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Chapter 343 There is something wrong with this place

Chapter 343 There is something wrong with this place
It was an inconspicuous planet among the stars.However, the Green Lantern flew close, and Chu Cheng saw through the screen that the planet was surrounded by a burst of strange starlight debris, and the brilliance of the star dots was indeed like stardust when it fell down, and it was indeed a bit of a "stardust land". the taste of.

As usual, they released the spaceship form when they entered the atmosphere, and the light turned into a green transparent bubble to wrap the two of them forward.

The experience of traveling through the starry sky in a transparent bubble is indeed not available to everyone, let alone this ignorant teenager.Even after such a period of time in the journey, he still admires this miraculous method.

"Uncle, you are amazing!"

He didn't know how many times he felt emotional.After a pause, it seemed that there was still more to say, so I couldn't help but add.

"Still a nice guy!"

Chu Cheng, who was inexplicably issued a good person card indirectly, couldn't help but smile.But after all, it was a boy who issued the card, not a girl, and he also knew that the child was innocent and ignorant of the world, and it was mostly from the heart, so he accepted it.

"How can I be a good person?"

"Well, you give me something to eat, you change so many interesting things to play with me, and you are so powerful, you are naturally a very good person."

"In other words, the leader who picked you up before is naturally a good person?"

"That's right. He brought me a lot of delicious food, and he also planned to ask me to help him crack the temple and save many people. He is naturally a good person."

Chu Cheng thought to himself that the leader must be a fool.Although if the ancient gods in the temple are summoned, there may be a chance to make a wish, and if the wish is appropriate, it may really help many people, but people who put so much effort into this matter are mostly for themselves.

Of course, there is nothing to say about this. So many people in the star world are looking for that temple, who is not for themselves?Even Chu Cheng still has his own plans.

The speed of the light ring is limited in the planetary atmosphere, far below the speed of flying in the interstellar.After they entered the planetary atmosphere, their flight speed dropped significantly.

It's quite a beautiful planet.

This was indeed Chu Cheng's first impression.Looking around, the first thing he saw were mountains, rocks, flowers and plants, a large area of ​​primitive ecology.It's just that most of the earth's vegetation is lush green, but here it is blue.The branches and leaves of the trees stand alternately, and the mountains and plains are connected, like a blue ocean.

It is different from the features of the polar star scenery, but it also has an exotic and unique aesthetic feeling.

But the forest is full of birds, beasts and raptors, and there is no human habitation.The Green Lantern flew forward for more than 100 kilometers, and the front was marked for the first time with an intelligent biological response.

It was a very small building.It was built among the mountains and forests, and it was piled up with rocks and vegetation. It felt more like an enlarged version of a bird's nest than a building, but it was built into a large group that could shelter from the wind and rain.

The two flew down and saw a child sitting in front of the house.

Or at least look like a child in terms of size and stature to ordinary eyes.Short hands and feet, short stature, dark red skin, no hair, dull lavender eyes, lacking aura.

Hal landed in front of him and asked, "Sorry to interrupt, can I ask a few questions?"

The child looked up, and the purple eyeballs rolled awkwardly to look at him.

But he didn't answer, instead he laughed a few times, and his body trembled a few times.At this time, according to the sunset time of this planet, it seems that it happened to be in the evening, and the stars moved to the direction behind him. The setting sun blocked by the rocks only released a little afterglow, which outlined the trembling outline of this alien boy, which seemed indescribably grotesque.

Even though there were differences in race and region, Chu Cheng still felt that he was probably not a fool.

After pondering for a while, he asked again through Hal: "Is there anyone else at home? For example. Where are your parents?"

Although he was asking this question, he had already walked away from the child and looked into the room without any politeness.

But there was no one inside.

But the child actually spoke up, and said with a smile: "Dad. No. Mom. Dead! Died cleanly, hahaha"

This is the first time Chu Cheng has doubted the translation function of Deng Jie.Otherwise, how could this child laugh so happily while saying that his mother is gone?
But he also thought that in the early years, he heard that there are remote places on the earth that regard the death of relatives as a grand happy event, and they need to celebrate with banquets.Aliens can't tell
Well, or this is just a fool.

The young man followed Hal, looking at the smiling child, his expression was a little complicated for a while.

Looking at this silly child, he felt an inexplicable sense of sadness in his heart, and even more so, a feeling of chills running down his spine.But he didn't understand the world, he just felt uncomfortable in his heart, and he couldn't figure out how and why he was sad.

"Let's go."

It's probably useless to spend time with a fool, and the green glow of the lantern ring enveloped the two of them again, and they rose from the ground together.

Until they flew far away, the red child became a small black spot in the field of vision, and the smiling face and voice still lingered like mental pollution.

After passing by this hut, the population seemed to gradually increase.This time it only flew for another minute or two, and more signs of intelligent creatures appeared below.

And this time it appeared more densely, with a bit of a township feel to it.It is still a very rough hut, which looks like it is made of local materials and stacked by hand. It is not beautiful and has no construction technology. It is nothing more than a place to serve as a roof.

Another figure was seen on the side of the road.Hal descended again.

"Sorry to interrupt, but we'd like to ask a few questions."

But the man didn't hear them at all, or maybe didn't see them at all.He didn't even move his eyeballs, he just stared blankly ahead, and only blinked from time to time to show that he was still alive.

Chu Cheng tried to press the interaction button.Hal patted the other party's shoulder, stretched out his hand and shook it twice in front of him, but the other party did not respond.

As a result, when Chu Cheng thought for a while that he hadn't done anything, the man suddenly realized "ah", as if he had just discovered the existence of an outsider, and turned his head in horror.

"Huh? What time are you? I didn't even notice."

Chu Cheng was a little strange, but he still wanted to take advantage of the other party's rare sobriety to ask questions: "We are passing passengers, just want to ask a few questions"

But the man followed up and continued: "No! I didn't say, I didn't tell them anything! You have to believe me"

"Don't be nervous, speak slowly, who are they? What's the matter"

Chu Cheng quickly shut up.

Because he realized that the other party was not talking to Hal in front of him at all.He still didn't even notice two people popping up in front of him.

He just fell into a horrible memory that may be unforgettable.

Chu Cheng frowned.

There is indeed a problem here.

(End of this chapter)

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