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Chapter 355 Fast Forward to Recognizing Father

Chapter 355 Fast Forward to Recognizing Father

So handsome, so amazing!
The big black man was writhing in pain, but at the same time he was in admiration from the bottom of his heart.

Not only is he stronger than himself, but the number of punches is also completely unpredictable for him, and his strength and skills are impeccable.And although he didn't know the boxing techniques of cross slapping and explosive liver fist, he only felt that the movement of the opponent's casual uppercut just now was extremely chic, and the defense and counterattack were integrated, so handsome that he had no friends.

too strong.

He rolled twice to open the distance, but found that the other side didn't seem to be catching up.So he found an opportunity to jump up, and he realized something was wrong before he could stand still.

Two small red and golden objects floated on both sides of his body, one on the left and one on the right, and they were already aligned in his direction.

Two steel drones, or floating cannons, are similar things.Separated from the Anti-Hulk, locked on the enemy from left to right.

The anti-Hulk armor originally had a fortress named "Veronica", which was usually carried in the Stark satellite, and the anti-Hulk armor was also installed in it.

Veronica will also be released when the armor is on, serving as a mobile supply station for the armor.It can release weapon components to replace in time in battle, and it can also release floating weapons to help.

But that was the design of the old-fashioned Hulk, and the new and completely different armor naturally didn't need it.The armor is equipped with enough metal raw materials, and the material parts can be freely assembled and deformed into any shape, which is equivalent to a brand new and different armor with built-in Veronica Fortress, so naturally it does not need assistance from the side.

The two drones were released, and the sonic cannons fired in unison.The transparent sound waves instantly enveloped Levi's giant, and the powerful sound waves made him deafening.

The big man crouched on the ground covering his ears, feeling a splitting headache for a moment.

He yelled, stood up against the sound waves, and slapped one of the drones to the ground with a vertical jump.Another drone circled right behind him, bombarding his junior with raging firepower.

He staggered back from the black smoke, and the Hulk suit opened fire on him as well.The super-large-caliber recoil cannon on the huge palm bombarded continuously, and missiles were fired from the whole body one by one.A huge ball of fire exploded where the Levi giant stood, and the flames rose higher and higher, and the momentum soared into the sky.

But following a figure breaking through the flames and jumping out, he jumped out vertically, condescendingly punched Iron Man's place.He was scorched all over, black smoke was trailing behind him, and his fists made a crackling sound.

The Hulk can't dodge or dodge-of course he can't dodge if he wants to.As the price of strength, this suit of armor sacrifices Iron Man's original strong mobility, which is why Tony usually doesn't drive it out directly.

I saw the battle armor standing still, and the two huge metal feet were deformed and nailed into the ground like a pile driver.He stood firmly on the spot, with the five fingers of his right palm spread out, and received the punch.

This response is exactly what Levi's giant wants, he just wants to fight directly with the opponent.So without even thinking about it, he almost exerted all his breastfeeding strength, and punched the opponent's open palm with all his might.

The result was beyond his expectation.

There was no confrontation of strength as he expected, and no strong resistance encountered.The moment the fists and palms intersected, he clearly felt that palm.
sunk in.

Yes, literally.

The moment Anti-Hulk's huge palm and five fingers touched his fist, it suddenly shrank from the wrist joint and retracted directly into the forearm.

It feels a bit like the feeling of not seeing the last staircase when going downstairs, and stepping on the ground without any precautions.

Levi's giant was not very smart, and he had never seen such a situation where the opponent's hands retracted into the joints before, and he froze for a moment.

And at this moment, his entire forearm was immediately pulled into the armored forearm along Iron Man's retracted right hand.The armored half of the arm suddenly became a shackle, quickly tightened and tightly bound the arm of Levi's giant.

This trick was also used by the anti-Hulk in Avengers 2 against Hulk.It is the equipment developed by Stark after discovering that even if he puts on the anti-Hulk brute force, he still can't get any benefits.

The Anti-Hulk held his opponent's arms, but his feet were still nailed to the spot, and he raised his arms violently, lifted the huge body of Levi's giant, threw it over his head at high speed, and smashed it on the ground with a bang. on one side of the ground.

Then without giving him time to catch his breath, he lifted it up again, swung it over his head in the opposite direction, and hit the ground on the other side with a bang.

Then immediately lifted it up again, and smashed it hard to the ground.
In short, he pulled his arms up and smashed wildly at the ground, causing the ground to sink and debris to fly, and deep pits one after another.The savage picture has an inexplicable sense of violent beauty.

It seems to be an ancient combat technique, Xia Ji's Eight Smash, but it is not. This move is an internal stunt of the Avengers, and there is a well-known trick among them, called "Hulk World Round Trip".

The two brothers Hammer and Rocky called themselves experts.

The Levi giant was knocked dizzy. At first, almost every inch of his body hurt, but the pain stopped when the back hurt.May be numb.

Even when he was half dizzy from being swung, he felt more and more admiration in his heart, thinking that this great god is really awesome, and he actually knows such a terrifying trick.

This kind of swing is extremely fast and powerful, and it turns so that people's minds are dizzy and they can't find the direction.

High, it is high!

Why can't I think of such an awesome skill?

While the foreground was flying by at super high speed, messy thoughts flashed in my mind. The more I thought about it, the more I admired it, and at the same time, I felt so cool for no reason.

He thought that it would be an honor to be defeated by such a strong man, but this life was worth it.

Iron Man paused for a moment.The anti-Hulk armored arm swung down, and the joints of the arm shackle bounced off with a click, and the big guy in his hand fell to the ground for the last time.

The Levi giant lay flat in a huge pit, his whole body twitched from time to time, his lips trembled twice, as if he wanted to speak, but he was so dizzy that he couldn't speak for a while.

Chu Cheng didn't kill him for the time being.Although this guy looks silly, but after all, he is a bit capable of fighting. He suddenly rushed out of this camp, and he didn't know who was behind him, how he found this place, and other questions. You can ask clearly first.

In the end, who knew that Chu Cheng hadn't asked yet, but the stupid big man immediately yelled, "Big brother! Big brother! No, Dad! I'm convinced!"

Chu Cheng:?
He guessed that if Stark was wise, he must have the same thoughts as himself at the moment.

Where did I get you such a silly son?
(End of this chapter)

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