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Chapter 310 Losing Things

Chapter 310 Losing Things

Space, inside the floating island.

The corpses of Cantel soldiers were lying all over the ground, and the scene was quite horrifying.There are still tattered spider webs hanging on the surrounding walls and ceilings, traces of fighting can be seen everywhere, and the scene is a mess.

A shadow stands majestically in the center of the confined space, its figure is hidden in the shadow, it still looks like a Cantel in outline, but its size is clearly a bit taller than the individual next to it.

The Cantels around him were quite respectful around him.That figure stood among the monsters, not angry but majestic, as if exuding an invisible aura.

A Cantel came up to him dejectedly, and a hoarse voice in alien language came from the vocal organ.

"Human. Gone."

Even he himself felt absurd when he reported this.

A human, single-handedly, rushed into their camp full of the best fighters, swept around as if no one was there, and killed dozens of their powerful fighters.It wasn't until the legion commander made a move that he finally restrained himself.

And then he was able to retreat completely.

This is the most ridiculous part.After the legion leader came out, the human seemed to see something wrong, and turned around and ran away after blowing up a large group of weird web weapons.

At that time, all the Cantel fighters were still sneering in their hearts, and the thoughts in their minds were probably similar to "you want to run away after offending the abbot?"

A mother ship full of mighty Kantel army, as long as they don't open the door, there is no way out.Although the strength of this strong human being is indeed astonishing, he is not an egg. In fact, this person has been dead since the moment he stepped into the mothership.

Then Spider-Man runs away.

All the alien chasers were in a mess.

Originally, one group of troops was chasing from behind and the other was intercepting in front.As a result, the pursuer and the interceptor collided face to face, and when they asked each other where the human had gone, they both looked blank.

What the hell, human beings still have the ability to evaporate out of thin air?

The legion commander in the shadows pondered for a moment.

"Humans...may be harder to deal with than we thought."

"Don't worry, such humans are just a special case."

Another voice sounded from the side.A faint green light lit up from the darkness, and the figure of the envoy stepped out.

"There are indeed strong people with outstanding abilities among human beings, but there are only a very few cases, so there is nothing to fear." The envoy said.

The commander of the Cantel Legion was silent again, and continued.

"That's good, since the envoy said so." He turned his head, and calmly stepped down. As usual, we pushed forward at full speed. "

"A whole alien army is heading here as we speak."

In the top-secret conference room, Tony Stark stood in the circle-shaped space in the center of the conference table, surrounded by high-level executives at all levels.

Of course he is still not here.Stark is in the laboratory of the watchtower at this time. He has just completed the prototype of the sonic bomb arranged by Chu Cheng. At the moment, that thing is being automatically mass-produced on the production line.Stark activated the remote projection from the laboratory and reappeared in this conference room in the form of a holographic image.

"Our people have brought back definite information."

Stark waved his hand and swiped lightly, and the transparent picture appeared in front of everyone.

It was a high-definition large picture that had been processed with clarity, and it contained an alien creature of unknown shape.The slender arms, the hunched back, the pale body, and the sharp-toothed mouth seemed very infiltrating even in the environment of this conference room.

The background cannot be seen clearly from the screen, and even after brightening, it is still a bit blurry.But everyone can still barely see that this kind of sharp-toothed monster is like a sea of ​​people, extending to the end in the background of the picture.

Even if there are high-level people present, it is inevitable that they will feel a little uncomfortable facing such a scene.

Averting his eyes from the frame, one politician asked, "Is this shot of . . .?"

Before he finished asking, many people had already guessed his question.The camera picture clearly looks like a first-person perspective, as if the photographer is surrounded by monsters.If this kind of shot was given by others, they must have doubted whether it would be a composite, but since it was taken by Stark, they naturally would not doubt the authenticity, but they were inevitably surprised by the shooting angle.

"Earlier one of our number landed on the enemy's stronghold, delivering a key message back."

Stark said it lightly, but everyone felt a little trembling when they heard it.Single-handedly rushing into such an enemy's headquarters to investigate intelligence, even knowing that everyone in the alliance is a low-level comparison, it still makes people feel admirable and moved when they hear this.

