Chapter 303
The green-eyed weirdo took a blow head-on, and was hit so that he rolled in the air and fell to the ground. After rolling twice, he got up and glared in that direction.

The soldiers around who noticed this scene couldn't help but look sideways, showing surprised expressions.

The great and almighty God Lord actually... the dog gnawed mud?

Shouldn't the God Lord be invincible?

As soon as the blow hit, the hammer stopped immediately, and flew back backwards, flying back into an open hand.Thor, the god of thunder, strode into the hall, and the hammer turned into an afterimage in his hand, like a windmill. Behind him, a fiery red cloak fluttered with the airflow lifted by the war hammer.

"I am the god of thunder, the son of Odin, the god Wittor!" He shouted aggressively, "Who is here!?"

Chu Cheng: "."

Well, it fits Thor's style of speech very well.Although it is not obvious in the movie, the original Litol speaks in a retro sentence pattern. When reading his dialog box in the comics, it is also accompanied by erratic fonts, which makes it look old when reading.

The weird man stood up and looked at him with a somewhat puzzled expression.The power of that flying hammer is really not small, obviously he didn't expect to encounter such a stubble.

He stood up, and said in the same dark voice: "I am a glorious envoy, the vanguard chosen by the almighty and wise god. The day the god descends will be the time when you will be judged."

Sure enough, this person is indeed an alien visitor, but he is not the so-called ancient god they are guarding against day and night, but a subordinate of the god, a pioneer.

The core of descent is the key to summoning the gods to descend, so he came here for this.

But at this moment, Chu Cheng didn't summon Ant-Man and didn't turn on the translation function, but the other party could understand when he spoke.Either the other party had prepared in advance for this trip to the Pole Star and specially learned the human language, or the other party also had translation abilities similar to Ant-Man.

"Oh, there is the god Wittor here, you are delusional!"

With another grotesque rebuke, Thor pointed upward with his warhammer, and the hammer flew out of the ground, dragging his whole body, and smashed his head and face at the envoy with the hammer.

The envoy had eaten that hammer before, and didn't want to face it head-on, so he planned to retreat and dodge, but found that the hammer's power was quite frightening.

Although Brother Hammer is specialized in melee combat, he is a hero on the magic side after all, not just relying on brute force like Hulk.His seemingly straight-forward hammer actually contained the unparalleled power of Thor. When the war hammer was lifted, the divine power had been activated by itself, and an invisible storm rolled up. The blue lightning was entrained in the turbulent cyclone and fell from the hammer.

In the eyes of the enemy, that hammer seems to contain the whole world, like a dark cloud that seems to be pressed down by itself.The strong wind made it almost impossible to breathe, and the lightning occupied the entire field of vision. Under such momentum, he was like a drop in the ocean surrounded by heaven and earth, and it was impossible to escape.

The angel took two steps back and found it difficult to get out of the way, so he could only squint his eyes and block it with his palm.

But the strength he imparted to the saints is extraordinary, and he himself is certainly not weak.A certain kind of energy completely different from Thor's power was stimulated from the envoy's body, and collided head-on with the thunder and whirlwind. The shock wave caused the ground to crack rapidly, and the dome was on the verge of collapsing.

This blow made many soldiers look sideways.

This lunatic wielding a hammer is actually on par with their great divine master?

how can that be! ?
In fact, this is still unclear from the perspective of a bystander. Only the envoy who is the person involved can know it more clearly, and it is not at all comparable.

After fighting for just one round, half of his arms felt like they were going to be scrapped, and the soles of his feet obviously plowed a half-meter deep hole in the ground.

The envoy slid half a meter back, staring at Thor in front of him with wide eyes in astonishment.

Is there such a terrifying creature already existing on the Earth's Pole Star?

Is this also the power bestowed by God?No, it felt distinctly different, a power completely different from the god he was loyal to.

But if it wasn't for God's gift, how could there be such terrifying power in this planet... no, in this entire star world?

