On the night of the nine tails, I cut off Hu Yuzhibo Quan

Chapter 125 The Beginning of the Third Danzo Disaster

Chapter 125 The Beginning of the Third Danzo Disaster

A corner of the dead forest.

Two heads protrude from behind the two big trees, a man and a woman, the man's black hair is tied into a strange broom head, the woman's blond hair is tied into a cute ponytail, her bangs cover the right half of her forehead, look They all look about twelve or thirteen years old.

The two carefully arranged the warning silk thread. Once an enemy approached, the bell hanging on the silk thread would ring.

They can also dodge for the first time.

Behind them was a fat boy of the same age as them, with a strange horned hairstyle.

Compared with the vigilance of the former two, the latter simply took out potato chips from his ninja bag and started to eat them.

They are the new generation Ikacho, Yamanaka Ino, Nara Shikamaru, and Akimichi Choji.

"What are you doing, Ding Ci." Seeing Ding Ci eating without the slightest precaution, Ino walked to his side and couldn't help complaining.

"Wait a minute, I'm hungry for some reason." Ding Ci grabbed the potato chips and stuffed them into his mouth.

"What did you say suddenly? It's less than 5 minutes before the exam starts." Ino said helplessly.

At this moment, the warning bells arranged around suddenly rang.

"Ino, hide." Shikamaru frowned, pulled Choji and hid in the bushes.Ino followed closely behind.

After a while, there was a sound of footsteps, and at the same time there was a clear and moving female voice, "Oh no, Mr. Hidden Rain, aren't you going to find that Uchiha boy?"

After the words fell, a man and a woman came over.

The man's body was covered with bandages, the woman's head was covered, and both of them were wearing Yuren forehead protectors. They were Qianye and Ye Cang in disguise.

"Shikamaru, they seem to be looking for Sasuke, were they the ones who triggered the alarm just now?" Ino asked softly.

"No, it's not." Shikamaru shook his head, frowned, and thought to himself, I really didn't expect it would be these two troublesome guys, something bad happened
As one of the few people in Naruto with an IQ over [-], before the second round of exams, Shikamaru naturally observed his opponent secretly.

In his heart, the three of Qianye and his party, the three of Sand Ninja Gaara, the three of Neji, and even the three of Otonin are extremely dangerous existences.

Especially Qianye and Gaara.

It just gave him a creepy feeling.

This kind of situation, he only experienced in those Junin.

Qianye glanced at the three people hiding in the bushes, pursed his lips, "It's still early, it's not too late to find a scroll first."

Ye Cang also noticed Zhuludie, and said with a light smile, "Master Cangyu, it seems that the scroll has already been found."

The three of them were shocked, cold sweat could not help but break out on their foreheads, Shikamaru secretly groaned, is it going to be over?

Suddenly, the three kunai shot out, accompanied by the sound of sharp blades cutting through the air.Qianye didn't even look at it, he caught it casually, and then threw it in the direction it came from.

ah.. ah.. ah.
Accompanied by continuous screams, three figures fell from the sky.Like the two of Qianye, they also wore Yuren forehead protectors.

"Three enemies were killed so easily." The three of Zhuludie became more and more terrified.

Ye Cang glanced at the three Urenin corpses, and said hesitantly, "Master Cangyu, it seems to be Urenin."

"It doesn't matter, since you are so blind and dare to attack us, you deserve it if you die."

Qianye shook his head indifferently, raised his hand and sucked it, and the scroll in one of the corpses' backpacks was sucked out.

There is a word 'Heaven' printed on the scroll, which is actually the same as Qianye's and their scrolls, they are scrolls of heaven.

"Is it the same Sky Scroll, but it doesn't matter." Ye Cang glanced at the scroll in Qianye's hand, and the ninja's instinct to complete the task made her walk towards the three of them.

Seeing Ye Cang slowly approaching like a god of death, the hearts of Zhuludie and the three of them rose to their throats at this moment.

Just when Ye Cang was about to make a move, Qianye suddenly stopped her, "Forget it, anyway, there are plenty of scrolls, for the sake of that fat clansman, let them have a yard."

After finishing speaking, Qianye took a deep look in the direction of Zhuludie and the three of them before disappearing into the jungle.

Ye Cang followed closely behind.

After Qianye and Ye Cang left, Zhuludie crawled out from the bushes, panting heavily.

"I was scared to death. I almost thought it was over." Ding Ci grabbed a handful of potato chips and stuffed them into his mouth to soothe his injured young heart.

"You guy, what time is it, you still eat." Ino kicked Choji angrily, turned his gaze to Shikamaru, and sighed: "Shikamaru, by the way, what kind of monster is that bandaged man just now? Is it a ninja? Fortunately, we have not been found, otherwise it will be miserable."

"How could it not have been discovered?" Shikamaru clicked his tongue softly, recalling Qianye's words in his mind, suddenly startled, looked at Dingji, and asked suddenly: "Dingji, does anyone in your clan know Yuren? "

Ding Ci scratched the back of his head, thought for a moment, and replied: "Probably not, none of our clansmen have had contact with Yuren at all."

"Then what did he mean by what he said just now?" Shikamaru was very puzzled.

It didn't take long. After Zhuludie passed away, under Qianye's deliberate decision, the other three of Konoha's Twelve Little Powers were Hinata Ningji, Li Luoke, and Tiantian.Found him and Ye Cang.

The three of them stood at the top of the tree trunk, looked down at the two below, played with the kunai in their hands every day, and said with great interest: "Ningci, it seems that I met two people who are alone, I am really careless, to appear so ostentatiously." in front of us."

Li Luoke turned his head to look at Ning Ci, "Do you want to do it?"

Ning Ci frowned, "Don't worry, there is still one person who hasn't shown up, and it is very likely that he is hiding in a dark place, waiting for me to investigate."

Roll your eyes!

Ning Ci made seals with his hands, his pure white eyes froze suddenly, and hideous and terrifying lines appeared on both sides of his cheeks near the eye sockets.

Ning Ci inspected the next four weeks and found that there was no third person besides Qianye and the two, so he turned his attention back to the two of them.

In the next second, the whole person was stunned for an instant, and large beads of sweat emerged from the temples.

"Run away." Without the slightest hesitation, Ning Ci took Li Luoke and Tiantian to escape into the distance.

"Ningci, what's the matter with you?" Rock Li also moved, asking puzzledly.

"Yeah, Ning Ci, with your strength, those two people shouldn't be your opponents." Tian Tian, ​​who had always been very confident in Ning Ci's strength, asked puzzled.

"Stop talking nonsense. Run fast or you'll die." Ning Ci frowned, quickened his pace, and shouted loudly.

White eyes can clearly see the flow of chakra in the human body.

In the original book, Neji relied on this to see that Kisame, who was in the double state of the elephant turning technique, possessed an unusually large chakra.

And today, he also saw an extremely huge Chakra on Qianye and Yuren who were played by Ye Cang.

Especially the chakra contained in Qianye's body has far exceeded his cognition.

He's sure that these two people are definitely not forbearance.

ps: First update, please recommend a ticket, ask for a monthly ticket
(End of this chapter)

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