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Chapter 354 It's Amazing

Chapter 354 It's Amazing

"No one dares to take anything from the Levi giant! No one!!"

The black giant took two steps back, stood still, let out a loud cry, and sprinted towards the ground, his footsteps made the ground vibrate, he raised his fist and smashed his head and face, and then slammed at Iron Man, the transparent air vortex was entrained with flying dust.


The dull and huge heavy punch and the loud sound of metal collision.

The black giant was stunned suddenly, and his pupils shrank slightly, as if he couldn't react to the facts that happened in front of him.

His fist, the mighty fist he was so proud of, was caught.

The little thin (according to his standards), red and gold figure with metallic luster in front of him calmly held out a hand.But that small arm opened a huge palm that was almost the same size as him, and the four steel fingers were firmly clasped on his fist like iron tongs, and the strength of the hand squeezed his bones so painfully.

The Levi giant's not-so-intelligent eyes widened.

He has limited IQ and can't count, but he has always been proud of his strength.What kind of strength is it that can hold his full strength punch with one hand, and even make his bones hurt?
Within half a second, countless parts appeared in Iron Man's battle armor.The mechanical parts and metal parts are constantly assembled and combined, making a pleasant hum of metal friction.The complex mechanical armor blocks wrapped Iron Man's whole body layer by layer, and the body of the new and agile armor continued to expand, and his body grew taller.

The oblate golden visor wrapped Iron Man's entire body with a click, and a pair of eyes on the visor lit up with light blue light, facing the giant Levi.

Anti-Hulk armor, brand new and different limited edition.

That's right, since it is said that it is equipped with the technology of all previous models, it is naturally impossible to miss the famous Hulk.The all-new armor has the ability to transform into an anti-Hulk at any time, and its performance and output are more than a little bit stronger than the anti-Hulk prototype that first appeared in Avengers 2.

With a flick of his right palm, Anti-Hulk pushed aside the fist he had caught, and punched the giant Levi's cheek with a backhand.The black giant tilted his forehead and took two steps back in a daze.

"Strong! You are very strong!"

The stupid big man was kicked back with a punch, instead of being afraid, his eyes lit up, and he yelled foolishly.

"Very good, very good, let's try again! If you are really good, then this head will be taken as soon as you grab it. It may not be impossible for me, the Giant Levi, to recognize you as my father."

"What's the mess?"

Chu Cheng didn't understand why he quickly entered the part of recognizing his father, but that stupid big man had already stepped forward again and punched him hard.

This brute force is really powerful, and I have already felt it in the regular mode of Iron Man just now.But the anti-Hulk who fights hard is not a vegetarian.

There is a saying that resource management is enough for gods to do nothing, and the design concept of Anti-Hulk has this flavor.Each body part of its huge body is equipped with an independent arc-shaped reactor, and a large number of reactors hit the body to create his giant-level super output.

Back in Avengers 2, the prototype was able to fight back and forth with Hulk, and the new and completely different model after multiple upgrades is naturally more powerful.

Of course, when facing the genuine Hulk, it is still difficult to escape the fate of "whoever fights and whoever dismantles it".After all, the strength of Meiman's mutant side is based on fate. Whether armor, a numerically determined technological gadget, can survive is really not up to oneself, it depends on the mood of the opponent.

But it was more than enough to bully this black fool.

Without dodging or evading, the Anti-Hulk also took a step, the sole of the steel foot stepped into a deep hole on the ground, the independent reactor of the right fist emitted a pleasant energy buzz, and the heavy steel fist smashed through the air with a transparent trajectory!
boom! ! !
Fist vs. Fist, there is no room for trickery, it is a competition of pure strength.Although there is no skill at all, the method is simple and brutal, but it is actually more dangerous.

The transparent air wave exploded, and the lower limit of the ground was overwhelmed, and the ground cracked open.Pei Ran's strange force traversed along the power chain, and the huge body of Levi's giant was about to fall down.

At last, he was heavy enough and had enough inertia. When he was about to fall on his back, he took two extremely extreme steps back, thrust his foot into the ground, barely digested the strength, but still lost feeling in his whole arm.

The big man's eyes widened, and the pig's brain was almost overloaded.

Although he is already a rare strong man in this star realm, it is not that he has suffered a lot.It's just that in the past, he was often defeated by the strange abilities of the enemy, and no one had ever suppressed him with melee brute force.

But just now that majestic power, that kind of impact, that kind of muscle soreness that brought him, that kind of indescribable shock.
He actually felt his heart beating faster.

So strong!

The Anti-Hulk continued to step forward, and punched him in the face again.The reactor continued to output at full power, and the entire arm seemed to be wrapped in the cold light of the arc-shaped reactor, and the whirlwind of that punch seemed to be enough to burst people's brains.

"Okay! Come again!"

The arm was still hurting, but the Levi giant did not retreat, but stepped forward to face the front of the punch, and punched back with that punch.

He had already discovered that he might lose a bit in strength, so he would undoubtedly suffer losses in such a duel, but even so, he did not retreat.

This is not only the strongest enemy he has ever encountered, but also the only strong person who is willing to confront him with strength, which is absolutely rare in a lifetime.

He couldn't explain what was going on, he just felt his heart beating faster and he couldn't help himself.

It's been a long time since I felt this throbbing feeling for a cook.

He doesn't allow himself to retreat at this moment!

However, he overlooked a little problem.

That is, he wants to fight excitedly, but others may not be willing to accompany him.

People cut the middle.

I saw that the Anti-Hulk's punch was actually drawn but not fired. It turned out to be a feinted shot, and suddenly slapped his back, and then used a similar slapping technique to push away the powerful punch of the Levi giant.

Levi's giant's right fist was emptied, and the strength made it too late to retract, and a gap was immediately exposed on the right side of the whole body.Anti-Hulk stepped obliquely to catch the outside line, and hit the opponent's wide-open waist and abdomen with a liver-explosive punch.

Laymen may know common weaknesses such as the head, neck and heart, but in fact the liver is also the fatal vital point of the living body, but those who have just dabbled in fighting will be terrified of the Liver Explosion Fist.Once the punch is solid, at least it will immediately collapse into extreme pain and lose its combat power, and at the worst it will kill the gods on the spot and it is hard to save. It is a very vicious and fierce killing move.

In fact, Chu Cheng didn't know if this dark guy had a liver problem, but Stark and his armor AI chose the moves themselves, and Chu Cheng was only responsible for pressing the left button.

But judging from the reaction to this punch, it seems that there is.

After all, the rolling on the opposite side was a bit exaggerated.

The Levi giant rolled over with his liver in his arms, howling in pain.

He really didn't expect that the other side would be so vicious, putting on an upright and brute force posture to trick himself into being fooled, but in fact, secretly using such means to sneak attack.

it's too
(End of this chapter)

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