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Chapter 313 Are you better than 55?

Chapter 313 Are you [-]/[-] with me?

In addition to the position of the camp, the other placement points of the Cantels also suffered strong counterattacks.The formations of the Iron Legion were dispatched to different locations, and each fought with the Cantor commando, and within a short while helped the corresponding garrison to regain the situation.

At this moment, far away in the floating island that is still floating in the space station, the head of the Cantel Legion on this trip is also watching the battle situation on the ground remotely in a special way.

The legion commander is the only commander of this team, and he is also a top-ranking existence in the entire Cantel race.They are a nomadic race that accepts employment and work. There is no unified leader and king, but the one who can be the leader of an army is the strongest in the whole clan. In their entire race, there are extraordinary people who are qualified to be the leader of the army No more than the number of one hand.

The legion commander paid close attention to it for a moment, then said in a deep voice like he was talking to himself: "This is different from what you said. You only said that the target is human beings - a backward race that has been ignored and left out of the astral border. You said this It will be easy."

"That's not my exact words."

Another voice sounded in the darkness.The faint green light was lit like a will-o'-the-wisp, and a burly figure appeared in the dark space.

It was the envoy who disappeared from the Earth's Pole Star.

"I only told you that the goal is the Earth Pole Star, but I didn't say it would be easy. The price has been negotiated long ago, and if you want to go back on it now, it will be considered a breach of contract."

The envoy paused, and his green eyes seemed to narrow a little.

"You know that behind me represents the Almighty Lord, you don't want to break the contract in such a transaction."

The head of the legion was silent, as if acquiescing to this truth.It is true that the price was agreed upon by the two parties early on. It is just that the Cantel people heard the mission description, and after a brief understanding of the enemy's situation, they assumed that it would be very simple. They never expected to encounter such a situation. resistance.

"Those powers," the legion leader couldn't help but say, "the best fighters of our clan are so vulnerable in front of them, and the ability to manipulate extreme cold and fire is the ability of which family member? Why do we Never heard of it?
Could it be the Almighty God Yevgorn?"

"No. Only the existence they call 'the ancients' can be regarded as the dependents of the Lord God. They are the races on this planet that have been exposed to the seeds left by the Lord many years ago and have evolved according to the established route. But according to my investigation That race is now the last one left, and their evolution has obviously failed
In other words, they should have been excluded from the long evolutionary history of intelligent life on this planet.The race we are facing today called 'humanity' is not a god-given power. "

The head of the legion was even more surprised: "But this galaxy should logically belong to the Yevgon star realm, and according to the agreement, foreign gods rarely develop their families in our star realm. Such power?"

The envoy pondered for a moment, as if silently brewing for a moment.

Then he said in a deep voice: "It's not the dependents. It's not the power bestowed by any gods, it's the power they created themselves, and they call it 'technology'."

The legion commander was taken aback.


The speechless and strange face of Cantel's army commander turned to the envoy.

"Do you know what you're talking about?"

"Of course, I know this is unreasonable." The envoy said dryly, "I also find it strange. Although this planet is remote, maybe we didn't pay enough attention to it in the past, but after all, it is within the Yevgon Star Realm .

But all of a sudden, so many unimaginable creations were created all at once, and a powerful person who can be counted among the best in the astral world sprang out of thin air. It doesn't make sense anyway. "

The legion commander was a little surprised when he heard this: "So powerful?"

Although he saw that these steel mechas were powerful, they were only as soldiers.If he went into battle in person, he, the legion leader, really didn't pay attention to the combat power of those steel mechas.

After all, Chu Cheng's steel army was originally designed for team fighting, and it is reasonable to say that mass production must be scum.The output levels of the arc reactors they carry are the specifications of Iron Man's early model armor, and the weapons carried on them are much simpler than Iron Man's.Then, one is due to the consideration of saving money in mass production, and the other is that the drone does not have to protect the internal driver, so the material defense is also a bit worse than Iron Man's armor.

The only thing that made him feel unbelievable at the moment was the red monster who rushed into their mothership alone.According to the description of his subordinate fighters, the strange man was surprisingly agile, and his strength was so strong that he wished he could match dozens of elite Cantel fighters with one hand.

But those are descriptions of subordinates after all, so it is hard to guarantee that there will be no exaggeration.After the legion commander arrived, he only had one face to face, and the strange man retreated under the siege of the crowd, and all the Cantel people chased him and lost him.

