Chapter 316
"Looks like we hit the lottery, Captain."

Stark's voice came from inside the armor.

"This one doesn't look the same, it can withstand the recoil energy."

The other Cantel fighters couldn't even take a recoil beam from an unmanned steel mech, let alone a shot from the authentic Iron Man Mark 43 armor.The guy in front of him not only has a different painting style from other minions, but also can stand still after taking two sneak attacks from recoil cannons. It must be a BOSS level.

At this time, a Cantel fighter rushed up from the side and wanted to sneak attack, but Captain America blocked one of them without even looking at the shield, and punched through the shield. The monster took half a step back, and Iron Man casually followed with a cannon, piercing the chest of the ignorant miscellaneous soldier.

"Don't be careless, Tony." Captain America said.

The legion commander stood still and calmly glanced over the two of them.At this time, he also knew that this time he had obviously encountered a hard problem, and the contempt before coming to Jixing had been completely put away.

His eyes flew over the two people in front of him, he stepped forward with a strange cry, the long thorn on his right arm straightened out, and the thorn seemed to be aimed at Iron Man, but he shook strangely when he shot, and suddenly turned to Captain America in the middle .

Although it was only a brief moment of fighting just now, the legion commander had already tested the depth of the two enemies in front of him at the moment the two sides only touched.The guy holding the shield was obviously weaker than the iron lump next to him. The legion had long been experienced in the battlefield, and they could immediately see that they were looking for a breakthrough on this guy.

He really did a good job of finding the loophole. Although Political Commissar Luo is superb at playing pot lids and his physical strength can be called the pinnacle of a super soldier, he is still far behind his good brother Tie Can's 43rd generation armor.

The head of the legion had a good plan with his vicious vision, but one thing he missed was that although political commissar Luo was not as strong as Tin Can, if he made up his mind to only defend and not attack, it would not be so easy to take him down.

At this time, Chu Cheng's perspective is on Iron Man. Although he also switched to the US team during the combo, the overall time is still relatively short. Although the operational awareness is a little bit poor when the AI ​​is hosted on behalf of the fight, at least the AI ​​will follow the defense.

Then I saw the legion leader pull out all the stops, the energy attached to the long thorns surged in all directions, continuously blasting in the surrounding space, and all the offensives were concentrated on the US team like a storm.

Political Commissar Luo kept turning the shield in his hand, chasing the opponent's attack from left to right, from top to bottom, and the sound of tinkling, bang bang bang was continuous, like a rhythmic percussion music, and the transparent energy impact was constantly exploding. open.However, that little shield was like a rock in a storm. Although it was small, it was extremely stubborn.

As we all know, the US team and Iron Man, the signature of the Avengers, are called Shield Iron. There is a saying that the combination of shield iron and work is not tiring. As the name implies, the shield is naturally responsible for blocking the knife and pulling hatred.

As far as the two of them are going, one is armed with titanium alloy armor to the teeth, and the other is a flesh and blood body holding a horse gourd cover. The opposite party will think of who to break through with his toes.After passing the star pot cover, it also comes with 100% taunting god-level skills, and the possibility of OT is rarely possible if the hatred is stable.

The legion leader greeted the shield for a long time, but Iron Man would not hang up and wait.At first, the legion leader was still distracted to avoid the Iron Man's attack, thinking about taking down this weaker one as soon as possible and then focusing on dealing with the remaining ones.

Unexpectedly, after trying his best to fight for a long time, the US team P did not talk about anything, and the legion leader himself took a shot of the golden shield's anti-armor, and was knocked back two steps.At this time, Iron Man's right palm recoil gun fired again, and the legion leader was still in the stiff stage just after being bounced back, and he hadn't even stood firm on his heels, and fell head-on after being hit by a golden beam of light head-on.

The cannonball hit his whole body with burning pain and his chest seemed to be burnt through.But after all, he was a strong man at the top of the Cantel family. Knowing that this was a life-and-death moment, he ignored the pain and rolled on the spot, forcing his body to support himself.

Iron Man clenched his fist with his left hand, raised his arm, the rocket on his forearm had already popped out, and ignited it on the launch pad with a swoosh, blasting through the air to the face of the Legion Commander.

