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Chapter 340 Xing Lan

Chapter 340 Xing Lan
The two aliens glanced at him, slightly surprised.But they looked at each other, didn't respond to Deadpool, didn't continue talking, just turned their heads and walked away quickly.

"Hey, how rude!"

Deadpool took a step forward and slapped his right hand on the shoulder of one of them.Unexpectedly, the moment the man's shoulder was pressed, his arm sank suddenly, and his arm wrapped around Deadpool's arm like a snake.

It's not an exaggeration, but the man's whole arm went limp, as if there were no bones in it, and it was really like a wandering snake wrapped around Deadpool's right arm, bound like a rope. locked up.

The alien twisted forcefully, and with a click, it instantly snapped off Deadpool's entire arm.

"Hey, that's too rude!"

Deadpool yelled, and suddenly his whole body spun. At the same time, the severed arm pulled the opponent's whole body off the ground, and he slammed him hard on the ground.

Not only did he break his arm like a normal person, but he also quickly counterattacked, which caught the two aliens by surprise.The companion next to him immediately threw a fist to save him, but Deadpool dodged the fist and rolled over on the fallen alien. At the same time, he pulled it with the help of the rolling stone. His arm has snapped back into place.

Deadpool rolled up, and in turn used his entangled arms to lift the opponent from the ground, and hit the opponent's center line head-on with a kick.

The alien hastily used his free hand to block, but he didn't expect that the kick would suddenly change direction to a high sweep midway through the kick.The alien was holding his palm horizontally to block his kick, raising his knee and kicking his leg, how could he have expected that he could turn around halfway through the kick?His head was immediately kicked from the front by Deadpool's boots, his entire forehead buzzed and almost burst.

This kick is a "changing kick" in karate, and the essence of the trick lies in "changing" rather than "kicking".He tricks the opponent into blocking with a fake low forward kick, but the really powerful back kick is actually a high-level sweep kick.

This headshot kick made the alien buddy dizzy on the spot, and he almost didn't fall down directly. At the same time, the arm that locked Deadpool couldn't help but let go, slippery like a loach, trying to retract.

But Deadpool grabbed his arm and grabbed him, and a series of knee bumps and legs was crazy output.The companion next to him rushed forward to save him, but Deadpool's other free hand drew his gun casually and fired a volley of bullets, sweeping the man head-on to the ground, rolling and moaning.

With three punches and two kicks plus a shuttle of bullets, the two aliens were already rolling and moaning in a panic.

Deadpool stepped on one of them, and picked up the other one: "Why are you so serious? I just want to hear you continue talking about the topic just now.

Uh. Where did you just say that? "

This person just took a bunch of bullets head-on. Although this race is not weak after being hit with a long series of bullet craters from the chest to the head, it is obviously not good, and the meeting is still moaning endlessly.

Deadpool put the gun on his forehead again while speaking.This person didn't recognize firearms as a weapon just now, but after eating a few shots, he now realized that this thing is not easy to mess with.Youdao is a hero who doesn't suffer from immediate losses, so he has to pinch his nose and confess.

"I don't know what you're talking about. Uhhhhh!"

Deadpool shot him in the shoulder.

"It's not a good idea to lie, but by the way, buddy, you are really strong. Wow, you must exercise regularly, right? Is it okay to eat so many guns?"

The man groaned in pain for a while, gritted his teeth and said, "What exactly do you want to know?"

"Do you know the child inside? I just heard you say, where is Xing?"

"Land of Stardust. Have you seen some sporadic spots of light dotted on his clothing?" The man said with difficulty, "That proves that only people in the Land of Stardust have such characteristics."

Chu Cheng was stunned for a moment.

real or fake?He had noticed it before, but he thought it was a style of clothing design.He wondered how it is quite common to wear some shiny embellishments on our bodies on our earth, so why are they still recognizable marks?

"Land of Stardust? Explain more clearly."

"We don't know very well, but the boss said... It is a group of races that survived from a very ancient time, and now it seems to have basically disappeared from the universe.

But many people believe that only these remnants know how the temple works, so many people who pay attention to the Void Temple are looking for them.

Deadpool twisted his arm back.Apparently, this buddy didn't have a snake-like soft arm like the companion next to him, and the oppression of the anti-joint caused him extra pain.

So as expected, fists should be the most common way of communication in the universe, and basically everything can be said after a punch.It's just that they couldn't provide any valuable clues other than that. They only knew that they had traveled a long distance from another planet and were spies sent by an organization that was also interested in the temple.

The only important thing is this place called "Land of Stardust".

According to these two people, the history of this race is longer than most species in this astral world, and it has survived from the time of a god in the astral world to the present.Over the years, countless people have searched for their whereabouts, but the survivors of the Stardust Land have always been indifferent, and no one in the vast sea of ​​stars knows which planet they are hiding in.

Until one day many, many years later, the news leaked.A planet that is said to be where the Stardust Land is located has attracted the attention of various forces.

Few can say exactly what happened that day, but one can imagine that it must have been quite chaotic.Many powerful forces from multiple star fields have landed on that planet within a few days. The multi-party powerful forces check and balance each other and fight each other. They almost turned the whole place upside down to find the whereabouts of those legendary survivors.

As for whether they found it in the end, only rumors remained, at least neither of them had heard of it.

So it is even more impossible for them to know where those survivors are now.

"So you think," Chu Cheng continued to ask, "that child inside is the survivor you are looking for."

The two looked at each other, one shook his head and the other nodded.

Deadpool narrowed his eyes: "It looks like someone wants to take a gun again?"

The two aliens are out of their wits.The person stepped on by him hurriedly said: "No, actually we don't know. After all, no one has ever seen what the survivors look like. We just heard some descriptions of their characteristics and felt that the girl looked a bit similar."

"Well, where is the address of the so-called Stardust Land? You should know this, right?" Deadpool shook the black muzzle of his gun.

"I know. The boss always thinks if there are any clues that are missing, he will send someone to check again every few years. It is on the border of star field 42, on a planet called 'Xinglan'."

In this way, Chu Cheng had an impression.There is no address named "Land of Stardust" on the star map, but he seems to have glimpsed this name.

If this child is really a descendant of the so-called remnants, maybe that is the place where he lived when he was young.

Maybe there will be clues about his grandfather.

And judging from the star map, the location also happens to be between the path from here to the temple, it is nothing more than a little detour across a star field.It's okay to drop by to have a look, if you really find the right place, the young man will definitely recognize it.

Although he was a little dazed, he couldn't even recognize the hometown he grew up in, right?

Just thinking of this, the boy in the store put down the bowl contentedly: "I'm full~"

He tilted his head, and seemed to find that Hal beside him was in deep thought, so he asked with concern, "What's the matter?"

"Oh, nothing."

Chu Cheng just returned to Hal's perspective.

"Let's go after eating. But our plan has changed, so we won't go to the temple for now."

"Oh, where are you going?"

The boy didn't even ask why.Anyway, he can go wherever he takes him. He has never gone out in his life, and he always feels novelty and joy when he goes outside.

Hal smiled.

"Go find your grandpa."

(End of this chapter)

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