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Chapter 365 The Gatekeeper

Chapter 365 The Gatekeeper

This turn of events was unexpected by everyone.Everyone in the inner hall was so angry that they didn't dare to come out, watching the two leaders arguing and arguing there, no one seemed to make any strange movements, who knew that a hollow suddenly appeared out of nowhere in the midair.

For a moment, everyone's eyes widened.

After all, everyone came here to enter the temple, but for many years this was the deepest part of the temple, and no one knew how to get in or what it would be like after opening the door.Seeing the sudden vortex opening in mid-air at this time, many people immediately instinctively felt that maybe this was the situation where the door opened.

What is even more puzzling is that there is an extra person out of thin air.

A girl-like figure suddenly appeared in mid-air like a translucent body, holding a small and unknown object in his hand, releasing bursts of faint but extremely strong energy fluctuations.

Others were just at a loss when they saw this scene, but when the leaders of the two alliances saw it, their pupils constricted and their hearts and lungs stopped.

Because they recognized at the same time that the child who was born with a female face was the person they were looking for, the child of Stardust who was robbed from the second Krafal League.

And what he held in his hand was the "key" that they racked their brains to find everywhere in the star world.

The statue that activates the temple.

It was beyond Chu Cheng's expectation that things changed so suddenly.

In fact, when the two teams were halfway through the conversation, Green Lantern had already brought the stupid boy in.It's just that their actions are relatively low-key, hiding behind the crowd, and most people's attention is focused on the two sides arguing in the field, so no one paid attention at the first time.

While listening to the noise of those people, Chu Cheng was also thinking about how to get into the temple.Now he is ready for everything, and all the necessary conditions have been assembled, but he will not have a clue how to get in for a while.

But the statue must have been a necessary element anyway.So he took the statue out of Lanternman's subspace, and the moment the thing left the subspace, it seemed to come alive, and it flew into the stupid boy's hand in a flash.

Then there was such a scene.

The young man suddenly flew into the air, holding the statue in his hand, the faint golden light wrapped around the body of the statue, flickering and flickering, but it seemed to be guiding him in the dark.

He can hear the voice, the voice of calling, the reality comes from the far side of the void, and it seems to come from the depths of his heart.As if he was born so, destined to come to this temple
No, or it felt more like the place was there for him, built for him.

That hollow vortex, behind that door was his destination, where he was destined to go.

The two organization leaders were the first to react.

They both rose from the ground and shot towards the vortex behind the young man like lightning.

The Stardust Child and the keepsake appeared at the same time, and the timing was just as predicted. There is no doubt that the door has been opened.Whoever can grab it first will get the legendary opportunity.

They are the first to react and the fastest to move.Krafal's Cruz and Aval's Bolang are really equal in strength, and the speed of their burst into the air is almost in no particular order.

But neither of them got their wish and were the first to touch the vortex.

They didn't see clearly what happened, but they only felt a dazzling green flash before their eyes.Cruz felt his head hit some kind of iron plate, while Bo Lang felt something cold and hard grabbing the back of his neck.

Neither of them had time to react, and they were roughly thrown back like two chicks.

The Green Lantern flew majestically in mid-air, condescendingly guarding the young man's side, with dazzling green lights blooming all over his body, like a god, people dare not look directly at him.

The boy already felt an almost uncontrollable desire in his heart, as if every cell in his body was impatiently calling him to squeeze into that hole.But he still hesitated, and looked at the Green Lantern behind him blankly, his eyes were clearly asking what he should do.

During this period of time, he had already become dependent on Hal, and he followed Hal's instructions on where to go and what to do.Although he instinctively wanted to go in urgently, but seeing that the green uncle didn't seem to want to be with him, he suddenly didn't want to go.

Compared with the instinctive call, he wanted to stay with Hal.

"Go." Hal turned his head and smiled at him.


"It's okay, I'll wait for you to come out here."

As Green Lantern spoke, the light ring flashed in his hand.A huge fly swatter swept across, and several people who tried to take the opportunity to snatch into the vortex were sent flying.

"By the way, I'm a door god." He smiled.

Seeing that this strange man dismissed the leaders of the two organizations lightly, and then casually conjured up a big slap to kill them like mosquitoes, they were stunned by this unimaginable method for a moment, and no one dared to step forward to do it again.

".it is good."

The teenager nodded.In his eyes, Hal is an omnipotent hero. Since he said goodbye later, he must see him later.It's okay to be separated for a while.

"Bring me one."

Deadpool came out from nowhere, and walked together holding the boy's hand.I met him on the road when I was young, and I knew that although this person was weird, he was a teammate with Uncle Lu, so I was not afraid, so I went into the whirlpool hand in hand with him.

Seeing that everyone's opportunity to steal their heads was taken away so casually, everyone in the hall finally couldn't stand it anymore.The two leaders who were shot down flew out together again, and with the two of them taking the lead, more people also swarmed in, pressing towards the hollow in mighty force.

Many people think exactly the same.This green man is undoubtedly a super strong man, and it is unknown where he came from.But no matter how strong he is, there is only one person in the end, and everyone rushes up, and he stops eight or nine out of ten, and there must be one person who can break through the defense line and sneak in.

The probability is not high, but what if I can be the lucky one?

Everyone had the same calculations, but obviously they underestimated the ability of Green Lantern.

Hal hooked his fingers, and a ball of green light instantly enveloped the entire area where the vortex was located.The entrance of the vortex was even more condensed into a disc shape, which was transformed into a huge pot lid under the drive of thoughts, which was folded upside down at the entrance, sealing it completely.

The lid is okay.
Chu Cheng locked the area and used defensive skills. He thought that the entire bubble would wrap the entrance, or turn it into a vault safe, but he didn't expect Hal to cover the whole pot.
Well, it doesn't matter what it looks like, as long as it's easy to use.

So a group of people rushed to the middle of the road aggressively, and immediately stopped the car again. Seeing that the door was locked, everyone was dumbfounded.

Hal smiled and stretched his muscles.

"Sorry, the temple is closed today." He shook the green light ring in his hand, "Want to go in? You have to deal with the gatekeeper first."

(End of this chapter)

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