, Dai Xiaozi had the idea of ​​looking for Erzhuzi.

Seeing this, Qianye narrowed his eyes slightly, and reminded in a cold voice: "I know you want to find your stupid Ototo, but I need to remind you that the reason why you were able to easily defeat Dashewan last time was simply because Orochimaru that idiot has no defense against your Sharingan.

If you have a fight with Orochimaru, there will definitely be a big commotion. If you force him to reincarnate here with the dirt, you should understand the consequences.

In other words, unless the second pillar is on the verge of life and death, you can't make a move. "

Hearing this, Itachi glanced at Qianye lightly and disappeared in place.

"Lord Qianye, what shall we do next?" Ye Cang walked in front of Qianye.

"Don't worry about that guy." Qianye let go of his knowledge and sensed his surroundings. Except for their group, the whereabouts of 26 people in 78 groups could not be hidden.

"Go grab a scroll and come back." Qianye focused on Sasuke's team, Xianglin's team, and Hinata's team.

With the right hand seal, two shadow clones are separated.

One asked her to go to the direction of Xianglin, followed her secretly, and then at the right time, helped her to save Xianglin.

After all, he was looking for a successor for Tsunade, and Kaorin was much better than Sakura.

As for whether Sakura can worship Tsunade as a teacher in the future, it depends on her fortune.

The other team went to Hinata. Although the original work was safe and sound, it is still unknown whether there will be a butterfly effect due to his own intervention.

It doesn't hurt to send a shadow clone there.

As for Qianye himself, he and Ye Cang rushed to the direction of Erzhuzi, looked at Erzhuzi, watched Erzhuzi being beaten, and prevented Uchiha Itachi from doing things beyond the plan.

With his strong perception ability, it is too easy to find Er Zhuzi and the others.

If you meet another unlucky ghost on the way, just grab the scroll and grab it.

ps: The fifth change, please recommend a ticket, ask for a monthly ticket

(End of this chapter)

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