Start operation Batman

Chapter 326 The Cursed Thing

Chapter 326 The Cursed Thing
Chu Cheng had already realized that he seemed to have strayed into an investigator-like horror story, and the crew of this ship were undoubtedly going crazy one by one.That key is likely to refer to something that the crew discussed they found on Ake.

But Chu Cheng was purely out of curiosity.Not to mention that Deadpool on the boat is just his avatar anyway, even if he dies from the curse, it's fine, and he doesn't think Deadpool will die.

Even if the other end of this curse is really a mysterious god, it should still be quite difficult whether it wants to drive Deadpool mentally crazy or physically kill him.Deadpool's brain is something that Marvel's gods would never want to enter, and his body is almost immortal. Chu Cheng estimates that even from the perspective of a demon god, this thing should be the most difficult nail they have ever encountered in their lives.

It was obvious that Claire's spirit was not normal anymore. When Deadpool asked about the treasure, he started to laugh strangely.

During this period, he almost entered the state of being alone, and nothing could interrupt him.He laughed to himself for a long time, and from time to time there were one or two nonsense words in his mouth.

Most of them are meaningless words, some weird words that people can't figure out even if they are translated by Lantern Ring.But Chu Cheng noticed that a word seemed to be repeated many times.


This made Chu Cheng frowned slightly.He vaguely remembered that Yevgon should be the star realm they were in, a very large category.I just don't know if this word has other meanings besides the place name of the astral world.

It took Claire a while to recover.He threw the bodies of the four crew members killed by Deadpool out of the cabin and into the vast universe.

Although Chu Cheng didn't bring up the subject of that thing again, Claire still seemed to be unavoidably dumbfounded.He was in a daze for a long time, and then suddenly uttered two strange screams after a while, and then he started to look around, as if someone in the dark was eavesdropping on him.

For a while, he was still talking to himself, and it was rare that he seemed to be talking clearly.Chu Cheng was a little curious, and manipulated Deadpool to go up and listen for a while.

At first I didn't understand what it was talking about, but later I found out that it seemed to be talking about some ancient legend.For example, many years ago, an entire planet was annihilated, and some blasphemous races were massacred, and so on.

Then he said that there was another planet on the edge of the star boundary, which was ignored because of its remoteness.For tens of thousands of years, they have never been bestowed by the gods, and they have created powerful weapons by themselves, and even left their home planet with self-created tools.

But also because their ignorant exploration finally attracted attention, the supreme god waved his hand lightly, and civilization was immediately wiped out from the star realm.

Hearing this, Chu Cheng's heart beat faster.I don't know whether this is the story of Claire's confused nonsense, or the fact that it happened in the past, and I don't know whether it contains extremely important and dangerous information.

At the boundary that is ignored by gods, creating weapons entirely by self-evolutionary design tools, isn’t that the path that human beings are taking?
If the story of this civilization is true, wouldn't the rules contained in it say that technology itself is taboo in the astral world?

The protagonist in the story is a certain race that has long been extinct, but it can also be the pole star of tomorrow.Human beings have developed to this day relying on their own wisdom and creation, transforming life with technology and creating weapons.And perhaps this is where the so-called protoss taboo was violated.

No wonder the envoy wanted to embarrass human beings as soon as he arrived at the pole of the earth.Fortunately, the envoy didn't seem to take human beings seriously, thinking that he could easily solve the problem.Otherwise, if he just went back with the information he found, the enemies who came to the Earth Star might not be able to deal with it.

But after all, these are stories heard from a mentally unbalanced alien population. Whether it is true or not can be counted, and the so-called power of God is also unknown.

He said that the technological civilization was destroyed by the gods. If this story is true, it is enough to show the strength of the gods, but if it is only to this extent, the current Chu Cheng can actually do it.

The combination of Iron Man, Thor and Green Lantern, the main heroes, has made him invincible on the planet, even more developed and more cutting-edge civilizations are not afraid.It is not necessarily impossible to destroy a civilization head-on, it is nothing more than a matter of time.

Of course, there is a lack of effective information. If he has to fight the gods in the astral world, of course it is best to delay it, and wait until he has more advanced and stronger heroes.

The recognized civilizations in the astral world are all protected by the Protoss. Since the Protoss does not allow civilization to develop large-scale technology by itself, the spaceship cannot be the creation of civilization.

Whether it was the floating island that the Cantels used when they went to the Pole Star, or the vehicle that Claire was on, they were all God-given things.

It does not have the curvature engine and interstellar jumping capabilities that a spacecraft needs in the general sense, but only has the ability to survive in the universe and fly at high speed.To achieve interstellar travel, one can only go through the "star gates" that exist in various places in the star realm, enter through one opening, and go out through the other to reach other star domains.

As for how the star gate exists, it is even more difficult to guess.Perhaps it was also the gift of the so-called Protoss-it forbade the intelligent beings in the astral world to develop their own technology, so they created products to compensate.It creates countless star gates, connects one star field after another, and then bestows vehicles for the people to pass on between the star gates, so that all parts of the star world can communicate with each other.

Of course, it was just Chu Cheng's guess.It is also possible that this thing is formed naturally. After all, the vastness of the universe and human beings' knowledge of it is less than half, and everything is possible.Maybe the star gate exists naturally, and interstellar travel is not a very difficult thing.

This is why Claire said that the spaceship leaving from Akker can only go to Krafal.Because the star field where Ake Star is located is not developed, there is only the only star gate nearby when taking off from here, and the exit is Krafal.If you want to go to other star domains in the star realm, you have to go through this transfer station.

Seeing that there was still some distance from the star gate, the last remaining crew member finally seemed to be unable to hold on anymore.

He suddenly yelled and ran wildly in the spaceship, with a completely distorted expression on his face.

After a burst of venting like a storm, the outside suddenly seemed to quiet down.When Chu Cheng was busy with the business at hand, Deadpool, who re-registered and hung up, went outside to inquire, only to find that the outside was quiet and there had been no human voices.

Wandering around twice outside, every room I went to was empty.The huge spaceship was empty, as if there was only Deadpool left.

Claire finally disappeared.Just now Chu Cheng was busy manipulating Cassandra to deal with Huicheng affairs, but on Friday, he had an on-hook perspective of watching Deadpool.From Deadpool's perspective, it is completely impossible to see how Claire disappeared. We can only speculate that he might not be able to bear the mental pressure in the end, and he left the cabin and killed himself.

So Deadpool is the last of the crew.

The investigator who stays to the end according to the classic story routine is often the last to be crazy, and the audience can vividly see from the first perspective of the recorder how he crossed the threshold of madness little by little.

But at this time, instead of having the fear of facing the unknown, Chu Cheng had some expectations.He was curious about what the nagging thing behind him - if such a thing existed - could do to Deadpool.

Deadpool wandered among the empty cabins for a while, and his sight was quickly attracted by something left in a certain room.

A small and strange thing, like a weird figure.Its prototype looks like some unknown alien creature, standing in a distorted posture, but its weird body reveals an indescribable beauty.

With just one glance, Chu Cheng was soon convinced.

This must be the treasure these poor aliens never forget.

(End of this chapter)

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