Start operation Batman

Chapter 312 Legion Attack

Chapter 312 Legion Attack
The airborne was successful, and the Kantels had already gained the upper hand as soon as they fought.The situation was exactly as they expected. Conventional weapons in close combat had limited effect on them, and they had the upper hand.

Of course, as long as the human beings have the courage, throwing heavy firepower directly at where they fall can also cause damage, but that will undoubtedly require sacrificing their own soldiers and camps.

But for the Cantels, once the other side makes that decision, they've already won.

Because this is what they are, a group of consumables on the battlefield, and they die when they die.The reason why they are chosen as hired fighters is that they are not worth the pain.

But things only went smoothly for the first time.

The sound of breaking through the air came, and no one in the melee noticed something approaching at high speed.A very small missile, with a light blue tail flame, landed near the falling meteorite, among the three or five Cantel people who happened to get together.

The missile exploded, and shrapnel flew in all directions, but what burst out of it was not a wave of flames, but transparent ripples, which were released like overwhelming mountains and seas, as if they were silent but overbearing to the extreme.The figures of the two closest Cantel figures were shattered, turning into two balls of white liquid, which splashed out with the impact.

The other ones who were a little farther away also screamed and were knocked into the air, their bodies were partially liquefied and disintegrated, and they rolled on the ground and became crippled.

A group of Nine agents and supporting soldiers were both surprised and happy when they saw this. No one had ever heard of such a secret weapon on their side.

And the Kantel people who saw this scene jumped in their hearts. They felt that this weird weapon had a different style of painting from the guns and shells used by the enemy just now, and the effect was even more abnormal.

All the Cantel people came up with a thought——

——Don’t lie to me because we don’t travel much in the universe. Humans still have this weird ability?

It was a sonic missile.

Miniaturized missiles with untested sonic warheads.The power is not so powerful that it can liquefy targets within a radius of more than a dozen miles like the original description, but the power in a small area is equally astonishing.

The trajectory of the flames swooped down from the sky, and steel bodies flew in neat queues.

Iron Mech Legion.The battle armor leading the team is all black, with sharp short ears on the helmet, and a bat-shaped arc reactor on the chest.

The steel bats fell from the sky in a three-point landing, and the steel army quickly lined up behind them.


All the steel mechas raised their palms together, and dangerous arcs flashed from the muzzles of their palms.

"Please raise your hands and lie on the ground in surrender, and give up unnecessary resistance"


Of course no one paid attention.A Cantel man rushed forward with a yell, and his speed was extremely agile.But the response speed of the mecha AI is also not comparable to that of humans. The three mechas that were closer opened fire simultaneously, and the three recoil beams hit at the same time. A transparent hole was left on the chest.

Well, I don't really want to call people to surrender, it's just that the Mech Legion's program is programmed like this.After all, their AI has not reached the level of self-awareness, it is just pure combat intelligence.

During the short confrontation, the human guns and ammunition had little effect on the aliens, and most of the Kantels were contemptuous or even joking.At this time, seeing that this team of armored men defeated several of their companions in an instant without any effort, all of them were shocked. The word "dangerous".

Something is wrong with this team of enemies!
"Start the annihilation operation."

The eyes of each steel mech turned from blue to red, as if emitting a deadly light.The mechs ignited at the same time, suddenly lifted into the air, and quickly spread to all parts of the battlefield to start fighting.

Part of the Cantel formation capable of flying also took off, and a fierce battle immediately broke out in the sky.Kantel on the ground also quickly shifted his focus to the sudden appearance of the mechas.

The pressure on the Ninth Office and the army was greatly reduced.The defensive line of the people shrank, like a layer of iron barrels firmly guarding the storage place of the descending core, and all the pressure on the outer ring was handed over to the Iron Legion.

Their retreat immediately gave the mechas a better space to play, and they didn't need to worry about accidental injuries and massacres.

A mech stepped into the sky with the propulsion flames, and a sonic bomb was fired obliquely downwards, aiming to shoot down at places with a lot of people.The Cantels had seen how powerful each other was, and jumped away one after another, but they stood too tightly and crowded, and the three Cantels retreated a little slower.

It's just that one of them reacted quickly, and quickly reached out to grab the teammate beside him, using the "defense descending" move to block in front of him, and the whole person shrank behind his teammate.

The teammate was shocked, and suddenly screamed in a strange voice, guessing that he might be cursing in an alien language.But half of the people scolded had been blasted away by the ultrasonic waves, and were directly disintegrated from the structure, turning into viscous liquid and covering the faces of teammates.