When I think that these people are heroes from other worlds to help, and the Earth Star is not even their hometown, I can't help but admire such heroism even more.Especially some high-ranking generals present, couldn't help but think in their hearts, these foreign heroes can ignore life and death, and today they, the local guardians of the Earth's Pole Star, can't let the military flag be ashamed.

As long as we can protect our homeland and people, we will not hesitate to fight aliens to the death.

"I don't have time to go into details, I'll just give a general introduction."

With a swipe of Stark's hand, the screen screen switches accordingly.What follows is a panorama taken by Iron Spider-Man from afar, a full view of the enemy mothership.Many people gave a "huh" when they saw this thing, just like Chu Cheng, they didn't recognize what it was at first.

"I know, it's different from the technological warships that everyone imagines, but this is their mothership, and the enemies are undoubtedly hidden in it.

Our men have gone in themselves, no doubt about it.

We don't know the function of this thing yet, but it seems that the other party only has such a mothership. "

Everyone's minds quickly became active.

"Then we need to intercept it as quickly as possible." An officer said, "If there is only one ship, it's best to shoot it down outside the atmosphere."

"That's exactly what we think," Stark said. "That's why I'm here."

A high-level executive quickly understood what he meant, and said, "If there is anything we can help, Mr. Stark, just say it. All armies and weapons on the Earth Star are at your disposal."

"That's not necessary."

Chu Cheng knew nothing about leading an army in battle, he just needed the cooperation of the opponent.

"But we also think that it would be best if the interception can be done outside the atmosphere. So I suggest anyway.
Let's feed it a nuclear bomb to try the depth. "

In any case, nuclear weapons are the best trump card of the Earth Star, and its biggest flaw is that it kills one thousand enemies and loses eight hundred.So if you decide to use this hole card, it is naturally the most ideal to do it before the opponent breaks into the atmosphere.

Extraordinary times are very difficult to deal with. The high-level executives who usually procrastinate and procrastinate with complicated procedures can also handle emergencies clearly, and directly skip the procedures and enter the launch stage.

Within 15 minutes of making the decision, a nuclear bomb shot up from the silo with a deadly tail flame, broke through the atmosphere in an instant, broke free from gravity, and headed straight for the island.

Countless lines of sight were focused on this moment, and people waited anxiously.Chu Cheng also stared at the two indicators on the radar system of the watchtower, one was the approaching enemy, and the other was a missile equipped with a nuclear warhead.

That is not a conventional missile, but an outer space missile designed by Chu Cheng long ago to deal with this situation.The zero-gravity thruster used by Iron Man's space armor was adopted, but now he temporarily borrowed one to carry the nuclear warhead held by the Earth Star.

The zero-gravity propulsion endows it with the performance that all the missiles of Jijixing do not have, and it can intercept the target far beyond the orbit of the moon.

Chu Cheng stared at the screen, clearly seeing that their zero-gravity propulsion nuclear bomb had hit.

The opponent did not evade, nor did they take any form of interception.The missile hit head-on, and the nuclear warhead detonated in the silent cosmic space, like a round of man-made scorching sun, releasing light and heat like a supernova but short-lived.

The raging heat wave suddenly engulfed the advancing black island, and the scorching flames erupted, eclipsing even the starlight.

But nothing happened.

The fire curtain dissipated, and the black island rushed out tenaciously like a rock in a torrent.Its momentum was firm, it was unscathed, it didn't even deviate from its track, and it continued to move towards its original direction.

"Report sir. The target is alive!"

When the news of the report came out, the officer in the command room of the launch base gasped.

Although it is not the result of unpreparedness, it is still shocking to see it with one's own eyes.

After all, it is the strongest weapon in human cognition. Since its birth in this world, it has never been put into actual combat. Just a test explosion exercise shocked the whole world, and it is deeply rooted in them as the ultimate solution to all problems.

But now, this cognition has been subverted.

"Sure enough, it won't be that easy."

Chu Cheng pondered for a while, then turned his head to ask Friday.

"Is our response plan ready?"

"Not yet, sir."

"Okay, let me know when the time is right." Chu Cheng said, "It's better to deal with everything according to the original plan."

"Yes, sir. Ah."

Friday suddenly stopped, his tone suddenly raised.

"That fort. It's responding."


Spread five fingers on Friday and bring up the screen.

"What has it thrown at us, sir, in an astonishing amount."

(End of this chapter)

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