So although the subordinates said that the human being was ridiculously strong, the head of the legion did not confront him head-on after all.Among the ordinary Cantel fighters, it's okay to think about yourself as the head of the fish frying army, which doesn't explain anything.

But he knew a rough idea of ​​the strength of the envoy, and it was almost the same as his own estimate, no matter who was strong or weak, it would not be too far behind.But even from the perspective of a divine envoy, it may be really difficult to deal with the opponent who has outstanding powerhouses.

"Yes, I fought one of them, and it was a strong rival."

In fact, to be honest, it should be that he turned around and ran away after receiving the three hammers, but it seemed that he was very embarrassing as an envoy, so he didn't mention it vaguely.After hearing his tone, the army commander automatically understood that the two sides were evenly matched, and he was quite surprised in his heart.

On par with a divine envoy?On this polar star?

How about making an interstellar joke?
The head of the legion was skeptical: "If they really have such a strong man...?"

"That's what I'm thinking about too." The envoy was puzzled.

Where did those guys go?
He originally thought of going to war with the help of Kantel's army, and the mysterious powerhouse who wielded the hammer was bound to show up to help.He pondered that although the sea of ​​strong tactics of that level could not be drowned, it should be able to consume a lot of strength of the opponent no matter what.When the time comes, he and the legion commander will fight together, and if he wants to take down the freak with the hammer, he will be sure.

I have to say that this idea is actually not wrong.Indeed, although there are many heroes on Chu Cheng's side, all they share are his player's stamina gauge. If he really drives the Avenger himself to clear the troops and fight the group like in the movie, the consumption is serious, and it is really possible for him to take advantage of it.

So he didn't do it.

That's why he put so much effort into producing and developing Iron Legion from the very beginning, so that he doesn't have to waste his precious stamina bars on the front lines.

The heroes he controls are all elites among the elites, so it is impossible to use them to fight minions if they want to play their best role.

call out.

The inaudible sound of piercing through the air suddenly struck under the cover of darkness.The two darts hit the backs of the two strong men in the darkness, one on the left and the other on the right.

It was an absolutely stealthy sneak attack, but the vigilance of these two people was astonishing, and they actually stepped aside from each other to the left and right.The two darts fell into the air immediately, and hit an unknown Cantel warrior with a bang, and the latter disappeared out of thin air.

"Oh hell."

Ant-Man stood in the dark behind, annoyed.

"Do all aliens have eyes behind their backs?"


The legion leader was even more surprised when he saw the enemy suddenly jump out of his mothership.You must know that their floating island mothership is completely enclosed in a literal sense, and it uses space materials that are common in this star world.This material can be artificially controlled and transparent. For example, when Spider-Man landed on the surface, they saw that the enemy was alone and didn’t care. They wanted to catch the enemy and study it, so they turned on the switch to let Spider-Man fall to the inside. .

This is why they feel weird about Spider-Man evaporating out of thin air in the spaceship, because theoretically it is impossible for anyone to enter and exit at will.

But at this moment, the switch was not turned on, and the entire cabin was completely sealed. Where did this strange man in red jump out in front of him?

The legion leader had just avoided the dart attack by instinct, and was even more dumbfounded when he noticed that the soldier lying behind him disappeared out of thin air.

Just like that, an inconspicuous little gadget, with a swipe of the ground, the freshman Kantel fighter is gone! ?
It wasn't any high temperature or any strong physical impact, but it was directly wiped out from the world, leaving no trace left.

What kind of ability can do this?
Then he thought, what would have happened to him if he hadn't instinctively dodged just now and was hit by this weapon?
Thinking of this, the top strongman of the Cantel clan couldn't help but break out in cold sweat with lingering fear. When he looked at the strange man in front of him, his expression became even more fearful. is nothing.
No, even on the contrary, I have doubts about the envoy's words from another angle.

He looked at the envoy next to him questioningly.

How dare you say that you are [-]/[-] with this kind of thing! ?Are you bragging about Nima's bullshit?

The envoy also noticed the Cantel man who was hit by a dart and disappeared out of thin air.He had only soloed Brother Hammer before, and he had never seen Ant-Man before. This was the first time he saw such an outrageous and unreasonable strange ability, and he was also shocked into a cold sweat.

Noticing the questioning eyes of his teammates, he is also very innocent.

How would I know WDNM?They didn't have such a comparison last time, did they? ? ?
(End of this chapter)

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