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Chapter 328 Clafal

Chapter 328 Clafal
The green light suddenly appeared, the darkness was broken, and the space in the picture spun again.Both Green Lantern and Deadpool fell back to the ground, and they were still inside the dark spaceship.

"Ha, a third-rate rookie who came out of nowhere dared to play the idea of ​​the bravest, fearless, and greatest Green Lantern in history. I really don't know the heights of the sky and the earth."

Deadpool chattered and started a rainbow fart, almost blowing his teammates into the sky.

But after a bout of embarrassment, he turned to the direction of the screen, covered his mouth and muttered in a low voice: "But I just want to tell you secretly, player, it's more enjoyable now than being a green lantern.

I mean, Cosmopolitan seems to be very handsome and powerful, but it doesn't matter if it doesn't have a box office, doesn't it? "

Chu Cheng knew that he was despising the box office of Green Lantern by using the actors again, so he ignored it and only switched to the perspective of Green Lantern.He pressed the interaction button at the statue, Green Lantern raised his right fist, and a ball of green light immediately enveloped the thing.

It hangs in the air in the light, and the green light ring emits light to scan up and down, only to find that the reaction of the source of infection seems to have weakened a lot.

It seems that this ship of people traveled thousands of miles to that remote planet just for this thing, and then the whole ship faced a crisis but was reluctant to abandon it, presumably it should be something extremely precious.

Moreover, such a source of infection is rare to see in the polar stars of the whole earth. Although it is absolutely impossible for him to bring this dangerous thing back to the polar stars, if there is any chance to study it, even a little bit about the source of infection The clue of things will be of great benefit to them in dealing with related affairs in the future.

Seeing his hesitation on Friday, he said: "Sir, if you think it is necessary, you might as well take it first. If you have the opportunity to study it slowly later, it may be helpful to our scientific research module."

Chu Cheng thought for a while: "That's okay. But the source of infection will release special radiation, and judging from the reactions of Claire and others, this thing might cause trouble."

Friday suggested: "Then store it in the subspace attached to the lamp ring, naturally there will be no radiation leakage, and it will be impossible for people to detect it."

Chu Cheng was taken aback for a moment: "How else can I do this?"

"Of course, didn't you read the hero description carefully?" Friday smiled, "Otherwise, how do you think Jordan's lantern ring is charged?"

As she spoke, she showed Chu Cheng one of the hero's passive skills in the detailed introduction, only then did Chu Cheng realize it.

If you compare Green Lantern's light ring to a smartphone, then the lantern is a power bank.But the lantern ring can be worn on the hand at any time, and it is obviously inconvenient to carry something so big as a lantern.

The full-energy light ring can only support one or two days of activity, and the Green Lantern needs to perform missions in the universe all year round. It is common for ten and a half months in a row to not have the opportunity to return for supplies.So it is very important to be able to charge at any time.

It is for this reason that the basic function of the lamp ring is equipped with a subspace function.That is a subsidiary space that comes with every lamp ring, which is similar to the function of the storage ring in the novel, but it is far smaller than the storage ring in the novel.The subspace of the Lantern Ring is basically only enough to store Lanternman's lantern, and it is not easy to fit anything larger.

The statue is so small, but there is nothing wrong with it.

Generally speaking, the energy of a lantern is not unlimited, and there is an upper limit to the capacity of a power bank no matter how large it is.The energy of the green light all comes from the oversized green light standing in the headquarters of the Green Lantern Corps on Oa, and the Lanterns scattered all over the universe have to go back to Oa to recharge their batteries every once in a while.

Chu Cheng specially tested it before, and never expected that the game characters set in this aspect were restored.

The Green Lantern he operates, like the previous Batman Iron Man, is a hero with the ability to "return to the city".It's just that what he returned after pressing the return button was not the Batcave or some armored laboratory, but the headquarters of the Green Lantern Corps.

It's just similar to the Batcave or the laboratory, the so-called headquarters is also a copy.After pressing the back to city button, the Green Lantern will fly out at an accelerated speed, and then play a cutscene of interstellar jumping.

And there are other Green Lanterns on the map of the Green Lantern Corps, but it feels more like an NPC in an ARPG game town, and the level of intelligence shown is not as high as the hero played by Chu Cheng.

Most of them are flying around in the background, in a hurry, and most of them can't talk.There are only a few comics in which Lanternmen, who are well-known and familiar with Hal, can trigger dialogue, but often there are only a few sentences.

