Start operation Batman

Chapter 302 Vientiane Tianyin?

Chapter 302 Vientiane Tianyin?

Saint felt like he was going crazy.

There was another series of bang bang bang bang sound, that was the sound of the bracelet's energy stimulating the explosion.But of course, without any surprise, these fists carrying astonishing energy all landed on the shield again.After a few punches, the saint's offensive rhythm involuntarily slowed down again.
Well it wasn't his intention.In fact, the saint knew in his heart that this rhythm could not be slowed down, and if he showed a little weakness, the opponent would push his nose again.But he couldn't stand it anymore because his hands hurt.
Ever since he was bestowed by the gods, this pair of weird bracelets has endowed him with unimaginable power in the past. Up to now, he has hardly encountered anything that he can't wear. The thing shook so much that my hand felt like it was going to be useless, and it was nonsense to think about it.

The pain in his hands was spreading, and his body was tired after bursting out for a long time, so he couldn't help but weakened.Then, as he hadn't expected, Captain America peeked out from behind the shield again.

Ok?Can't move?That's my turn.

In a second, the US team suddenly turned from defense to offense, picked up the shield and struck across like a knife.

The saint growled inwardly.

You see, you see, it's coming again, and it's coming again!Just like Nima's idiot!
But there was nothing he could do.He has already discovered that this damned shield looks like a pot cover, but it is unreasonable. Under Captain America's strong swing, there is a faint sound of wind, and it is unstoppable. She flinched and tried to hide from the bottom of the shield.

Just as he was about to get out from the bottom of the shield, unexpectedly Captain America's sandbag-sized fist was already waiting underneath.

The saint was taken aback, and before he had time to think about it, he waved his fist and greeted him.The energy of his bracelet was stimulated, his fist power increased, and he was ready to fight recklessly with brute force.

However, he never expected that the US team had no intention of fighting with him at all.The US team just made a fake punch to trick him into making a move, but in fact, he didn't make a fist at all, but directly blocked it with a well-prepared horizontal shield.

The saint had even eaten this shield before, and when he saw the opponent's fake move, he realized that something was wrong, and cursed this guy from the bottom of his heart, not to mention insidious and cunning.He was tricked into punching by a feint, and when he saw the shield approaching, he hurriedly wanted to shrink back, but how could he retract his fist after it had been blasted out?

Perfect shield!

There was a dull explosion, and the saint's punch that poured all his energy hit the shield again with a bang.

With just the actual resistance, the rebound mechanism was triggered, and the overwhelming energy rolled back, and all of it bombarded the saint himself.The saint's eyes went dark, and he felt as if his body was going to split apart. It was as if thousands of bees were buzzing endlessly in his ears, and his eyes were spinning.

The saint only stepped back instinctively, only thinking about keeping a distance from the enemy no matter what, to gain time for recovery.

But Chu Cheng had already seen through his actions, and immediately manipulated the US team to throw the shield, and used the signature of the US team's signature flying shield technique.

The Zhenjin Shield was so light that it almost seemed to have no mass. It shot out of the air like a dart, carrying the strange strength of Captain America, and hit the Saint's chest with a heavy blow.

The blow knocked the saint back again, but the shield bounced back as if spiritually.As if the US team had predicted the trajectory of the flying shield, it had already jumped up and jumped ahead of time, using the one-legged whirlwind, one of the most powerful moves in the fighting skills, to spin 360 degrees on the spot, and the boots turned around and kicked on the ground. On the shield that bounced back along the same path.

The shield ate up the doubling strength, turned around again and hit the saint's forehead hard, causing his face to be covered in blood.At the same time, Captain America slid forward, caught the shield that rebounded again with a long arm, raised it high, and smashed the saint's head hard for the third time with the edge of the shield.

The US team's anti-physical shield defense can absorb kinetic energy, but the offense has a gain BUFF.In the Avengers movie, there was also a combo technique in which Iron Man's recoil energy beam used the vibrating gold shield to reflect, and Thor hit the shield with a hammer to release divine power, which shows its effectiveness.

Of course, the most outstanding thing is that when Captain America hits people with it, as long as he uses it properly, the blessing of the shield can make him burst into an amazing effect that is countless times more significant than his own strengthening of the arm.In the civil war, even Iron Man's armor, which was upgraded to the 46th generation, was smashed open by him with his shield.