It simply subverted the cognition of the envoy of God.

Brother Hammer would not give him a chance to think too much, he gained the upper hand and took a step, followed by another hammer.

Compared with the striking moves of the American team, Brother Hammer doesn't seem to know much about fighting and fighting. His movements are wide open and he is completely using brute force to fight randomly.

But thinking about Thor, the god of thunder, was born in Asgard, a well-known fighting nation in the universe—and a fighting nation that prefers cold weapons. He is also the son of a god king. He has the best teacher and the most first-class education since he was a child. They are all the essence of Asgard's most exquisite combat skills, so how can they lack brilliant tactics and exquisite moves?

Moreover, it is rumored that he lay in Odin's arms when he was a baby, and followed the god king to charge into battle. He fought against all gods, giants and giant monsters.

That seemingly clumsy hammer is actually extremely powerful, the power of Thunder God is integrated into the skill of the move, every time the hammer goes down, it covers all directions around the enemy's body, making it difficult for the opponent to dodge.

The envoy had no choice but to take another hammer.

The two majestic energies collided again, and it was like a muffled thunder exploding in the hall.The impact swept across, and the miscellaneous soldiers who were closer were affected and died suddenly on the spot, and everyone around was terrified when they saw it.

The god envoy thought that he could no longer touch head-on like this, gritted his teeth and tried to take a risky attack, trying to get in front of Thor and grab his throat.But Lei Shen didn't care about it, as if he didn't see it, he took another blow on his own.

It still looked like an unremarkable swing, just like a [-]-year-old decorator knocking nails one by one.But just with such a casual wave, the angel's movement stopped involuntarily, and the thunder and lightning came on his face again, covering his whole body, seeing Brother Hammer's seemingly defenseless throat was a millimeter away. They can no longer attack.

The envoy gritted his teeth and had no choice but to give up the attack. He folded his arms in front of him, pouring all his energy into resisting the hammer.

A hammer was accompanied by five thunderbolts, and the lightning shot up from the place where the envoy was, and the entire dome collapsed. The scene was like a judgment of the gods.

Even the most trusted people in the organization couldn't help being a little dumbfounded seeing this scene, and couldn't help but start to shake——

——Is our boss a god or the opposite is a god?

Is there any possibility that we may be on the wrong team?

God makes the mind very fast.He had already received this hammer very reluctantly, and the thunder and lightning pierced through his whole body, making him feel as if his whole body was about to be crushed.

He clearly knew that another hammer would definitely be useless, and he definitely couldn't take it hard, so he simply lifted his feet off the ground, flew backwards with the power of Thor's hammer, and opened a long distance in the blink of an eye.

Before he could stand still, he raised his right hand and made a pull gesture.Chu Cheng recognized at a glance that this was the trick he had used when he operated the US team before, the ability similar to "Wanxiang Tianyin".

However, although the American team is irresistible, Brother Hammer is not just a super soldier.When the envoy pulled it, Brother Hammer didn't move at all, only the cloak behind him fluttered in the direction he pulled.

The envoy was horrified again in his heart, and found that this person's concentration was so strong, and his invincible traction energy was deflated for the first time.

Unwilling to give up, he increased his strength and pulled with all his might.

Unexpectedly, this pull did not bring Brother Hammer, but a big baby.

Brother Hammer stood still on the spot under his guidance, but Chu Cheng aimed and fired at the speed of light, and Brother Hammer immediately let go of Thor's Hammer.

The throwing flight of Thor's Hammer is already extremely fast, but now it is more than twice as fast as usual in the direction of the opponent's pulling. There is a thunderbolt snake on the hammer, and when it breaks through the air, it draws a blue line in midair. long trail.

The envoy of God found this big baby pulled back, was startled and tried to block it, but it was already too late.The hammer dragged the lightning and headshot him head-on, and with a thunderclap, the envoy flew horizontally, crashing through layers of walls and flying directly outside the building.

(End of this chapter)

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