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Chapter 315 The Avengers Assemble

Chapter 315 The Avengers Assemble

"You nameless rat, why did you avoid the battle in front of the son of Odin!?"

The envoy strode the spaceship in front, and Thor chased after him while shouting, and at the same time, the hammer danced like a wind.

But the envoy knew that he was powerful, so he didn't face him face to face, but only dodged among the monsters.Thor, the god of thunder, is extremely powerful, and every swing of the hammer is an AOE effect. The envoy hides quickly, but it is inevitable that many soldiers behind him have become his scapegoats.

"Ha, the rats run backwards"

Thor couldn't catch up with a few swings of the hammer, and suddenly jumped up from the crowd, and the hammer flicked from bottom to top.Suddenly, a storm rolled up out of thin air in the sealed space, like a transparent hurricane.The envoy was running with his back to him with all his strength, and failed to notice the sudden change in Thor's offensive. He couldn't dodge in time and was swept into the air together with the surrounding Cantels.

"Let's see you run again!"

Thor's Hammer was launched in the air, entwined with lightning and turned into a writhing brontosaurus, its long body twisting with its teeth and claws open, the overflowing electric current crackled and exploded, just like a brontosaurus roaring and neighing.

The envoy already sensed the attack of the opponent's hammer in mid-air, knew in his heart that it would be too late to dodge, and knew that the hammer was so powerful that he ate half of the pills.So without thinking, he stretched his right hand and grabbed it to the side, a powerful energy was stimulated, and he used the technique similar to Wanxiang Tianyin to attract a small soldier who was also flying up beside him through the air.

The speed of these two people hiding and chasing was so fast that the Kantel fighters along the way didn't have time to figure out the situation at all.When this little soldier was blown up by the strong wind, he looked dazed. At this time, when he was dragged by the envoy to block the knife, the classic philosophical question of "who am I and where am I" was written all over his face.

It wasn't until the hammer dragged the thunderbolt all over his face that the little soldier suddenly realized that he felt that he was being used as a sacrificial sacrifice for the "defense coming", and immediately cursed.But just now when he opened his mouth, the hammer had already hit him, and the thunder that erupted completely blew it into pieces, with countless pieces splashing everywhere.

Even though the envoy used the defensive descending move to dispel it, but he was still swept by the aftermath, and smashed another part of the monster group with a bang on his back.

He jumped up immediately, but the lingering sledgehammer took the opportunity to catch up to his face, and he still had that annoying smirk on his face like a fool, he shouted: "Where are you going now? Eat!" I hammer!"

It was another huge hammer, and before it was sent out, a hurricane rolled up, accompanied by a burst of thunder and lightning.

Although this hammer was aimed at the envoy, the aftermath also overturned many Cantel people nearby.All the aliens couldn't help being stunned when they saw the power of this hammer, and a question similar to "this f*cking eight-year-old" flashed in their heads, and they were deeply impressed by the fact that what kind of gods they provoked today. deep suspicion.

As soon as the hammer came down, the envoy was immediately enveloped by lightning from all directions, and there was no way to retreat.

After the last fight, the God Envoy has discovered that this foolish sledgehammer's tactics are almost the same as others, straight forward, relying on a pure invincible divine power.

To some extent, it is actually a conspiracy.Contrary to those who like to play tactical show operations, Brother Hammer is a numerical monster, and any routine skills can be said in one sentence-anyway, I put this hammer here, you have to pick it up today, or you have to pick it up if you don’t pick it up.

In short, just eat me with a hammer!
I suffered a loss under the hammer before, of course, the principle of the envoy is still that I can try not to accept it as much as possible.But the thunder god's power was so overwhelming that there was no way to dodge it, so he repeated his old trick and used Wanxiang Tianyin again, and the little soldier who was shouting to kill was dragged to him in front of him to block the hammer's path.

The Kantel warrior was suddenly caught under the hammer, his face paled in shock, and he cursed in alien language again.But in a blink of an eye, his forehead was blown apart by Thor's Hammer, and he died suddenly on the spot.

Angel seems to have found the right way to open it.Brother Hammer swung his hammer in front of him and slammed, and he kept grabbing people to block him while retreating.

