On the night of the nine tails, I cut off Hu Yuzhibo Quan

Chapter 156 Xia, This Is Your Uncle Ziraiya

Chapter 156 Qianxia, ​​This Is Your Uncle Jiraiya

"Of course, my daughter is four years old." Tsunade raised the pure gold ring in his hand, without denying it.

Kacha——, suddenly, there was a heartbreaking sound in the air.Jiraiya's eyes were bloodshot, and he asked Tsunade frantically, "Who is that bastard?"

Tsunade cast a dangerous gaze, "Huh? What did you say?"

Meeting Tsunade's gaze, Jiraiya immediately changed his face, and said with a dry smile, "I want to tell you who is so honored to be able to marry you, the number one beauty in the ninja world."

"I thought you were going to say which bastard married me." Tsunade sighed softly, and said, "But you don't need to know the identity of my husband. He is just an ordinary businessman who does business all the year round. I don't want to marry him." The right and wrong that got him involved in the ninja world."

"You came all the way to find me, it's not just to reminisce about the past, come in with me."

While talking, Tsunade walked to the other courtyard.

"A wealthy businessman, I never expected that I would lose to an ordinary person." Hearing Tsunade's words, Jiraiya had a self-deprecating smile on his face, and sighed helplessly. The coming Naruto forgot about it and followed inside.

Not long after they entered, Naruto opened up the ruins in a daze, with question marks on his face, he didn't know what happened from the beginning to the end.

A while later, Jirai also followed Tsunade to the courtyard.

At this time, under Jing Yin's order, Xiang Lin's mother had already prepared tea, and the two sat down in the gazebo.

As for Shizune himself, he was used to going out to find someone to clean up the destroyed streets.

"Red hair, is this Uzumaki tribe?" Jiraiya looked at Xiang Rin's mother with some surprise, excluding hair color and face, her figure was not much worse than Tsunade's.

"Yes, Master Ziraiya." Xianglin's mother replied respectfully, and returned to the house with the tea tray.

Tsunade hugged his daughter into his arms, and introduced from the side: "Her name is Xiangyue, and her daughter Xiang Rin is a member of the Uzumaki tribe who lived in the country of grass. Eat flesh and blood, absorb their chakra to recover from injuries.

Not long ago, my man felt sorry for them and they were my distant relatives, so he rescued them through his relationship. Now her daughter Xianglin is my disciple. "

"Perhaps this is the cruelty of the ninja world. Once you lose your home and shelter, you will inevitably suffer this kind of ending."

Jilai also felt emotional, looking at Tsunade sitting across from him, and the cute and lovely Qianxia in Tsunade's arms, he felt sore in his heart, and couldn't be happy no matter what, he asked with a wry smile: "But your daughter She really looks like you, as cute as you were when you were a child. What's her name?"

"Of course." Tsunade stroked Qianxia's head, with a happy smile on his face, and introduced: "Her name is Qianxia, ​​Senshou's Chi, Xia Xia, Qianxia, ​​this is what I often tell you about her. Come on, quickly call Uncle Zi Lai Ye."

"Hello, Uncle Zilaiye." In front of outsiders, Qianxia was still very obedient, seeing that it was indeed her mother's acquaintance, she greeted Zilaiye very politely.

The ethereal voice is very pleasant, and it makes people feel that the soul has been washed.

However, to Ji Laiye's ears, it was like a steel needle piercing his heart, not to mention how sour it tasted.

"Uh, hello, little girl." Ji Lai also forced a smile and spoke out with difficulty.

"Qianxia, ​​you go back to the house first. Uncle Jiraiya and I have something to talk about." Tsunade sent his daughter away, took a sip of his teacup, and asked straight to the point: "Okay, let's talk, what are you talking about?" You've tried your best to find me here, what's the matter? It's impossible to come to me to talk about old times."

"Let me be blunt, Tsunade, the village wants you to go back and inherit the Fifth Hokage." Jiraiya tightened his grip on the teacup.

"Why, is it possible that the old man died?" Tsunade's expression was a little complicated. After all, it was his teacher. Although he knew that Sarutobi Hiruzen had done a lot of stupid things, if he really heard the news of his death, it would inevitably be a little complicated. of.

"No, that's not the case, but the matter is more serious than this." Jiraiya's expression froze, "Oshemaru, he's back in the village. He seems to be planning something."

"That's it?" Tsunade looked disbelieving, "According to your strength, it shouldn't be difficult to stop him. Besides, although the old man is old, he won't be scared to abdicate just by a mere Orochimaru." Bar."

"Of course. It's more than that." Jiraiya said with a solemn expression: "You must have heard of Fujiwara Qianya, right?"

"Is that the young man who wiped out the old man and that old guy's family in Danzo?" Tsunade was startled, looking away from Jiraiya, and asked knowingly.

Jiraiya said sternly: "That's him. He also came back and joined a mysterious organization composed of all S-rank rebels. Orochimaru was also a member of this organization."

"Although we still don't know what the purpose of that organization is, but for some reason, Fujiwara Qianye himself can be said to hate the old man deeply."

"Some time ago, Konoha and Sand Ninja held a joint Chunin exam. He pretended to be an examinee and sneaked into Konoha. It can be said that he made the village crazy."

"Not only did Kakashi, Maitekai, Asma and other Junin suffer severely, but also..."

Speaking of this, Jiraiya recalled the hot eye scene that day in his mind, and his old face couldn't help but blush.

"What else?" Tsunade's eyes flashed curiosity.

Although Qianye promised not to do anything that would damage Konoha.

But she wanted to know what happened to that guy.

He was able to force the old man of the third generation to abdicate.

"This, it's probably a little inconvenient." Jilai also fiddled with her index finger like a shy little girl, unexpectedly becoming shy.

"If you don't want to talk about it, please go back if you don't. Don't mention the Fifth Hokage matter to me again." Tsunade said impatiently.

"This is really inconvenient." Zilai also blushed.

Tsunade ignored Ziraiya, got up and walked out of the pavilion, "Xiangyue, see off the guests."

"Wait, let me tell you." Seeing this, Ji Lai also hurriedly stopped him.

"It's not too long ago." Tsunade sat back in his original position, with a wicked smile on his face.

Jiraiya took a deep breath, "The thing is like this."

While talking, Jiraiya also told about the carnival of Sarutobi Hiruza, Zanju Koharu, Mitomon Yan, and Shimura Danzo.

The fragrant shoulders trembled slightly, and with a puff, one couldn't hold back, Tsunade lay on the stone table, slammed the table, and laughed, "Hahaha, those four old guys, and that Danzo who is known for his insidiousness actually haha Haha. Stupid? They."

ps: The second change, please recommend a ticket, ask for a monthly ticket

(End of this chapter)

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