Chapter 311

What Friday said was really good.Before reaching the Earth's Pole Star, a large number of unknown things were thrown towards them from the floating island hundreds of thousands of miles away.

Groups of small black balls were thrown from the island like strangely shaped meteorites.They whirled and approached the pole star, rushed into the atmosphere under the pull of gravity, rushed in with a long tail flame, and swooped down with great momentum.

Similarly, there is still no response on the human radar,

"Make sure they have received the alarm." Chu Cheng said immediately, "Let them prepare to intercept."

"It's been done, sir."

Without Chu Cheng's assistance, the consequences would have been unimaginable.For the Jixing technology, these projected things are almost invisible, and they have to wait for the opponent to fall on the head before they can be alert.

Even if it's not a weapon, it's just a meteorite, and it's not a joke to hit the top of the head.People can make things messy here just by throwing stones from the sky.

After hearing the news, Jixing immediately mobilized, and a few bases with top-notch interception functions launched a counterattack at the same time.

Chu Cheng temporarily shared the watchtower radar with several bases, so that at least they would not be almost blind in front of enemy attacks.But even so, the interception work is difficult.

We must know that the existing missile interception system of Jijixing is actually only sure when dealing with subsonic missiles.Like an intercontinental missile, it often only has a greater possibility of interception during the early and middle stages of its take-off acceleration, and once the intercontinental missile rises to the highest point and reaches the latter stage of diving towards the target at a supersonic speed exceeding Mach [-], it can If you can't stop it, it all depends on fate.

And what they are facing at this time is the targets falling towards several different targets at supersonic speed like a rain of flowers in the sky!

"19% of the targets have been eliminated." A correspondent shouted nervously, "They're coming down!"

Meteorites fell one after another, aiming at military facilities capable of resisting.Meteorites were like missiles from space, and the building facilities were smashed through by powerful kinetic energy, turning into burning wreckage one after another.

Fortunately, I was reminded in advance that the landing point had already been evacuated. Although casualties were acceptable, some fixed facilities were hard to avoid.Some important facilities such as turrets and silos were burned.

In one of the bases, after this round of falling ended, the team that had already prepared for cover quickly rushed out in a well-trained manner, and quickly surrounded the falling objects.They approached slowly and cautiously with guns raised, ready to carry out follow-up treatment.

But what he never expected was that pairs of dangerous eyes lit up in the surging dust.

The leading officer reacted very quickly and realized something was wrong on the spot: "Back, back!"

At the same time the trigger has been pulled.

"Report! There are living creatures in the target. Ugh!"

The bullets couldn't hurt them, and the fearless Cantel fighters swooped out of the falling meteorites one after another.They moved so fast that they looked like vertical and horizontal afterimages in the smoke screen.

"Report, there are also meteorites here!"

A large number of enemies jumped out of almost all the meteorites at the same time, and everyone could hardly imagine how such a volume of rocks could fit so many targets.But the soldiers had no time to think about it. The teams in each base were attacked by such things.

Chu Cheng seemed to have guessed the opponent's tactics in an instant.

This is a similar tactic to Thanos' army in the Avengers movie.Direct and precise airdrops, throwing a large number of creatures with outstanding individual combat power and being completely consumables directly into the enemy's key bases and facilities for a scalpel-like raid.

Thanos has his reasons for doing this.After all, he is an environmentalist, and the purpose of grabbing the Infinity Gloves in the MCU is simply because of the shortage of space resources. For this reason, he has been fighting in the universe all year round, so it is naturally impossible to use weapons of mass destruction to bombard him all day long.

Because if he does that, the environment and resources will be almost destroyed after he finishes his battles in all parts of the universe. In terms of his ultimate goal, it will be putting the cart before the horse.

So it may also be out of this consideration, the main tactics on Thanos' side are still close combat.

This trick is actually useful most of the time. After all, Thanos's individual strength is the best in the universe, and all his subordinates have unique skills.This is the only way to maximize the advantage when fighting against cosmic empires like Kristians.

And as long as his army can successfully break into the enemy's key camp, the opponent's heavy weapons will not be easy to use.To a certain extent, the principle of the confrontation between the two armies is also similar to that of two people fighting each other. The gun is faster from seven steps away, but it may not be easy to use within seven steps for a master.If you are a few steps closer, the long spear and long sword are undoubtedly more convenient, but if you are close to the body, the sword and spear cannot be used, but it is not as good as the short soldier dagger.

This may also be why Marvel or DC or hand-to-hand combat is the ultimate solution for the strong in the universe.There are those who take the technological route like Iron Man, who become gods like Thanos, and the supreme mages like Doctor Strange, but whether they rely on technological mutation or magic, they always end up with the same goal in the end.Most of those fancy weapons and spells are only used to abuse vegetables and clear soldiers, and you still have to rely on hand-to-hand combat to fight against real masters.

There is a taste of "the blood of every king must end with the sword".

At this time, Jixing is facing a similar situation.The Kantels suddenly dropped into the air and poured into the facility camps in large numbers.

The Flying Dragon Riding Face intercontinental missile was naturally useless, and the most convenient weapons became rifle grenades and rockets.However, the Kantel people are strong in quality, all of them are invulnerable, and their actions are like shadows, so it is difficult to deal with them.

Back then, Thanos also relied on this blitz and face-riding tactic to fight all over the universe.After all, compared with the battleship weapon, although he and the top empire's background are far behind, once he fights face-to-face, with him and the famous five generals of Obsidian, there are really few forces in the entire Marvel Universe who can stop him.

Until he came to a place called Earth.

A place that is obviously technologically backward and looks like primitive people, but instead gave birth to a group of hangers-on-the-wall called Avengers.

And now this group of Kantels and their commanders behind the scenes have obviously embarked on the old path of Thanos by mistake.

At this moment, descend to the camp where the core is located.

Those stationed here are all strange individuals with strong individual capabilities, as well as Luo Yajun's agents and his outstanding team. It is better to deal with hand-to-hand combat than other military bases.

But the problem is that the pressure from the enemy here is several times stronger than that of the other bases.

"We can't last long!"

While the shadow was shouting, it was flying past the face of a Cantel man.The Cantel man was forcing the three special agents to retreat again and again. Unprepared, they were hit on the back of the head, and the head exploded with a "bang", and the whole thing flew out.


Liang Yeqing shouted, the vague phantom almost seemed to be attached to him.

The thunderbolt was thrown like a javelin from the thunderbolt cluster above his head, and a Cantel who flew over was blown away head-on.

"We are the last line of defense. We cannot lose here no matter what."

"Of course, I know, I just..."

Felix shot twice in the head of a Cantel man in front of him. Although it seemed that he scratched his scalp, it didn't seem to make much sense.The opponent rushed forward angrily, but Felix moved aside, and the shadow flashed out from behind him just right, and hit the monster's chest with a punch, blowing the latter away.

".There is a problem."

He paused.

"Where did the Avengers go?"

(End of this chapter)

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