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Chapter 344 Chapter Family

Chapter 344
Hal watched for a while, but the man spoke incoherently and didn't say any more useful information. It seemed that there were only a few words back and forth.

The man was completely immersed in his own world, and it was completely useless to speak or move in front of him.Even patting him and hitting him didn't respond at all, as if he had no consciousness at all.

It is obviously impossible to ask anything from him in such a state.

Turning the angle of view, Chu Cheng realized that the boy was holding Hal's hand tightly, looking terrified.

Hal patted him on the shoulder. Although he didn't make a sound, he obviously conveyed the meaning of "don't be afraid".The boy looked up at him, and sure enough he let out a sigh of relief, feeling a little relieved.

Hal led the boy to move on.Chu Cheng wanted to find two more people to inquire about the "Land of Stardust", but before asking, in fact, he had already vaguely anticipated the result in his heart, and didn't hold out much expectations.

Sure enough, the reactions of a few more people were similar.Either watching them giggle, or talking nonsense, saying something that people can't understand.In short, most of them are delirious, and no one even notices that someone is in front of them, let alone answering questions.

This is strange.Could it be that the people on this entire planet are all crazy?
After finding out that the people in this place seemed to be pretty much the same, Chu Cheng didn't waste any more time asking, and directly manipulated Green Lantern to fly back into the air.He thought it would be better to fly to another place on this planet and find people. Such a big planet cannot be inhabited by only such a small village, and it is not certain that there are people who can talk in another place.

Although the speed of the lantern ring is limited in the atmosphere, as one of the wall hangings of Zhenglian's veteran class, the flying speed cannot be slowed down.The radius of the planet Xinglan is not as good as that of the earth, and it doesn't take too much effort to go around the world.

Not long after flying again, the two found a small village again.But after going down and wandering around, I found that the situation seemed to be not too different from the situation there just now.The aliens I met were either dumb or stupid, and none of them could speak.

A thought flashed through Chu Cheng's mind, wondering if there is something wrong with the planet's environment that would lead to mental disability, or could it be that someone did it intentionally?

Ascending again, what they saw in their eyes was still a blue ocean, which looked like a beautiful planet full of birdsong and flowers, but looking at it now, it felt completely different from when they first came down. dead air.

The people here seem to be alive, but they don't know whether they are dead or alive.The whole planet is gloomy, like a ferocious beast that chooses people and devours them.

"I don't like this place." The boy whispered, "Can we go?"

"Just for a while, I'll look elsewhere, and if I still can't find it, I'll leave." Chu Cheng comforted.

The boy was clearly afraid, but he nodded obediently and remained silent.He wrapped himself in the green bubble, and it seemed that only this transparent cover could give him a sense of security.

He looked left and right in this layer of hood, and looked out unconsciously. Suddenly he saw something, and he couldn't help but screamed: "Huh!?"


Chu Cheng released the forward button, Hal braked the car, and the green bubble hovered in the air.

"There, there just now" the boy said vaguely, his face was full of confusion, "It seems! It looks like!"

It turned out that during the launch of Green Lantern, the bubble they were riding flew over a forest, and he caught a glimpse of it and suddenly felt that the place looked so familiar, it was like the place where he and his grandfather grew up together.

It was also luck, they just landed in a nearby village and town to check the situation, and the aircraft was re-launching.If it weren't for this, if he flew directly through the air at the flying speed of Green Lantern, even if he was familiar with this environment, how could he recognize it?

Hearing what he said, Chu Cheng felt that it might be the most important clue for this trip, so he changed his course and landed there.

The young man led the way, and the more he walked, the more he realized that everything here was extremely familiar.He has grown up in this place since he can remember, until the day he parted with his grandfather, his world is nothing more than this, so although he has been away for a while, he is still familiar with the road.

Green Lantern followed behind him, winding in the forest for a while, and soon a hut appeared in front of him.

Similar to the huts in those villages and towns before, they are also just stacked with bare hands, simple and rough.But when the young man saw him, he felt extremely cordial, and it was undoubtedly his childhood residence. He yelled "Grandpa" and rushed through the door.

But it was conceivable that his grandfather was naturally not inside.

The interior decoration is very simple.There are several pieces of furniture that Chu Cheng has never seen before, so he can't guess the purpose at the moment, but the texture is also very rough and old.There was a heavy layer of dust in the house, and there was no sign of people living there.

It may be true that since the child left, his grandfather has never come back.

Chu Cheng still doesn't know who his grandfather is, but if this child is a survivor, then his grandfather must be too.There are probably quite a few people looking for the old man, maybe the old man has fallen into the hands of some power, just like when he found the child, he was locked up in some forbidden place without seeing the light of day.

Or maybe the old man was more alert and hid in another place.But Chu Cheng thought that if this was the case, the other party would definitely have no reason to escape without bringing the child, so the former was more likely.

The young man looked at the things in the room in a daze, and realized that everything was almost the same as when he left.

He walked a little to one side of the wall and stretched out his hand to caress the wall.Chu Cheng saw several parallel scratches carved on the wall, but he didn't understand what it meant for a while.But then he saw the young man walk to the edge of those scratches, straighten his waist and lean against the wall for a comparison, and he understood immediately.

This is measuring the child's height.

It must be that the child will stand by the wall for comparison every once in a while, and draw a mark on the wall every time he grows taller.These scratches seem to be silently telling a story that the years cannot go away, about an old man and a child living together in this primitive old forest.

The boy's expression was momentarily in a trance.Chu Cheng manipulated Hal to exit the room, but did not disturb him for a while, but activated the green light perspective again.

Although the accumulation of dust here does look like no one has been there for many years, and he thought that since the leader of the Krafal Second Alliance picked up the boy from here, he must have searched for all the clues that should be searched.It is even more impossible to leave any valuable traces in the past so many years.

But after all, the naked eye may miss clues, and the lantern ring is much more reliable.So no matter whether it is necessary or not, Chu Cheng has developed the habit of frequently switching perspectives to scan.

Didn't expect this scan, found nothing from this cabin, but noticed other surprises.

"Smart biological response detected." Lantern Ring gave a prompt.

This was not surprising at first.To the southeast of this forest is the town they just visited. Although the residents in it are stupid, they are also counted as intelligent creatures by Deng Jie.

But the response detected this time came from the completely opposite direction from the village.

Chu Cheng still remembered that when he looked down from the air just now, the place seemed to be behind a dense forest, barren and empty, and no human eyes could be seen, as if there was only a cliff.

(End of this chapter)

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