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Chapter 306 The Aliens Are Coming

Chapter 306 The Aliens Are Coming

Chu Cheng wiped out the base of the God Envoy organization, finished the work, and temporarily assigned the Avengers to their respective positions, while he temporarily got off the line from the powerful high-level heroes.

Then he asked Friday to continue his previously delayed schedule, taking turns to go online among the C-level heroes in each city, and deal with affairs and side quests that the AI ​​in each place could not handle by itself.

Now this is considered his rest time.Chu Cheng's physical fitness has improved by leaps and bounds after spending so long in this game. Up to now, the consumption of operating a C-level hero has been basically negligible, and the recovery of physical fitness has caught up with the consumption.

So this landing on a C-level hero is already a way for him to slow down and adjust his rest.

And of course equipment customization.

The equipment editor in the technology module is also a magic tool to kill time. After soaking in it for a little while and slipping away all night, it is also his recovery period.

With his current physical strength, sleep is no longer necessary. Physiologically, there is no need to supplement and recover through sleep, but he may be easily tired mentally after working too long.So for the time being, he still sleeps once every two days, no more than three hours at a time.

He also only needs this level of sleep to ensure that he will be refreshed after waking up, and he can devote himself to the next day's battle again.

The organization of the God Envoy has no leader, and it is being exposed bit by bit from all over the world.But the general branch only needs the AI ​​to host and hang up the hero. Anyway, there is no complicated process to rush in and fight, and the difficulty of the battle is not too high. It doesn't need Chu Cheng to do it himself.

While he was resting on his side, his on-hook heroes were cooperating with nine departments in various places to carry out the encirclement and suppression work.

The envoy's whereabouts are temporarily unknown, but in the final analysis, his goal is to descend to the core.If he is optimistic about the core, it will be difficult for him to act rashly. After that, he will step up the improvement of the defense network in various places, and it is only a matter of time before he is found.

This time, Chu Cheng was adjusting the weapon called "Sonic Bomb", which he had discovered in the technology module a long time ago and was somewhat interested in.

The weapon designed by Stark appeared as the Aegis equipment in the "Marvel Avengers" game, but it was hijacked by terrorists as soon as it appeared at the beginning, and it almost detonated in the city center and caused a big basket.

Then this Stark may still be in the same line as the master next door in many aspects.Some technology projects and the like perform well when they are in their own hands, but once they are stolen and hijacked into the hands of the villain, they suddenly become unbearable.

This sonic bomb is one of them.According to Stark's description, the explosion range is more than ten kilometers, and it can liquefy almost all substances within the reach.

So as soon as he finished describing his teammates, he looked at his Iron Man armor with strange eyes, and put on a strange expression of "So you use this thing to fight from the beginning.JPG".

Well, Chu Cheng didn't understand how such a perverted weapon came about, and it sounded very unscientific.But fortunately, he doesn't need to know how to do it, as long as his scientific research think tank knows.

But this time, it felt like he had just started for a while, and Friday interrupted him with a serious voice: "Sir!"

"Huh? So fast?" Chu Cheng was surprised, "I'm pretty sure it hasn't been long this time, right?"

"No sir, the time has not yet come, but there is an emergency."

Speaking on Friday, he opened his snow-white palm, and a radar-like image was released from his palm.The polar star and a small dot on its orbit were marked in the center—Chu Cheng quickly recognized that it was their watchtower, which was also the outpost for the deep-space detection of the polar star.

And just in front of the radar screen, a striking red dot is approaching.

Chu Cheng's heart was shocked: "Could it be."

"Yes, a large unknown object is approaching, from the universe." Friday paused, "Perhaps the moment we are worried about is coming, sir."

Chu Cheng frowned.

Of course, he had long thought that there would be such a moment, and kept telling himself that he had to be prepared for this situation every day.Much of what they're currently building, including the unfinished Stark Space Station and Iron Man Six, is all set up for this moment.


No one knew how strong aliens were, and neither did he.Superheroes can take down alien fleets on Earth in their respective universes, but there's no guarantee they can do the same here.

"As we arranged, on Friday, Starry Sky Project No. [-]."

"Yes, sir. The high-level officials of the Earth Star and Secret Service Nine have been contacted through encrypted communication, and the unmanned probe on the watchtower has also been launched."

Chu Cheng took a deep breath and calmed down.

There was no surprise, he had known that this time would come, and they had even made a plan for it.

"In addition, call all the heroes scheduled to be used in the plan, we have to get them in place." Chu Cheng narrowed his eyes, "The Avengers have assembled."

"Are you serious?"

Agent Luo Yajun and several teammates followed Captain America, walking quickly through the camp that was crowded with people.

"Aliens? But I heard our radar didn't respond"

"The enemy has unknown anti-radar means, and your radar is useless." Captain America walked ahead without looking back, "We have special detection means."

The radar on the watchtower is actually an abbreviation, not a radar in the conventional sense of humans.It is a composite device that can monitor and scan deep space in various forms with various alien technologies of DC systems. Most anti-radar methods in the interstellar space cannot hide from its eyes.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, unable to digest the news for a while.The aliens just felt like a storm, coming on the fly, too suddenly and without warning.

"Okay. How bad is the situation?" Luo Yajun frowned.

"We are confirming." The US team said as they walked into the core of the camp, "We have contacted your superiors, but I am worried that their dispatching speed is not fast enough.

So the league is saying, let me contact you guys to get ready.We need all the mobilizable forces of Secret Service Nine, all the forces, and preferably the mothership.

The alliance has also contacted the fastest garrison team nearby, and we are trying to persuade them to come directly without waiting for the dispatching order from the superior."

"Wait," Agent Duan Lan interrupted, "You mean...the target is here? But why...?"

She stopped before she finished speaking.

Everyone present came back to their senses, turned their heads sideways, and all their eyes fell on the small box isolated in a special container.

Come down to the core.

After a brief silence, Liang Ye said, "Are they here for this thing?"

"The alliance's AI has calculated multiple possible landing points based on the thing's heading, and this happens to be one of them, and it seems to be the most strategic one."

Captain America said solemnly.

"It's not [-] percent, but we have to be prepared. No matter what happens, the descent core must be protected, otherwise the situation may get worse."

The expressions of everyone who heard this were a little complicated for a while.

This is also inevitable.They learned that aliens might be approaching a few minutes ago, and while they were still trying to digest this fact, they learned that the other party might fall on them a few seconds ago.

"Tsk." Liang Ye snorted, "Exactly, I've never killed an alien before."

"So, what is the enemy like? A giant monster with teeth and claws? Space battleship? Or something else?" Luo Yajun asked.

"We are confirming this. Probe contact is imminent, should be soon."

When Captain America said this, his words stopped abruptly.

"Captain?" Everyone instinctively realized that something was wrong.

At the same time, Chu Cheng on the other end had just cut off the microphone to speak freely.

"You said our detector. What?"

Friday opened his hand, and what was displayed on the screen was still the flashing red dot on the radar interface. From this perspective, it seemed that he was approaching the location of the polar star in a calm manner, as if he had a plan in mind.

And in front of it, the display signal of the detector emitted by the watchtower suddenly disappeared just now.

(End of this chapter)

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