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Chapter 364 The Opening Day

Chapter 364 The Opening Day


When this remark came out, Avar was also taken aback, obviously he hadn't heard of it.

Chu Cheng's marginal OB was also silent when he heard this.

Hmm. Sounds like Avar United took the blame for themselves?

This is unexpected.

"Mr. Bo Lang also said just now that there is no need to pretend between us, which is exactly what I want to say." The leader of Cruz said indifferently, "You are the only one who knows that the child of Stardust is in my hands. After so many years Only you tried to find out where I hid him again and again.

We have been fighting with this as the core for so many years, and now he is suddenly taken away at this crucial juncture, you don't want to say that you have nothing to do with it, do you? "

This time it was Bo Lang who was silent for a moment.He saw that Cruz's reaction didn't look like he was lying, the Stardust Child was probably really taken away.And it is also true that he has hit the child of stardust many times in the past 11 years. It is no wonder that he is suspected of being robbed at this juncture.

Now no matter what you say out loud, people will definitely not believe it.It's just that the scapegoat is indeed a bit inexplicable.

Sudden master?Pushed the headquarters of the Second League in two or three strokes?

Cruz said it lightly, but many people immediately realized the gold content of these few words.What kind of level of master does it take to have such a skill?
"Besides, you only talk about what I have gained, but you never mention what you Aval United have in hand. It's a good idea." The leader of Cruz sneered, "There have been a lot of bad luck guys coming to the Second League these days, and you must be contributing to the flames. ?

So why didn't you mention that old guy left in Stardust Land?He is in your hands, right? "

After hearing this, others thought, ah, besides the Son of Stardust, there is another old guy?But when Chu Cheng heard it, he immediately thought of it, could this be referring to that green-robed weirdo on Xinglan?Stupid boy's grandfather?
But when the Green Lantern found it, the old man was clearly in the cave on Xinglan, but the tone of the leader of Cruz seemed to be in the hands of Aval United.

But Bolang quickly shook his head: "It was true at the beginning. Our battle should be regarded as evenly matched. You caught the young one and I caught the old one.

But in fact, Mr. Chief, you may not realize that in the end it is you who take advantage of it.That kid is naive and foolish, and he is very foolish. He must have been tamed by you all these years.

But old stuff is different.Not only can he not pry his mouth, but he also hides his strength.Many years ago, he suddenly exploded with amazing strength, rushed out of his guard and escaped.

Although we sent people to look for it several times, there was still no trace. "

It was only then that I got acquainted with Chu Cheng.That's right, that's why they found the stupid boy's grandfather in Xinglan.He must have escaped from the Aval Union, and then hid in the cave without seeing the light of day.

But thinking of the old man's identity as a suspected divine envoy, and the fact that he seemed to want to die with the stupid boy in his last desperate attempt, it was puzzling.

There were a lot of guesses in Chu Cheng's mind, but they were all possibilities after all.

The leader of Cruz also seemed to see that the other party's statement that the old man escaped was not a lie, but he still snorted heavily and said, "The old man is not easy to deal with, but I think Mr. Bo Lang's Aval joint method is not a cover, right?

Maybe others ran away, but I think that crucial message must have been left long ago.

This astral world, no, or the secret that only he knows in this entire universe, that is the correct time for this temple to be opened. "

It turns out that the activation of the temple requires not only the right people and key objects, but also the timing without any mistakes.The temple cannot be activated all the time, and there may be a very short chance to be activated every long period of time.

To pass the current level, the right key must be carried by the right person at the right time, and all conditions are indispensable.

That's why he needed both the Son of Stardust, the key, and the information that the green-robed old man possessed.

"It's true that I snatched the Son of Stardust 11 years ago, but the old man in the Land of Stardust is in the hands of you Avar." Cruz said, "So if someone in the Star Realm knows the right time to open the door, That is only you.

We, the Second League, also heard the rumors and knew the information about the holding of the temple meeting, so we judged that it might be time to open it, so we made a special trip here.

Obviously, the person who held the meeting must have grasped the opportunity to open the door, so how could there be other people besides you Aval United? "

"If it was placed a few years ago, maybe." Bo Lang said coldly, "But as I said, the old guy has escaped from our grasp many years ago, and his whereabouts are unknown.

Our Aval United don’t know where he fled.”

After a pause, he looked at the other party with undisguised suspicion.

"Maybe he was captured by someone else or he took refuge in someone else, that's not sure."

Although he said he was someone else, everyone knew what he meant.

In fact, Bo Lang did manage to learn from the old man when the temple was opened.Although the green-robed man was very tight-lipped, their Aval alliance did not lack means, and there were some people in the organization who had the talent to make people speak.

And the two days when the conference was held did happen to be the day when the temple was opened.

That's why Bo Lang was extremely surprised.Because the conference was indeed not held by them, this means that other than them, someone else knew the correct date for the opening of the temple, and that person also made a big announcement that he wanted to gather all the people in the star realm here on this critical day. How could he not be surprised when the temple came?

Originally, he thought that it must be the Krafal Second Alliance who was playing tricks, but now that the two sides have quarreled face to face, they are more or less vaguely aware of each other.

So if the conference was not held by either of them, who else could it be?
Does anyone know when the temple will open?

And which god with unfathomable strength snatched the Son of Stardust from the headquarters of the Second League?
When the two sides were in a stalemate, it suddenly seemed like the world was spinning.

The confusing sky-filled platforms all around disappeared one after another, and the kaleidoscope in the sky changed rapidly, and soon disappeared into darkness.

The strong wind rolled up, the turbulent flow of energy blinded people's eyes, and the overwhelming pressure made people hardly dare to look up.Everyone followed the location of the energy flow, and suddenly saw a huge white hole opened in midair, which seemed to lead to another world.

Countless people opened their eyes wide at this moment, and their hearts almost jumped out of their chests.

The temple is open!
(End of this chapter)

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