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Chapter 362 Bottleneck Land

Chapter 362 Bottleneck Land
Immediately after the god king left, Chu Cheng manipulated Iron Man to continue going deeper.It was not difficult to follow the AI ​​guidance, and soon went deep into the deepest part of the temple after twists and turns.

During the period, two more groups of heads came, and Chu Cheng accepted them all without hesitation, and earned a lot of points.However, although the strength of those encountered may be strong or weak, it is completely invisible from the perspective of Iron Man anyway, and it feels like they are all scumbags.

All living beings are equal under the recoil gun, and the dishes are very even.

In this way, it didn't take long to come to the core. The legend in the temple has been stuck in the area where explorers have been stuck for many years.

It feels different from the previous journey.It felt like I was in some kind of temple all the way before, some places had obvious man-made traces, and some parts looked like naturally formed grottoes.There are also many amazing architectural techniques, but no matter how ingenious the techniques are, you can still see the ancient and simple artificial traces, the traces of building brick by stone.

But the deepest part feels quite different.

The moment you step into the inner hall, the painting style of the whole environment changes.

The main hall seemed to be covered with an ice blue filter, even though the remote control was only through the screen, the color tone gave Chu Cheng the illusion that the whole thing had become colder.

An empty platform, but all around there are paths leading to darkness.The criss-crossing roads surround the platform in the center, and the aurora is rippling in the dark space.Looking up, I found that there are more platforms floating between the aurora, each of which is similar to the current one.There are upright, inverted, erected, all kinds of strange, it seems that there are countless kaleidoscopes.

Chu Cheng didn't come over right away.The AI ​​prompts on the screen also disappeared, and it seems that the circuit diagram also stops here.

This is the current limit of star realm exploration, and no one tries to take a step forward from here.All kinds of route deduction methods also lead to the same goal by different routes, and they will all come here in the end.

There are quite a few cosmic people of various races gathered here, scattered in groups of twos and threes.From time to time, people come in from various passages, and from time to time people go out from different passages.Stark walked in and no one cared.

He couldn't see the doorway of this place for a while, but he noticed that there was a group of people next to him making a particularly loud noise, so he went up to listen to the situation.

"It's wrong, it's wrong, you have to go to Route [-] when you get out of here, it's a dead end, it won't work," said one person.

The blue-skinned alien on the opposite side shook his head: "I'm not saying that, the line of change left by the Lankers you studied must be a classic, but it's a bit outdated.

The pioneering work of those early explorers was impressive, but some methods have long since been superseded by subsequent new ideas.You follow the old plan to research, and you will be out of the ghost if you can find a way out. "

The person before was dissatisfied: "The old method is not necessarily outdated, the first generation of explorers are most familiar with the foundation of the temple line, and many of the new methods you research are based on the basis of the predecessors. It's easy to get here, but if you want to explore further and open up new routes, you still have to start with the classics.

For example, if you say that you enter from Line [-] and apply the previous variant of the eighth house, that in itself is a trick that simplifies the classic method. How can it be possible to deduce a new change? "

The two quarreled for a few more words, and the person next to them spoke lazily.

"Let me say forget it, stop arguing. Haven't you heard the new news? The key to the temple is in the hands of the second alliance of Krafal, and everyone is now saying that it must be the key key.

The best explorers have been wandering around this ghostly place for decades, but everyone who goes in always comes back here no matter how they go.It can be seen that this is already the bottleneck of the temple, and the route research has reached the apex, and it is impossible to move forward without the key. "

"That's not necessarily the case. It's uncertain whether there is a key or not. It might be a rumor."

The blue-faced man refused to accept and was still debating.

"Besides, we have studied it for so many years, and everyone knows that this bottleneck is actually a hub, with countless roads connected in all directions. There are no doors or locks here, so how can there be any place where a key is needed?

For so many generations of explorers in the past, every time a new bottleneck card is stuck, there will be new pioneers who will deduce new route methods to guide future generations to take a step further. In the history of temple exploration, there has never been a key used anywhere. Why is it that this time is different? "

He shook his head as he spoke.

"It's false, it's just a rumor. It's just an excuse some renouncers found for their retreat in front of the mystery of the temple."

The lazy voice said again: "It is true that the ancestors have always been able to deduce a new path, otherwise we would not be able to come here so easily today.

But if you think about it again, there have been many bottlenecks in the past long years, and how many times have there been times like today, where all the methods of different genres and different routes lead to the same goal, and all of them are concentrated on this small empty platform and hit a wall? "

The blue-faced man was speechless for a while, unable to speak.

Chu Cheng didn't listen to the follow-up, but he seemed to understand it.This is the deepest part of the temple that has been explored. If you go out from any road on this platform, no matter which way you go, you will always come back here from one of the roads.

According to the lazy voice just now, this is the end of the temple labyrinth.If you think about going forward, you can't solve the maze by studying the circuit, but you need to have the key.

It's just that what the blue-faced man said made sense.There is no door or lock in this place, even if you have the key, how can you use it?

There was no clue for a while, but he couldn't think of any way.

But the Green Lantern is almost here now, and it is estimated that he will be able to land within about 10 minutes at the longest.The young man who is said to be the key to the temple and the statue called the key both came with Lanternman, and maybe after the two keys are together, they can come up with something.

So Chu Cheng temporarily put Stark on the phone in energy-saving mode, and waited for the Lantern Man and the boy to come in before making further plans.

After waiting for a few minutes, the Green Lantern hadn't arrived yet, but a few familiar faces appeared.

A large group of people entered the platform through an entrance.At a glance, Chu Cheng noticed Brother Quicksilver who had been beaten up by the Green Lantern before, and several other familiar figures, which made him immediately recognize that they were members of the Krafal Second League.

This wave of forces is obviously stronger than the other scattered groups present.The surrounding aliens deliberately avoided, and even lowered their voices a little.

The leader, Chu Cheng, had never seen him before.The man's body was waxy white, and he was dressed in black. He was nearly three meters tall but not strong, so his posture was unavoidably weird.

Judging from the respectful appearance of the people around him, Chu Cheng blindly guessed that he might be the legendary leader of Krafal.

And at the same time, opposite them, the legendary Aval United finally appeared.The person at the head is the leader of the Avar United.

(End of this chapter)

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