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Chapter 307 Space Floating Island

Chapter 307 Space Floating Island


Chu Cheng frowned.

"It was discovered and eliminated by the other party?"

"Insufficient information to make a judgment," Friday said, "but we had a camera on the probe, and there was nothing unusual in the footage until the signal disappeared.

The screen was suddenly interrupted within a second, and there was no sign of being attacked or witnessing the enemy before.

So if you have to hypothesize"

Friday paused, speaking carefully.

"Just hypothesizing that perhaps the detector encountered an electromagnetic pulse—or some unknown means of similar function prevented the signal from returning, rendering the detector inoperable."

So it seems that the detector has found nothing, and other means may be needed to know the enemy's information.

At this time, if it is normal, it may not make sense for the humans on the Earth Star to launch reconnaissance planes or send people to explore.The ending of unmanned reconnaissance will definitely be the same as that of the detector just now. Even if scouts are sent out, there will probably be no return. It is estimated that even a word of news will not be sent back.

The so-called knowing yourself, knowing your enemy, and winning a hundred battles has been the principle of using troops since ancient times. After the development of modern warfare, the importance of information and intelligence is more than a hundred times higher than that in ancient times.But right now, facing this unknown enemy, human beings are almost equivalent to being blind. If it weren't for the watchtower radar, they might not even know that the opponent hits the door. Strategically, they have already lost a mess before they started fighting.

But fortunately, they have a comparison here.

Conventional reconnaissance methods are useless, but Chu Cheng's game characters are not among the routine ones.He has almost a dozen superheroes who can go to heaven and earth, and the most important thing is that they can freely enter and exit the caves of dragons and tigers, and they can bring back information from areas where information is absolutely shielded, and they are not afraid of sacrifice.

Even if a hero is sent out to die outside, Chu Cheng can also simultaneously receive the screen information sent back before his death.

"Give me a list of all the heroes with space combat capabilities currently on the watchtower." Chu Cheng ordered.

"Both Mr. Stark and Mr. Parker are developing in the laboratory," she said. "Mr. Stark is in charge of the miniaturization project of the sonic bomb, Mr. Parker"

"Iron Man continues to develop, let's dispatch with Iron Spider Man first." Chu Cheng said, "Go and see who the other side is."

Of course, it is impossible for Xiao Chong to act on an alien planet, but the steel spider suit Stark made for him can.And unlike the Iron Spiderman in the movie - although it retains the alien activity ability but has no additional power, Chu Cheng now has the original red and gold color Iron Spiderman suit in his hand, equipped with an arc reactor drive, the hand Both the feet and the feet are equipped with the same energy emission system as Iron Man, which can also fight in space for a short time.

While speaking, Chu Cheng had retreated to the hero selection interface, and chose Spider-Man to enter the game.

I saw that Spider-Man in the picture had already accepted the suit assembly in the watchtower, pieces of parts and armor were spliced ​​onto his body, the armor parts were tightly stitched together, the gears occluded, and the center of the golden spider on the chest lit up with a dark blue reactor of brilliance.

Iron Spider-Man is online.

The launch hatch of the watchtower opened, and a blue tail flame jetted forward, like a meteor flashing across the stars.Iron Spiderman's propellers were fully opened, heading towards the enemy's position shown on the radar.

Chu Cheng was very skillful in operation. On Friday, he roughly calculated the time it would take for Iron Spider-Man to contact the unknown target. Chu Cheng quickly clicked on the phone to set the time for automatic navigation, and let Iron Spider-Man fly over temporarily by the AI.

During the flight, he himself temporarily freed his hands, quickly exited to the technical module, and chose Tony Stark to end the work at hand.

"That's the end of the miniaturization work." Chu Cheng said, "We need to mass-produce as soon as possible in a short period of time, and fill the sonic bombs that have been completed so far into miniature missiles dedicated to armor, and assemble them for the unmanned Iron and Steel Legion."

"The development progress is 86%, and it has not yet been completed. Currently, only prototypes are available." Friday said.

"There's no time, we're about to go to war." Chu Cheng interrupted, "The prototype is the prototype, and this template will be used for mass production."

"According to the calculation of the opponent's flight trajectory, the battle is expected to take up to two to three hours." Friday said, "With our current maximum production efficiency, even an Iron Legion is too late."

"Then at least there should be time to arm a formation, right?"


"Then install a formation first, and equip all the Alpha teams with sonic missiles." Chu Cheng ordered.

"Yes, sir."

There is a saying that the big shots above will not understand, and the prototype is used to do it.Training machine>prototype machine>official machine, this is common sense that everyone knows.

And the bomb, if something goes wrong with this thing, it's either a misfire or it blows up itself, but considering the current situation, it seems to be acceptable.If it misfires, it will be regarded as a tribute to the ex-wife missile. If it explodes, it will lose a drone armor, and maybe you can change a few more enemies, which is not necessarily a loss.

"Make sure that the Ninth Office is aware of our reconnaissance situation, and share enemy intelligence with them in time. And urge them to skip those cumbersome procedures as soon as possible and quickly transfer troops."

At this time, Chu Cheng had switched back to the perspective of Iron Spiderman.The armor was already approaching the moon, and the image of the enemy began to appear in front of his eyes.

At a distance, it is difficult to see clearly at first, and it looks like a small black spot in the dark and endless universe.

But after getting closer, the picture began to clear up.

Chu Cheng frowned slightly.

Is that a meteorite?

A dark, irregular thing cut through the stars and drove straight towards the location of the pole star.At first glance, it does look like a larger meteorite.

Is it a false alarm?Is it just that a meteorite that floated over was attacked by them as an enemy?
The thought of making an own mistake only flashed through Chu Cheng's mind, but soon he felt that it shouldn't be.He thinks the system of the watchtower should be reliable. Although he doesn't understand the principle, those cutting-edge technologies such as Krypton and Oua should not even confuse meteorites with enemies.

There must be some mystery.

Iron Spider-Man flew straight towards the meteorite without encountering any obstruction.He landed on the surface of the thing, and looked around in a desolate area, with pits and pits on the pitch-black surface, which looked completely like a naturally formed meteorite.

"Uh hello? Is anyone home?"

Xiao Chong's muttering to himself sounded from inside the armor, and of course only Chu Cheng could hear it.Not only because it looked empty, but also because he was in a vacuum and couldn't transmit his voice, and the armored loudspeaker couldn't release his voice.

In addition, if you look carefully, it is actually not very appropriate to say that this thing is a meteorite.Although it is not very regular, it looks more like an island when it is just approaching.

A floating island flying in outer space.

"There is no vital response to the scan, and no heat source."

Remind on Friday, at the same time Chu Cheng can also draw the same conclusion from the scanning perspective of Iron Spiderman's armor.

Is it really wrong?
Just when such thoughts popped up, the screen suddenly slowed down, and the spider sensor logo jumped out of the screen.

Caught off guard, Chu Cheng was secretly startled.

Spider sense?But where?
Are there any enemies?

He instinctively pressed the defense button, but unfortunately it seemed useless.Because the Spider-Man on the screen was just as confused as him, and couldn't find where the enemy was.

The next moment, the bottom of Xiao Chong's feet was empty, and he suddenly fell down.

(End of this chapter)

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