Chapter 327
The moment he saw this small statue of unknown texture, Chu Cheng had a premonition that the curse on the spaceship might be about to reach its climax.

Obviously, this should be something similar to the source of infection on the polar star. I didn’t expect that there are similar things scattered in the universe, but this small statue is obviously stronger than most of the source of infection on the polar star. .

If one had to compare the source of infection that Chu Cheng had seen with this small statue, then he reckoned that only the strength of the descending core could be compared with it, and maybe it was not as good.

The moment Deadpool took a step, the camera suddenly turned.The angle of view seems to be spinning like a dizzy, it seems that Chu Cheng didn't operate at all, Deadpool spontaneously made a full circle, turned to face the direction of the door, Brunn, who was supposed to be dead, had already appeared on the screen.

Bruen's face was strange, his round eyes that almost popped out of their sockets and his stiff body showed that he was already a dead person.But he walked like a zombie. No, more accurately, it might not be walking but sliding parallel on the ground.Because if you look closely, you will find that his feet have been broken, and the wound cut by Deadpool still remains there. The cut fell to the ground, and his body slid weirdly.

Anyone who turned around probably should have been scared to death.But Chu Cheng was mentally prepared for this level of pretentiousness, not to mention that he himself was actually thousands of light-years away safely.

Not to mention Deadpool, this guy doesn't know how to write fear.He looked at the strange corpse that suddenly appeared behind him, and then burst out laughing.

"Hahaha sorry dude but honestly I didn't think you'd be funnier dead than alive. I mean gosh look at your eyes and you don't even have feet! Hahaha I'm dying of laughter."

I don't know if the corpse brother felt that as a corpse, not only would he not be able to scare the living, but he would be laughed at by the other party.

The corpse brother suddenly opened his mouth, and the upper and lower jaws separated as if there was no limit, swallowing the entire field of vision on the screen in one bite.Deadpool seemed to be swallowed by that huge mouth, bumping and rolling in the dark, rolling for an unknown number of times before finally stopping.

"Ouch, that's unfriendly. Seriously, it's not good for the lumbar spine to do this often."

Deadpool thumped his back with his backhand like an old man, shook his head and stood up.

"Brother Corpse?" He tilted his head, "Is you still there?"

There was no answer, but there was clearly another existence in the darkness.

First there was an eye, a huge single eye, looking as if from somewhere outside through this chaotic darkness.

Its original appearance cannot be seen clearly through this pitch-black space, but it can still be vaguely seen that it is gigantic in size.The shape it hides in the darkness is absurdly grotesque, and the blurred outline seems to be pieced together with hundreds of thousands of messy geometrical bodies, but this strangely beautiful shape is combined out of nowhere, as if it can trigger the genes of intelligent creatures Deepest sensitivity to beauty.

A demon god in the dark, the culprit responsible for the madness of the entire ship's crew, is also the existence associated with the figure-like source of infection.

Chu Cheng knew that the Deadpool at this time must be suffering from a mental coercion that no human can bear, a strong fear that can crush the most indestructible steel will of intelligent creatures.This is the power from the demon god, the aura of a supreme existence.

But it's a pity that the old man played the piano to the cow.

Obviously, this trick is not useful to Chu Cheng P through the network cable. No, it can't even be said that it is through the network cable.Chu Cheng's remote control of the game characters does not have any known form of signal link, it is a pure cheat of crossing the golden finger, and he himself does not know the reason for this.

In short, he was sitting outside the screen, eating snacks and drinking happy water, feeling nothing.

Not to mention Deadpool.The cheap, heartless, brainless person is already crazy, he stared at the demon god outside the chaos for a moment, not only was not afraid, but laughed again.

"Dude, do you know? You only have one eye, you remind me of someone Nick Fury ever heard of? I'm an iron buddy, just like you have only one eye.

Let me tell you, he told everyone he met that his eye was blind because of blind trust, pretending to be very mysterious, as if there must be a story behind it.But to tell you secretly, he was actually blinded by a cat when he was stroking the cat!

Hahaha sorry. But you look funny like him to me."

Deadpool laughed out of joy, clutching his stomach and twitching all over his body.

Demon God: "."

Although the old man didn't say a word, but I don't know if it's an illusion. It always feels like someone wants to scold the street.