Anyway, the number of Cantel fighters is so numerous that an entire army won't be able to run out of fighters in a short while, so they can deal with it while waiting for an opportunity to counterattack.

Secret Skill Unlimited Shield System!

It's just that this shield refers to a meat shield.

"Coward, face the son of Odin!" Thor yelled as he swung his hammer and chased after him. "I'll see how long you can hold it off!"

Brother Hammer was in high spirits, the more opponents he couldn't defeat immediately, the more motivated he was to fight.The envoy finally figured out the trick to deal with this idiot hammer, and he also felt a little relieved.

So only the world where the Kantels were injured was reached.

Seeing this scene, many soldiers cursed at the envoys one after another, and at the same time hurriedly avoided the two plague gods.However, the god envoy ran fast on his feet, but his hands were long, and his unique skill of Wanxiang Tianyin wished that someone could catch him from a distance of thousands of miles, and he couldn't resist at all.Then Brother Hammer's Thunder God power is also unstoppable, and he can't resist if he hits him with a hammer and kills him directly.

So this magical scene once made people feel as if these two were teammates, let alone the combo skills.One of the brothers is responsible for grasping and the other is responsible for hammering. Once grasping, one is sure to hammer and the other is dead. Only the Cantel man is beeping the dog.

At first, the envoy was only focused on running for his life and had little time to resist, but after blocking several hammers like this, the envoy seemed to gradually find the rhythm. While retreating, he could spare three points of energy to attack and counterattack occasionally while defending seven points. Relatively less embarrassing.

Chu Cheng originally thought that the last time he used Brother Hammer to fight against the envoy, he knew the difference in strength between the two sides, and he estimated that he would be able to kill him with a few hammers.Therefore, he chose to operate Brother Hammer first, and was going to deal with the culprit first.

But I didn't expect this guy to be beaten once, and he looked like a grandson when he saw Brother Hammer, and ran away without turning his head.His "defense descending" unique skill combined with the surrounding "unlimited shield system" enchantment will really not be able to take him down for a while.

And if he keeps running like this, Brother Hammer has been only hammering from behind, then there is no need for any operation or skills.So Chu Cheng simply let Brother Hammer play hide-and-seek with this guy on behalf of the AI, while his own perspective changed to the perspective of Iron Man, and he was going to press another BOSS first and then turn around to deal with this rather cowardly one. .

At this moment, the combination of Captain America and Iron Man is being blocked in front of Captain Cantel.The legion leader is one against two, and although the nearby soldiers are greeted by Ant-Man and Spider-Man, some of them are still able to free up their hands from time to time to sweep the formation for the legion leader.

The two sides met each other, and the American team stepped forward immediately, swinging their shields as if to smash them.The legion commander stretched out his hand to catch it, but the shield suddenly shrank back, which turned out to be a fake move.Captain America backed up his shield and took two steps to the side, just behind him gave way to Iron Man with both palms raised, and the two recoil energy cannons in his palms fired in unison.

The shield and iron combination of Captain America and Iron Man is the signature of Marvel, and the tacit cooperation between the two is of course top-notch.Moreover, Chu Cheng was pleasantly surprised to find that the team buffs of the shield and iron combination did not conflict with the team battle buffs assembled by the Avengers, and the two sides were more than a little bit stronger than when they were fighting alone.

As soon as the two sides got started, there was a wave of perfect combos. The US team used fake moves to deceive the opponent's flaws, and at the same time moved to cover Stark's attack.Moreover, he was able to control the firing rhythm of the recoil gun to the limit. It just so happened that he gave up the moment before firing, and the energy beam had already blasted out when the opponent saw Iron Man.

The legion commander naturally had no time to dodge, but he was not afraid.He is different from other Cantels, not only is he bigger, but the tip of his slender right arm has been replaced by a milky white spike instead of a claw.

I saw his right arm stabbing forward, strange energy erupted from his body along the spike, and hit the energy of the two recoil cannons head-on.The two forces clashed in the air, and the energy of the explosion caused the legion leader to take two steps back.

He looked at Iron Man, and recognized that this figure was very similar to the steel mechs he had seen attacking his army before, and he couldn't help being even more frightened and angry.

Do human creations already have such powerful power?

(End of this chapter)

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