Chapter 157 The Forgotten Naruto
In the end, Tsunade laughed so hard that tears fell from his eyes.

At the same time, she finally understood why Jiraiya came to invite her to be Hokage so much earlier than expected.

The four old fellows of Emotional Konoha have been spoiled by their little man.

"Then what's your answer? Tsunade!" Jiraiya twitched the corner of his mouth fiercely, asking the question he was most concerned about.

"Interesting. Hmm. Quite interesting. I can't wait to go back to the village to see the jokes of those four old guys. It's ok. I will be this Hokage." Tsunade wiped his tears, folded his arms, and said that he had already prepared good answer.

"Tsunade, don't be so anxious to refuse. This time I also brought a very interesting guy. I believe you must have met him. Wait, what did you just say?"

Tsunade's answer was obviously beyond Jiraiya's expectations. He thought that after the incident between Nawaki and Kato, Tsunade would refuse.

"I said.. I.. answered.. yes." Tsunade showed a confident smile on his face, his red lips parted slightly, and he paused every word.

"Why did you suddenly agree so readily? Also, don't you need to discuss this matter with your husband?" Ji Laiya felt a strong sense of unreality in his heart, and couldn't help asking.

"What's so strange about this? Konoha was the village founded by my grandfather, and now those old guys have made it into this situation. As a granddaughter, I go back and clean up the mess. Is there a problem? As for my little man, there is me It's too late for him to be happy that the future Fifth Hokage will be his wife."

Tsunade spread her hands, she wouldn't say that it was because of her little man that she changed her mind.

"Little man." A bitter smile appeared on Jiraiya's face, and he thought to himself, it seems that Tsunade is an old cow eating young grass, but he doesn't know which one is cheaper.

"Well, without further ado, when do you plan to leave, Konoha is at its weakest now, we must return as soon as possible."

"I can do it at any time, just leave a letter to my little man later, but then again, you said you brought an interesting guy just now? Where is he?" Tsunade looked at Jiraiya with great interest.

Hearing this, Jiraiya just reacted, his eyes widened, and he looked around. At this moment, there was nowhere for Naruto.

Before the relationship, the two were buried under the ruins together, because when he learned that Tsunade was married, he completely forgot about Naruto.

Leaf Village.

At this point, it was already sunset time.

But the whole Muye Village exudes a strange aura.

After more than half a month ago, Qianye and Orochimaru appeared one after another, Konoha F4 was plotted by others, carnival in Naruto's office under the eyes of everyone, Danzo's right arm was transplanted with Sharingan and the first generation cells were exposed, Konoha began to fall into unprecedented turmoil period.

A crisis is inevitable.

At this moment, on the dome of a huge building somewhere, Orochimaru folded his arms and leaned against the stone pillar.

On his side, there is a pharmacist wearing a Konoha forehead and kneeling on one knee.

With a dangerous smile on Dou's face, he pushed his reflective glasses, and said with a smile: "Master Orochimaru, Master Jiraiya has already found Master Tsunade in Banban Street, they set off four days ago, and they are now going to Ye rushed over, no accidents, according to their current speed, they will arrive in a few days.

By then, your plans for Konoha's collapse are almost at an end. "

"It's really unexpected. After going through such a thing, Tsunade would agree to come back and take over this mess." Orochimaru said lightly with the golden pupils flickering.

Dou continued: "There is another piece of information that you may be more interested in. It seems that Tsunade-sama is married and gave birth to a daughter."

"Oh?" There was a hint of surprise in Orochimaru's eyes, and he said gloatingly: "That would be interesting, someone can subdue that woman, and Jiraiya, that idiot is probably going to die of grief now."

"Forget it, these are not important anymore. In the end, it was only a week earlier than the original plan. It's really boring."

After finishing speaking, Orochimaru looked at the opposite roof.There stood a long pole.A huge windmill rests on a long pole.

A breeze blew, and the windmill slowly began to rotate.

Orochimaru said with a sinister smile in his heart: Konoha, the windmill, is finally about to start turning.

Konoha Hospital.

The doctor is checking the physical conditions of Maitekai, Morino Ibiki, and Moonlight Hayate.

Among the five people who fought with Qianye, Kakashi was the least injured, and Sarutobi Asma, who was tortured in the torture room, was the most injured. Although Morino Ibiki and Asma suffered the same pain.

However, since the torture room assimilates the damage in the form of spirit, and everything is normal physically, the damage suffered by Morino Ibiki was not as great as imagined.

After only being in a coma for more than half a month, he woke up.

As for Sarutobi Asma, he is still lying on the hospital bed, unconscious and has not recovered.

"Your injuries have recovered very well, and you have not suffered fatal injuries at all. It is a blessing among misfortunes. I will arrange for someone to come over and remove the stitches later. You can be discharged from the hospital tomorrow morning, but be careful not to touch the wound, otherwise Wounds that are hard to heal will open."

The doctor gave instructions to the three of them, turned around and walked out of the ward.

"It seems that we have finally caught up. Yibixi and Haifeng." Maitekai said.

"Cough" Moonlight Hayate coughed lightly, and replied, "Yes, tomorrow is the official Chunin exam. I really didn't expect that Hokage-sama would agree to Sand Ninja's request to start the competition early."

Morinoi Hiki nodded in deep agreement, and sighed: "I always feel that this Chunin exam is not that simple, first Orochimaru, then Fujiwara Chiya, and then Sand Yin, it seems that it reveals from the beginning to the end. The smell of conspiracy."

"Well, I think it might have something to do with the death of Sando Special Jōnin who replaced Hayate to track down the Otonin spies some time ago."

Kakashi's voice suddenly sounded outside the ward, and then the door of the room was pushed open, and Kakashi, who was wearing a Konoha ninja green vest, walked in.

"Kakashi?" Maitekai, Morino Ibiki, and Moonlight Hayate looked at Kakashi at the same time.

"Hey, everyone is recovering well." Kakashi raised his hand and greeted everyone.

"Aren't you teaching that boy from the Uchiha family?" Maitekai asked with some doubts.

"I left a shadow over there to watch. My arm has just recovered, so I came here for a follow-up visit. By the way, I'll see how you guys are doing."

Kakashi raised his fully recovered right hand, looked around, and found that Asma was not in sight, and couldn't help asking: "Why, hasn't Asma recovered yet?"

ps: In the third update, some people may think these chapters are boring, but this chapter is still a broken chapter.

But this is just excessive, so stay tuned for the next one.

(End of this chapter)

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