Chapter 339


The young man clutched his stomach aggrievedly, looking sluggish, his spirit just now was gone.

"I want to eat."

Only then did Chu Cheng realize his omission.

Because the heroes he manipulates are not real human beings, they don’t need to eat, drink, and scatter, and their physical strength is unlimited by default. Well, it can’t be said to be unlimited, because it consumes the physical energy of the operator.

But the point is, because it's just a virtual character, he didn't think about food at all.But now that he brought a living creature with him, he naturally had to consider the issue of eating.

Of course, there is no food on the spaceship. After all, the ship itself is a figment of the imagination, and almost nothing on the ship is real.

Generally speaking, the creations of the Green Lantern Ring are temporary, and once the created Lantern is released from his attention, his concrete creations will disappear.

It is not impossible to create permanently out of thin air.After all, the limit of the ring only exists in the limit of the user. There are indeed Lanterns who create permanent creations and non-energy entities, even things other than green.But the more complex it is, the more delicate operations, intense concentration and willpower are required.

Among these three points, Hal Jordan currently operated by Chu Cheng may not lack willpower, but the first two are not enough. The one from the A-level pool is the rookie Hal who has just joined the Lantern Group. He has to understand some deeper things in the later stage.

So if he wants to use the green light ring to create permanent creations out of thin air, he is definitely out of luck at this stage.

But in this vast sea of ​​stars that can't reach the sky or the ground, where can I find food?

"Lantern ring, scan the nearest life response of nearby planets."

Chu Cheng activated the green light vision to scan, and the entire dark universe picture suddenly turned green, and everything around him seemed to be covered with a green filter.

Planets were soon marked out.They are beyond the line of sight and cannot be seen by the naked eye, but they cannot escape the scanning of the light ring.

Where there is life, there must be food. Even if there is no civilization, Hal can catch a beast and roast it.

The light or green light flashed, and the spaceship immediately turned and flew towards the locked direction.

After flying into the atmosphere, Hal immediately released the construction of the spaceship, gathered the green light cage and changed it back to the bubble form, wrapping the two of them in it.In this way, the volume is small and the concealment is high, so it is not easy to be noticed when it lands.

The young man watched the plane around him condense and transform into a bubble shape, without concealing the yearning in his eyes, and couldn't help but marvel when he looked at Hal.

However, it is not a planet with primitive ecology, and there is obviously a civilization at the landing site of the two of them.The strangely shaped buildings form a residential community, which probably looks like a town by the standards of the Earth Star.

The translation of the lantern ring also helped them understand the purpose of most buildings through the slogan prompts.Hal randomly found a restaurant related to catering, and led the boy into it.

When he got off the spaceship of Akexing, he took some interstellar common currency, which was almost enough to deal with.

There are quite a few races in the small shop, and Chu Cheng saw at least five aliens with obvious characteristics of different races at a glance.Among them, there are also a few that look similar to humans, but their skin color is weird, and there are some bumps on certain parts of the skin.

Chu Cheng noticed that the planets in the star world may not always be divided according to race, at least that may be the case on the planets he has been to so far.Both Krafal and here are multi-ethnic people living together. I don't know if this has any connection with the customs or systems of the astral world.

The two found empty seats and sat down.A head poked out from behind the counter, it seemed to be the owner of the shop, but it turned out to be a cube-shaped guy.Its angular body looked extraordinarily bulky, and Chu Cheng couldn't imagine how it worked for a while.

But soon Chu Cheng found out.After Hal led the boy to sit down, the boss only glanced to this side, and immediately behind him a cabinet-like thing bounced off with a "snap", and two identical utensils flew out side by side.

Mind power?
Chu Cheng understood.It seems that the Creator has compensated for its bulky and inconvenient body after all. It seems that it can use telekinesis to replace hands and feet to do most of the work.

This restaurant is also strange, after the customers come in, they don't speak or order, and they fly out in two, it feels like a unified box lunch for work activities.

"I don't need it." Hal shook his head.

The shopkeeper didn't say a word, but the utensil that had just landed on the table flew back immediately and was stuffed back into the cabinet behind it.

Virtual characters don't need to eat or drink, so of course there's no need to waste them.

However, Chu Cheng was still curious about what the food of the aliens looked like.He turned his head to watch the boy uncover the strange vessel, and saw that inside was a collection of indescribable things, which were messed up into a mess, like a paste between solid and liquid, and there was still gurgling in the soup. Inky black bubbles burst forth.

Fortunately, he couldn't smell the smell through the screen, otherwise Chu Cheng wasn't sure if he could stand it.

But the young man's eyes lit up, and he ate it happily without even thinking about it, and it was quite sweet. If he hadn't seen the bowl of Chu Cheng, he would almost have thought that he was eating some peerless delicacy.

The cook, the cook soul, and the cook are all masters.From this point of view, this person must be the Master of the Star Realm, and his enthusiasm for cooking is astonishing.

There was nothing to do while he was eating, so Chu Cheng turned his camera, glanced at the surrounding alien races and the situation of the alien restaurant, and listened to what the aliens were talking about.

He habitually pressed the green light again, and the screen suddenly turned green.

Unexpectedly, two people in the room were marked yellow.

Represents the logo of the enemy.

Meaning Hal judged that there were enemies here?Is there any basis?

Chu Cheng immediately paid attention there.After being reminded by Deng Jie, he found that the two people seemed to have been looking at this side without knowing when, and their gaze was quite suspicious.No, to be more precise, what they were looking at was the young man beside Hal who was working hard to make a living.

Could it be that they saw something?
Noticing Hal looking over, the two hurriedly looked away.

In less than a minute, the two got up one after another, turned their heads and went out.

Hal remained calm and did not move.

Chu Cheng was not at ease letting this stupid boy out of Green Lantern's sight, so he didn't manipulate Hal to follow.

Of course that doesn't mean he's done with it.

The two aliens left the restaurant and walked out quickly.

"Are you sure you read it right?"

"You're absolutely right, that must be someone from the Stardust Land."

The alien next to him took a deep breath.

"Land of Stardust. MD, the boss has been looking for it for so many years without any movement, so it doesn't take much effort to get here. What is the probability?"

"Don't be too happy, the one next to him doesn't look easy to mess with. We have to call someone"

"Cough cough."

A cough interrupted the two of them.They were stunned, followed the sound, only to see a red-clothed strange man leaning against the wall with two swords on his back, looking at them.

"You guys seem to be chatting very interestingly, would you mind sharing it?"

(End of this chapter)

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