The steel mechs have outstanding performance, and their reaction and maneuverability are all fantastic in the eyes of humans on Earth's Polar Star.Especially the steel bats of the team leader swept thousands of troops among the Cantels, and the recoil cannons with both palms bombarded alternately, every shot was like bombing fish.

Under the cover of several teammates, a Cantel man who seemed to be an elite stepped forward, yelling, with the viciousness to smash the opposite helmet to the ground.But the steel bat turned around, raised its hand and swished a missile, and a large ice crystal exploded, freezing all the Cantel people in an instant.

At the same time, a few rearers took advantage of the situation and wanted to sneak attack, but the steel bats didn't even look at it, turned around and clenched their fists, and sent another missile whizzing.The flames of the explosion soared into the sky, and the light blue energy impact erupted in the flames, and the apocalypse missile blew up a large area of ​​Cantel, everyone was thrown off their feet, and the broken limbs and remains flew everywhere.

All the Cantel people around saw that this black iron lump was like a god of war, with high heat energy and extremely cold and frozen, making strange and unparalleled moves, and they were inevitably a little timid for a while.The monsters that were closer to it were still shouting loudly, with hideous expressions, and they still looked like they wanted to dismantle it into scrap iron, but they were not so active in rushing forward, and they were avoiding it intentionally or unintentionally. The edge of the Iron God of War.

A steel mecha passed by at high speed in the air, shelling with both palms, and Kantels were blown to the ground under the recoil energy.But finally, two flying Cantels seized the opportunity, one left and one right pounced diagonally from behind, landed on the robot's back and grabbed it.

Once caught, the destructive power of the Cantel is still strong.They restrained the arms of the steel mecha, biting and scratching, the shell of the mecha was cracked, the circuit board exploded, and the parts all over the body crackled and exploded with sparks, and fell down with black smoke.

The two Kantels were complacent, but when the steel mecha was about to fall, the brightness of the reactor on its chest suddenly increased a lot, and it let out a low roaring hum.

A second later, the mech exploded in the air with a bang, and the arc reactor was like gorgeous fireworks, and the scorching energy devoured the two Cantel fighters.

Seeing this scene, the alien warrior below exclaimed again.

Nima also has a self-destruct?Can't afford it?
Although there are many fighters who are not afraid of death, it is one thing to be brave on the battlefield, but it is another thing to rush forward knowing that you are going to die.Soon they all discovered that the mechas they were fighting with were all dead objects, and once they were destroyed and paralyzed, or they saw that they were invincible, they would explode immediately without even thinking about it.

In other words, if one of them goes up and takes down a mecha, the default is to go up and take down a mecha.Although it wasn't that he didn't dare, it still inevitably hit morale.

The aliens were apprehensive, and they seemed to be a little weaker under the steel army, and at the same time they gradually became suspicious in their hearts.

No, have we been tricked?

It is said that it is backward and weak and has no ability to fight back?

I always feel that we were cheated by so little money to come here to deal with these flying things, isn't it a bit of a loss?

Some people have already begun to wonder what they are doing here.Before I came, I thought it was the next simple dungeon, fried fried fish, to relax, but when I came, I found out that Nima, who was cheated and fried, was a shark. The co-author today is to put aside this military training.

At the same time, there was a loud roar from the direction of the ruins, and a huge shadow rose into the sky.It turned out to be the dragon guarding the core of the descent in the ruins, spitting out dragon flames in its mouth.Its dragon flames are powerful, and its natural strength is huge, and many alien fighters were killed by its claws in two or three hits.

The flaming firebird flew across the sky, and it was the ancient girl Leila.Pillars of fire shot up from the ground.The Cantels fled, but a few were wounded by the pillar of fire.

Several Kantel fighters seized the opportunity, some jumped and some flew, and they landed on the giant dragon looking for an opportunity.The dragon was very annoyed, he swung his claws whirringly, and swiped his tail forcefully, but he was too big and still had corners that he couldn't reach.

Some of those annoying things ran along its back, and some even slid towards its head, grabbing its eyes.It slapped angrily, but the number of enemies was clearly too many.

Layla flew by, and a ball of fire knocked them down from it.The two steel mechas also flew left and right, their palms flashing golden lights, and the recoil cannon shot down several alien fighters from the dragon with a series of hissing sounds.

The giant dragon kicked the fallen alien into a flat body, and at the same time raised its head and roared loudly, not knowing whether it was to thank its teammates or to demonstrate to the opposite side.

"Humans, ancients, dragons, and aliens are joining forces to fight against aliens."

Leila muttered to herself as she spread her wings and flew by.

"How could I have such a dream?"

(End of this chapter)

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