Chu Cheng didn't know if the upgrade would unlock new functions in the future, but at this stage of A-level, this map seems to be only used as a charging function.

The open map of the legion headquarters is not too small, but he didn't find anything useful except the main power supply room and the training ground.As a game scene, there are almost no interactive objects, such as the cafeteria library, and the meaning is a bit unclear.

The power bank that Chu Cheng currently operates in Green Lantern's hand can last for ten days and a half months without any problem, but if it takes longer, he will need to go back to the city to replenish it.

To say that he is afraid of causing trouble is just casually speaking, the biggest advantage of the stand-in role is that he is not afraid of anything.He is not afraid of trouble to come to the door, but he is afraid that he will not find trouble and have no tasks to do. Anyway, as long as he does not have anything to do with himself, he can roam around the universe at will, and he will be resurrected tomorrow if he dies.

The demon god behind this thing is probably also confused.

As for the investigators involved in the stories of the ancient gods, some are crazy, some are dead, and some are missing. Occasionally, one or two talented people can escape from the sky, that is, they can be dubbed " The lucky one known as "Legend".

But looking directly at the indescribable things, you almost kicked the old man out of the line in the spiritual world?

Such a wild way is probably the only one in Green Lantern, and the ancient gods are confused.

Although it was a pity that the crew members died and no one was at the helm, fortunately, the spaceship was already approaching the star gate when Claire died.A wave of air turbulence caused the hull to hum and rise a few times. In less than a minute, the spaceship passed through the star gate and arrived at the target star field.

"Life response detected."

The green light ring worked quickly, and scanned the life responses that were closer to their coordinates.The target was locked on a light red planet not far away, and since there was no second planet inhabited by life nearby, Chu Cheng quickly judged that it should be the Krafal he was looking for.

After the spaceship rushed out of the star gate, it deviated from the direction, and the course began to deviate to the unknown depths of the universe.Now that the crew has all received their lunch boxes, no one can steer the ship to divert the route, but since he can already see the destination, Chu Cheng no longer needs the ship.

He immediately changed the operating hero to Green Lantern, and a bunch of green lights flew away from the spaceship, like a small firefly in the universe, flying towards Crafal.

The Green Lantern flew faster than the stone-like spaceship, and it didn't take long to break through the atmosphere.

Originally, he thought that the Green Lantern Force Field had an anti-radar and anti-detection function, so it might be able to avoid the monitoring network of this planet.But after breaking into the atmosphere, I found that there were no obstacles.

Although this planet is densely distributed with intelligent creatures and can detect a large number of life responses, it unexpectedly has almost no means of restraint and defense against the sky.Green Lantern didn't encounter too many obstacles all the way down.

But Chu Cheng quickly realized that he already knew on the spaceship that civilization's independent development of technology is a big taboo in the star world, so naturally no one would develop a technology similar to radar.

That's why this planetary security mechanism feels like a group of contractors with the Kingdom of Light. Alien visitors come in as soon as they say they want, and they don't even wear a door.

In fact, Chu Cheng was not entirely right to think so.Although there is no detection mechanism because technology is banned, it is also because most planets in the astral world have no concept of external control at all.

After entering the atmosphere, the scanning of the green light ring quickly determined the location where life was relatively concentrated, and found the location of a city not far away.

Green Lantern Ring, as an interstellar weapon, only looks at the scanning analysis function, and it is much more prominent than other heroes.Its long-distance scanning range is incredible, and it can mark life reactions at great distances in the universe.

Not long after flying, the first alien city appeared in Green Lantern's field of vision.

A city built on the edge of a cliff is lined with alien buildings.However, Chu Cheng is actually not sure whether the word "building" can be used to describe it, because compared with the modern high-rise buildings with sharp edges and corners, the aborigines here seem to prefer spheres when building.

Large and small spheres, colorful, arranged high and low among the cities.The criss-crossing streets below were almost obscured by interlaced shadows, as if the sky were covered with spherical black clouds.

At first, he found it quite novel, but he thought that the architectural style systems derived from different regional civilizations on the ancient earth were so different, let alone alien races.Thinking about it this way, it seems that it is not surprising enough.

Chu Cheng pondered for a while how to sneak in unobtrusively, but found out that his worries were completely unfounded.Urban security also seems to be in line with the entire planet, and there is no concept of border control at all.Green Lantern flew in almost swaggeringly, found a corner where no one was paying attention, and landed, no one cared or cared about it at all.

Not long after landing, a commotion was heard ahead.

It sounded like someone was having a fight.

(End of this chapter)

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