Start operation Batman

Chapter 361 You Don't Walk Around Here

Chapter 361 You Don't Walk Around Here

The alien was so shocked that he was so shocked that he almost didn't cry out.

No, how dare he! ?

He chased after him without thinking, isn't he afraid of losing his way?
And even if he really dared, how did he get in front of him?

This cartilaginous alien's offensive strength is relatively hip, but there is still a way to save his life and escape.And the other party actually flashed to the front in a few seconds, but I didn't notice it at all. What kind of speed is this?

Seeing Stark standing with a smile in front of him again, he felt cold all over for a moment, feeling that he must have run into a ghost today.

He yelled, turned his head abruptly, and quickly changed direction and flew away.But he didn't fly far, when he looked up, he saw that weird guy with keratin silk on his face leaning there laughing, the laughter pierced his heart.

The brand-new and different armor combines the capabilities of the full-model Iron Man armor, and of course short-distance sprints are not a problem.The suit can easily exceed the speed of Mach [-] under full horsepower, and it is naturally easy to surpass this person.

The cartilaginous alien didn't know whether the opponent's hand was high-speed or flash, and he wasn't even sure whether the opponent was a ghost or a human.The only thing he can be sure of is that he kicked the iron plate today, and it is absolutely hopeless to run away from the opponent.

So he simply stopped running, summoned up all the remaining courage and shouted "ah", and rushed towards Stark desperately.Although he was fast and mighty, his momentum was completely different from before, just like the last fight of a dying beast who knew that disaster was imminent.

Chu Cheng had already pressed the right button.Stark raised his right palm as he held down the mouse, and a crosshair for aiming appeared on the screen, which was already locked on the pounced shadow. He only needed to move his finger to activate the recoil beam, and he could immediately shoot the The alien was gutted and shattered.

But he didn't make a move.

Someone is faster than him.

A mass of astonishing energy crosses into the field at a very high speed, domineering and leaving no room for reaction.The man flew halfway as if he was hit in the middle by a burst of invisible energy. Immediately, the internal organs of his whole body burst, and flew out limply like a ball of rotten meat, sticking to the wall with a slap.

A shadow suddenly flashed from the side, with both feet hanging in the air, and the temperament seemed quite noble.It looks like a woman, with specific lines painted on the costume and protective gear, and her cold face is covered with frost.

Chu Cheng recognized at a glance that it was the woman he had met once before.

Appeared on Krafal, the God King who seemed to be also interested in the secrets of the temple.

She fell down, glanced at the man who had been blasted into a pulp by herself, and then looked at Stark.

"Are you okay?" she said suddenly.

Chu Cheng didn't know why she came to help suddenly, and he didn't know why she came, so he couldn't figure out the way for a while.After thinking about it for a while, Stark said nothing, but Stark himself responded, jokingly gestured to the poor guy who was blasted into a ball next to him: "It's not bad, better than that guy."

"Bullying the weak and trying to kill the defenseless weak is naturally his own fault. If I didn't just pass by, or came a little later, you might be the one who has become like that now."

Chu Cheng: "."

I always feel that this sister of the god king seems to have misunderstood something.

It seems that someone happened to pass by, and when he came, he saw the guy who died doing it.Stark looked like a "powerless scientist" civil servant, and at first glance, he had no strength to fight back, so she bravely protected him.

Combining what he has seen and heard during these times, he seems to understand a little bit. It is said that there are no rules or laws in this star world, but it is not entirely true.

The gods govern the entire star world, and the chosen ones are responsible for maintaining order.That's what I said, but usually there are people who go out of their way to kill people and steal goods, but their attitude is actually relatively negative.In principle, it is okay to manage, but the management is not so active.

It is only possible for them to take a little care of such things as having an envoy among themselves.Generally speaking, this group of people felt like a toad to Chu Cheng, you only moved once you poked it.

It's just that although people are fishing for fish, you can't pretend that they don't exist at all.If a crime in action happens to be bumped into, depending on the mood, I may still take care of it.

But Chu Cheng didn't expect that the god king would attack so simply.It seems that her only criterion for judging is that Stark looks at a civil servant. If he looks weak, he is the victim, and the opposite person looks fierce, so he must not be a good person.

It's a little too casual.

The buddy who had just turned into a meatloaf, Jiuquanxia, ​​learned that the cause of death might not be certain, so he was pissed off, and scolded the god king for being out of his mind.The one who is so strong and who is being bullied can't tell, he died really unjustly.


The god king looked at Stark, acting a little surprised.

"one person."

Chu Cheng answered.The other party seems to only think of him as an ordinary adventurer, with no hostility and no hostile logo on him, so there is no reason to conflict here.

"It's not safe here." The King of God shook his head, "People's hearts are sinister, especially in this kind of place, the dark side of evil people will be infinitely magnified. This time you just happened to meet me, and you will meet such a malicious person again. The guy may not be able to escape."

Chu Chengxin asked if there was such a possibility. In fact, I have met several times like the one just now.
"It's too dangerous for you alone."

The woman of the god king frowned, seeming to be a little embarrassed.

"I was supposed to protect you out, but I still have things to do. I can't say what dangers there will be, and if I take you with me, I may not be able to keep distracting you when the time comes."

Seeing that she seemed to be really thinking about how to deal with this passerby, Chu Cheng was slightly surprised.

"How about this."

The god king scanned around and found an inconspicuous bunker in the corner.

"Hide here and don't move around. I'll come back and pick you up when I'm done."

Chu Cheng: "."

Waiting for you to buy some oranges, right?

Chu Cheng didn't want to get entangled with her, so he agreed casually, and even pretended to thank her.The god king said softly, "Don't come to such a dangerous place next time.

I know you all have rumors about the great benefits of this place, but the benefits have to be taken with one's life.Desperadoes come to this temple, not the place for you
But don't worry, you're right here hiding and no one will notice.I'll be back as soon as I'm done. "

After briefly explaining, she insisted on seeing Stark go to the bunker she pointed to and hide well before she nodded and turned to leave.

I don't know how she would feel if she knew that the envoy who went to Jijixing was the civil servant in front of her.

A moment after she left, Chu Cheng immediately manipulated Stark to leave the bunker and move on.

Obediently wait for someone to buy oranges?nonexistent.

He still has work to do.

(End of this chapter)

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