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Chapter 341 Green Lantern Spaceship

Chapter 341 Green Lantern Spaceship
So the plan changed, and Hal took the baby to change the route, taking a short detour to the planet called Xinglan first, to find out his origin and the whereabouts of the "grandpa" he called.

During the flight, there will still be a period of time to fly. For a while, Chu Cheng temporarily handed over the operation and navigation of Lantern Man to the AI, and took the opportunity to go back and continue to take care of the business at hand.

Since the last time the envoys and the Cantels invaded, the Starry Sky Committee and his side were allocated resources and received a lot more support.

If there was any unease about the development of the Avengers and their colleagues on the planet, most of the voices have disappeared after the last Cantel invasion.

The extraterrestrial threat is no longer an unwarranted existence, and this intrusion has sounded the alarm for everyone.Whether they are willing or not, they all realize that this planet is facing the challenges of a new era, and the magnificent performance of the Avengers in this battle has made everyone realize how indispensable this force is to them Or missing.

With such support, the drone network coverage of Chu Cheng's plan is getting higher and higher.More urban areas have been included in the watchtower's supervision, and those idle C-level heroes who were drawn out early in the morning have also been dispatched one after another, each stationed in different urban areas.

At the same time, after testing the moving object recognition module, it was downloaded into the general template.Now drones can quickly and effectively identify almost all infected objects, and there is a high probability of being scanned even before the onset of symptoms of an infected person.

Once the scan is confirmed, the incident is judged by the drone's underlying AI to determine the nature of the incident level. Depending on the situation, the AI ​​will send the police notification to the local Secret Service Nine or feed it back to the watchtower, and dispatch the heroes stationed in the local area to deal with it.

It has to be said that infection incidents still account for a large number of points, and the efficiency of the infection scanning module has been significantly increased after downloading.During this period of time, I have accumulated another twenty consecutive draws.

So taking advantage of the spare time now, Chu Cheng exited the operation to breathe a sigh of relief, and smashed all twenty rounds in a row without any hassle.

First of all, there are a few C-level heroes. Although they are far from the front line, they can't be said to be useless.After all, he is building a surveillance network right now when there is a shortage of manpower. According to his idea, it is best to keep at least three to four heroes stationed in each city. Obviously, the number of people in his current hero pool is not enough.

So even C-level heroes are welcome.

Then there was a B-level, which was not bad, the famous black brother His Majesty the King Black Panther.The physical fitness of a super soldier, the physical fitness of a [-]-[-] match with the US team, and the powerful fighting skills of a [-]-[-] match with the US team.
Well, I always feel like I said it and didn't say it.

There may be a lot of weird curses in the hell of Marvel.Not to mention the well-known fact that close combat is king, and that mage and archer supporters prefer hand-to-hand combat, and the spirit of leading the way also seems a little weird.

Whether it is the earth or an alien planet, it feels as if they all like to take the coach to the front when they all play chess.The cosmic emperor with a heavy army in his hand keeps his spaceship and warships locked and comes down with a machete to fight with people. The biggest interest of the billionaire super rich is to try to drown people with money, and His Majesty the King also It is still the one who takes the lead, who is the king of a country and will always charge at the forefront of the battlefield.

Of course, this may well be a tactic.There is a saying that captures the thief first and captures the king first. If someone from the other side really touches the back row to catch the coach, he will be surprised if he catches nothing.Just grab a soldier and ask him, the one who kills the most in the front row is the coach
Of course, this is not unreasonable, after all, the Black Panther King has a vibrating gold battle suit that can be called a humanoid fortress.

The country of Wakanda is a model for falling pie from the sky, but what people drop is pie and what they drop is vibrating gold.Basically, all vibrating gold on Earth is produced in this place, and the American team's piece is no exception.

Originally a super soldier physique plus an invulnerable vibrating gold suit that can absorb kinetic energy, this makes him almost immortal.The fly in the ointment is that Black Panther also belongs to the type of "all-point defense because it hurts too much". Sitting on a country's wealth and black technology, his battle suit can only provide protection, and the strongest offensive weapon is limited to the gloves. claws.

So to say that he is advanced is indeed advanced, but compared with the Iron Man armor, His Majesty the King seems a bit petty.This may also be the reason why the hero rating is only B level.

In fact, the Black Panther hero itself is secondary. What really concerns Chu Cheng is the black technology behind his back.After all, according to the movie, Wakanda's vibration-based technology is many years ahead of the outside world. Although the technology tree is a bit crooked, there are still many novelties.

But looking at the technology module, Chu Cheng was a little disappointed, but not surprised.

Sure enough, the technology is based on the technology derived from vibrating gold, and vibrating gold materials are necessary to realize it.But after all, it is impossible for the game to send heroes to send equipment, and the equipment still has to be drawn separately. If the vibration gold is not drawn, the technology of the black panther module can only be seen first.

But the equipment shipped next immediately caught the eye.

A green light spaceship produced by Oa.

This was indeed unexpected, and it was a surprise.

It is the first fully functional spaceship that Chu Cheng has obtained so far!

Oa is the planet where the Green Lantern Corps is stationed, and the guardian of the little blue man is their boss.The rings of the entire lantern group were made by them. The technical ability of these little blue people is naturally impeccable, and the quality of the spaceship they built is of course nothing to say.

It's just that Oua Xing has already handed over all combat tasks to Green Lantern. After all, they have "the most powerful weapon in the universe", so naturally they don't need a weapon system.

Therefore, the existence of the green light spaceship is only for transportation instead of combat weapons.It may be that the little blue people thought about it during the design. Anyway, the passengers on the spaceship will be Green Lanterns, and all of them will be super weapons that sweep the fleet. Therefore, it is better to strengthen its speed as a vehicle than adding some superfluous weapons.

Another thing that made Chu Cheng feel like a buy-one-get-one-free surprise was that the spaceship came with a super powerful AI.

A feminine AI named Aya, who appeared in the "Green Lantern TAS" animated series.The first half of the animation was quite exciting, but the second half was cut in half due to the unclear meaning of the plot. It is one of the regrettable potential works in the minds of DC fans.

The appearance of the green light spacecraft has undoubtedly made interstellar activities more free.This means that Chu Cheng now has at least two teams that can move freely in the interstellar world.

The shipment of twenty consecutive draws as the finale is even more gratifying.

iron Man.

Of course, it wasn't that the Iron Man he had already shipped was crooked again. At least so far, the game feels quite conscientious in this regard. The heroes he has drawn have never been crooked for the second time.

This time, it was Iron Man with an "A" rating in the system.

(End of this chapter)

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