After enduring three consecutive shield blows like this, the saint's head exploded on the spot, and he died suddenly on the spot.

Captain America stood up with the shield in hand, and quickly saw that Hawkeye and Widow Sister were more than enough to deal with the rest of the miscellaneous soldiers.The saint's fall seemed to have had a significant impact on those fighters. Many people looked over in shock, and were quickly taken down by the duo while distracted.

Captain America quickly looked at the shadow in the darkness high above.

It stands to reason that that should be the BOSS, which is what they call the "God Lord".Chu Cheng originally thought that the killer of his important subordinate might be blocked by the opponent, but he was still a little defensive in his heart, but he didn't expect that this person was watching the show all the time, as if he didn't notice.

What does this mean?
And judging from previous information, there should be more than one saint.The other saints did not show up after they made such a big commotion, and they may all be out busy and not at home for the time being.

At this time, the black shadow didn't stand up until the saint fell down.The dark green light in the pair of eyes flickered, revealing a dangerous signal.

Chu Cheng was also alert all the way, and even before the danger warning sign appeared on the screen, he had already pressed the defense button in anticipation.

Captain America still has a good defense as a hero, and it is also a good choice to test the depth of unknown enemies.After all, Zhenjindun can resist most of the attacks, and even if he can't win, it's convenient for him to test the opponent's ability to figure out the way, and after getting some details, he can switch to a stronger hero for targeted attacks.

But I didn't expect that the vibrating golden shield, which was always going to be unfavorable, seemed to be useless this time.

Chu Cheng was quite sure that he had pressed the defense button, and the US team had already entered a defensive posture and protected the main vitals with a shield.But in the next moment, Captain America flew up from the ground uncontrollably, flying towards the shadow like a flying arrow with a shield attached.

Chu Cheng was secretly taken aback.

what is this?Vientiane Tianyin?

The counterattack logo jumped out of the screen in an instant, even in the slow motion of the American team's perspective, it was still only a moment.But Chu Cheng's hands were extremely fast, he seized the opportunity, and immediately tapped the defense button again.

The moment Captain America was sucked in front of that person, he immediately raised his shield, protecting his head and face dangerously.The next moment, a huge fist had already slammed into the shield, and a ball of transparent energy exploded. Captain America was blasted out with the shield again, and shot obliquely on the ground. With a muffled grunt, his back hit the ground with shallow pit.

Captain America lay down on the ground, and when he looked up, he saw that the man had chased him down from the shadows.

It was a human-like creature, with a human-like torso and limbs, but its proportions were extremely uncoordinated.He has those stunning green eyes, but he has no other facial features, and his gaze is coldly locked on Captain America.

He flew down and stepped on Captain America's face.Captain America rolled over just in time, and the foot fell to the ground almost touching his cheek, causing the foundation to tremble.

Captain America rolled on the spot and wanted to get up, but before he got up, he felt his body was captured by that invisible force again.It was another Wanxiang Tianyin, and the US team was directly dragged over. He raised his shield in mid-air with difficulty to block it, and then punched the shield again, and the strange energy and force blasted him out.

Seeing the American team rolling in embarrassment in the screen, Chu Cheng narrowed his eyes.

"It looks like Captain Rogers can't handle this foe, sir," said Friday.

"Yes, it seems so." Chu Cheng said.

But it is not surprising.Captain America was originally the vanguard to test the enemy, and he didn't expect to win the boss with the US team.

"It's a good thing we brought heavy firepower," he said.

Blowing Captain America away with a punch, the man calmed down and walked unhurriedly in the direction that Captain America flew out, with a posture of everything under control, as if he had the demeanor of a strong man.

After walking two steps, he seemed to sense the turbulent wind from behind.

But this person obviously didn't take it very seriously.He stopped in his tracks, and only raised one palm very stylishly in the direction of the wind, and even held the other hand calmly behind his back.

It was as if he was silently saying with his movements that I only need one hand to resist everything.


A group of high-speed flying afterimages hit his open palm head-on, directly destroying his pretentious appearance, and blasted him out in a very indecent posture, and he was as embarrassed as Captain America. Rolled on the ground.

That's a hammer.

(End of this chapter)

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