The legion commander just got up and knelt on the ground, and had no time to think about waving the long thorn on his right arm.A ball of energy was stimulated from the thorn again, and it seemed that an invisible hurricane was blowing along the direction of his swing, and immediately brushed the rocket aside, and exploded a large fireball on the side with a bang.

But with only such a delay, Iron Man has stepped on the flame and rushed to him.

The Legion Commander extended his left hand towards his face, and the shape of his white claws was frightening.But Iron Man's forearm was already blocked.The long thorn took the opportunity to pick up, and stabbed at the arc-shaped reactor flashing cold light on his chest.The head of the legion has vicious eyes. Although he doesn't understand the technology of armor, he also vaguely senses that the glowing circle on his chest may be a weakness.

Iron Man casually slapped the thorn, and the long thorn slanted from under his arm immediately, and the thorn body stuck to the golden gold-titanium alloy armor on his forearm and pierced through, leaving a long string spark.

The movement of Iron Man's forearm to block the block just now used the blocking technique of karate, and the subsequent slap used the backhand slap of the boxing move. The movement of the opponent's power trajectory was changed with a light weight, and the killer The attack is easily resolved.The random movements that seem to be done casually are actually extremely exquisite professional skills. Even if a karate champion or a boxing champion comes here, they can't do better than the armor in terms of the technicality of the same moves.

Of course, Stark is not a master of fighting. Although he has received advice from various masters, including Captain America, after he became a superhero, he still spends most of his time in the laboratory and only knows some superficial kung fu. It is far from being able to do it with experts.

However, I think it may be that in the decisive battle scene of the Iron Man 3 movie, Stark was dismantled by the extremist virus with his bare hands. The flaws in the battle suits have also begun to realize the truth that advanced weapons and high-end technical skills are also indispensable in order to face the real strong in the Marvel Universe system.

So starting from the new armor after steel 3, he focused on strengthening the AI ​​fighting technology module.By the time of the civil war, his armor had evolved to a master-level AI level that gathered all the strengths of a hundred schools of thought.

The head of the legion has been attacking the US team for a long time and still can't break the shield that looks like a bastard shell. With a stab and a fierce attack, it was as if they were going to fight for both sides.

However, this legion leader obviously didn't know that the object of his desperate efforts was a virtual character. Even if he succeeded in fighting and died together, he would be resurrected after turning a CD.

Of course, there was no need for that, and Chu Cheng had no intention of exchanging with him at all.

Iron Man grabbed the long thorn handed by the other party, and used the technique of twisting his wrist and breaking his arm to restrain the entire right arm of the commander.The output of the arc reactor provided a strong impetus for the Mark Armor. The Legion Commander struggled a bit, resisted with all his strength but was unable to get out at all.

At this moment, the dark canister on Iron Man's right shoulder snapped open, revealing a row of muzzles.A bunch of shotguns shot out, and at such a close distance, the opponent didn't expect that the shoulders could hide an attack. He was immediately blurred by the shotgun and rolled away in embarrassment.

At this time, the US team has stepped forward again.He took off as tall as a man, stepped on Iron Man's shoulder with his boots, and used a combination skill with Iron Man, condescending and ready to smash down on the Legion Commander.

Although the Legion Commander was repelled, Iron Man's small-caliber shotgun was not very powerful, and the Legion Commander was especially rough-skinned and thick-skinned among the Cantels, so it wasn't a big problem to eat a shuttle.

Before he stormed the US team with all his strength, he couldn't do anything about the shield, and he lost strategically, so he suffered from the boss's loss.

Now seeing that the guy who shrunk his shield all the way seemed to feel that he dared to stick out from behind the broken shield to attack actively at the end of his strength, he couldn't help but get more angry, and he stabbed in the direction of the US team with his right hand, the tyrannical energy spared no effort The ground exploded from the thorn, as if it was going to penetrate Captain America in the middle.

However, Captain America was in mid-air, neither dodging nor blocking, he just raised his right hand high and spread his five fingers.


A warhammer suddenly flew into his raised hand with endless power, bursting out into a thunderbolt.

Legion Commander:? ? ?

(End of this chapter)

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