Start operation Batman

Chapter 367 Green Iron Fried Fish Team of 2

Chapter 367 Green Iron Fried Fish Duo

Green Lantern stepped on it, and a beam of green light shot out from the gun in his hand.A large group of aliens around them were immediately blown upside down, and retreated in all directions while screaming strangely.

Green Lantern Gundam was relentless, waving a sword with one hand and shooting a gun with the other, for a moment there was a momentum that one man was in charge of the other.A large group of miscellaneous soldiers screamed and fled in all directions. Occasionally, some people rushed forward to fight back, but the green armor was too hard to shake.

Green Lantern summoned a mecha to block the miscellaneous soldiers. At this time, Bo Lang had just gotten rid of the entanglement of the sword. He turned his head and was about to sprint towards Hal again, but saw a huge green fist coming towards him.He was taken aback, and hurried to block with his knife horizontally. The energy aroused on the knife collided with the green fist like a shield, and a transparent energy impact burst out, and Bo Lang was immediately blasted by the entire volley.

At this time, another three people shouted and came forward from all around.These people are the cadres of the Second League and the Avar United respectively. Although they are not as good as the leaders, they can be regarded as the number one figures in the star realm.

The few people had just watched the Green Lantern go down to kill like a god, and they were a little apprehensive for a while. They all shouted loudly, but they didn't dare to move forward first.

Until the leaders of their two teams were exhausted, they became the leaders of the team in an instant, and for a while, most of them felt that it was somewhat unreasonable to continue to be a marginal OB.Several people looked at each other, changed their eyes and found that everyone thought about the same thing, so they got a little more courage, and rushed forward side by side.

But before he could reach the Lantern Man, there were two sudden hissing sounds, and a high-heat energy cluster broke through the air.The two leaders were caught off guard, and were hit head-on by the majestic and high-heat impact, smashing into the crowd in embarrassment and collapsing.

Although the remaining cadres escaped in time, they were still frightened by this.Several people quickly stopped and turned their heads to cast their gazes to the side.

At this time, Iron Man has lifted the armor's invisibility, and entered the conventional combat mode of a new and completely different armor.The classic red and gold battle armor stepped out of the crowd, and two hand cannons broke up the formation of the cadres.

"I thought you were going to come back after your vacation there."

Hal sneered, but kept moving his hands.As soon as he waved his hand, the lantern ring released a mass of majestic green light and turned into a huge green fighter jet in mid-air. A dense rain of bullets roared out, and two missiles flew from the pylon.

Green sparks splashed, and fireballs exploded one after another.Another team of aliens trying to attack the defense line was blown up, and more people ran around while screaming.

"I'm sorry the delay is a bit high, I just connected online."

Stark said jokingly, and at the same time, a cannon shot from his left palm knocked one person into the air, and a missile fired from his right arm blew up another piece.

At this time, a logo popped up on his helmet display, and from the corner of the screen, he could see that there were still people trying to go around the wall built by the green light.Iron Man flew up, and a string of missiles swished out from his shoulders, exploding continuously outside the vortex door.

He followed closely and tried to go up to chase, raised his palm and aimed in that direction.But another warning sign popped up on the monitor, this time it was a collision warning, coming from the sensor on the rear of the armor.

But the opponent was coming very fast, and the sensor alarm was already half a step late.When Iron Man turned around in the air, a gray-white afterimage had already hit him, and the body hugging the battle armor swooped down, hitting the ground like a falcon with broken wings, bounced off the ground once, and continued to drag for a long time Countless sparks exploded.

Iron Man landed and rolled twice, the thrusters opened, and he was ejected quickly.In front of him was some kind of gray-white flying creature with ugly bony wings, which intercepted Iron Man in mid-air, and then continued to fly forward with a loud cry and flapped its wings.

Seeing Iron Man fall to the ground, more people around felt that this was an excellent opportunity, and rushed forward one by one shouting.

But I didn't expect that before Iron Man had time to fight back, there was a thunderous roar from the side.A huge group of shadows flew several people out with bang bang bang, squeezed into the circle abruptly, and roared like shaking the sky.

The big black man looked like a rampaging hill, and he was the giant of Nalivier.

He rushed in from outside the circle, and everyone's attention was on Iron Man, who was completely unprepared.Many people were thrown to pieces by him, and an alien was picked up by his bare hands by his legs, and he slammed it on the ground like a meteor hammer, causing the ground to shatter and rubble.

"What are you? Dare to touch Lao Tzu's Lao Tzu!?"

The Levi giant yelled, and kicked another person in the body with a flying kick.He was very powerful, and his kicks were extremely fast. The few people nearby could only see an afterimage. The man had already been kicked up in the air and flew away.

"Whoever dares to touch my father is just making trouble with me!"

Someone recognized him, after all, the Levi giant is somewhat famous in the astral world.It's just that he is a father, but it makes people a little confused, including the buddies who were beaten down by him, and they can't figure out how they offended him.

But this was a pleasant surprise for Chu Cheng, who didn't expect that this inexplicable son picked up in vain was inexplicably filial, and he could still fight.

Yes, children can be taught.

It was easier to join with this cheap son.Iron Man and Green Lantern basically divided the battle into two parts, charging and killing each other in the crowd.

Lasers criss-crossed, missiles blasted fireballs continuously, and green energy continued to build various creations, up to mecha fighter tanks, and all kinds of weapons tortured everyone to death.

An Avenger, a Zhenglian veteran, and two A-level heroes, the whole audience was almost as if they were in no one's land.The inner hall quickly turned into a sea of ​​flames, and the aliens from all planets and races were already wounded everywhere, and one after another they hugged their legs and groaned on the ground.

In fact, most of those who are still in the inner hall at this time are not weak.Those who are not strong enough have already run away when the situation is not good, and only those who are a little confident in their own strength and feel that there is still a chance to fish in troubled waters will stay.

But when they saw the shocking scene where the green and the red guys with unknown origins fried fish, they realized what kind of frogs they were.No one has ever seen such a thrilling and chaotic scene.Just two people, like chopping melons and chopping vegetables, they were present with strong men of various races, different abilities, and it was simply the most outrageous nightmare that this star world has ever seen.

More and more people fell, and groans came and went.At first, there were people who wanted to take advantage of the attention of the two freaks to see if they could break through the green blockade, but as the battle continued, fewer and fewer people had such thoughts.

No one wants to bypass the blockade by chance any more, but more than half of them already have the idea of ​​running away.Although the temple and the like are tempting, at least you have to be lucky enough to see it.This kind of monster is beyond their ability to deal with. Everyone just wants to run away quickly, and they don't want to think about the temple for the time being.

But at this moment, a white figure suddenly flashed out against the direction of the crowd fleeing, and it came very fast. Hal, who was energized to deal with the enemy beside him, had no time to react, and was hit in the middle with a bang, and his whole body flew horizontally go out.

(End of this chapter)

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