Chu Cheng pondered in his heart, feeling that the moment he looked directly at or touched the weird statue, he used the infected statue as a medium to drag Deadpool into some kind of illusion.All indications indicated that what he was facing was likely to be some kind of mental anomaly.

Since it is a matter of the psychiatric department
In a moment of thought, Chu Cheng tapped the keyboard to summon his teammates.

In an instant, the green divine light instantly filled the entire dark space without light.It was a flame of hope, burning tenaciously in the realm of forbidden light.The green figure hangs in the air, and the whole body is shrouded in green light, like a god hanging high in the darkness, and the ring worn on his right fist seems to be burning.

Demon God:!
The one-eyed eyes outside the darkness widened a little, as if surprised by the appearance of this little green shadow and the astonishing light it released.

At this time, Chu Cheng didn't know that the name of the space his game character was dragged into was "No Light", and it was a space where any form of brilliance was absolutely forbidden.Darkness and despair dominate everything here, and any intelligent creature trapped here will only end in collapse and madness, and there is no other way out.

But now there is such a person who released such dazzling brilliance in the dark field!

The unknown demon god became restless, and a strange look flashed in his huge one-eyed eyes.It controlled the dark realm, and when it was thinking, the endless darkness in all directions pressed down on the Green Lantern in midair like an overwhelming mountain.

The green light dimmed a lot in an instant, Green Lantern's body sank heavily, and his back bent involuntarily.

Deadpool moved his eyes under the lower mask, folded his arms as if he had nothing to do with it, and muttered beside him: "Oh buddy, if you are trying to convince others, then you may have really picked the wrong target .

Believe me, there is no word related to "counseling" in this buddy's dictionary. "

The body of the demon god beyond the darkness is unknown, but it is undoubtedly a god-like power.No matter what race or creature, even if you look at it for a glance, you will definitely not escape the end of madness on the spot, let alone be suppressed by it personally.

But it's a pity that the old man is also a match today, and the person he meets is not a normal person.

Who is Hal Jordan?

The greatest Green Lantern in history, with a strong willpower, the existence of the whole person is the best interpretation of the word "will".Even the guardian who built the lantern group once bowed down, saying that Ha Er's willpower is beyond the reach of normal creatures. When his will is exerted to the extreme, it is even "deeper and wider than the central battery of the green light, and can even reshape the world."

His will is so powerful that it can compete with the will superposition of an entire universe.

In terms of actual combat ability, the current Green Lantern is of course only A-level. His fledgling use of the lantern ring is far less proficient than in the later stage, so the strength and destructive power he can exert are limited.But if you want to compare potential willpower, then the real god will have to say that it's not worth it when he sees Ha Er, after all, the god can't do the comparison.

"The day is bright, the night is vast, and there is nowhere to hide"

Howl closed his eyes and whispered.The green light oath was clearly uttered from his mouth, and every word seemed to turn into a bit of power, turning into a bunch of green lights and filling the ring in his hand.

The demon god also seemed to clearly feel the expansion of the power of the green light, and he couldn't help but feel even more astonished that he could faintly suppress it even after increasing his power twice.

"The villain and the traitor are afraid of my divine light"

Hal stood up slowly, the green light wrapped around his body like a river and flowed endlessly.As the oath was poured out, the green light all over his body rose sharply, and the brilliance that had been dimmed by the suppression was even more dazzling than before.

At this time, he was no longer struggling as before.I saw Hal standing up casually, as if effortlessly dispelling the powerful pressure covering his whole body.

When he read the last sentence, his closed eyes under the blindfold opened suddenly, and thousands of green light spurs shot out from his eyes.

"The green light is always bright, the light of all ages!!!"

Green Lantern raised his right fist high, and the endless brilliance centered on the ring of light, expanding and bursting outward from his whole body.The entire field was cut vertically and horizontally into countless pieces by the green light in an instant, and under the irresistible power of the green light, it was cut into pieces and collapsed.

The phantom of the Demon God was dispelled along with the darkness, and flew away at an irresistible speed. When it disappeared, the one-eyed eyes were still wide open, and their eyes were fixed on the small green body, which was unprecedentedly unbelievable.

Although it didn't speak, Chu Cheng felt as if he could guess the old man's inner thoughts.

What the hell did I mess with! ?
(End of this chapter)

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