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Chapter 368 The Truth

Chapter 368 The Truth
Deadpool fell into the long and narrow tunnel, his body tumbling along the tunnel where he couldn't see his fingers, and fell down in embarrassment.

"You really need to think about improving the elevator."

Deadpool stood up in a daze, swayed two steps, and muttered.He stood up and looked around, but found that although the ground under his feet felt like solid ground, it was not.The front, back, left, and right are all pitch black, as if being in a void.

At this time, Chu Cheng's operating perspective was not on Deadpool, but he also asked Friday to broadcast him live from Deadpool's perspective.It was as if he was watching a live broadcast while playing a game.

In fact, this is nothing new, it's not like he hasn't done this before time travel.Dual-tasking may be the talent of gamers. Everyone has the experience of fighting in the game and playing videos on their mobile phones.

Now Chu Cheng's physical fitness has been strengthened to far exceed the human level. Not to mention that his senses are not comparable to Spiderman's, but at least he can see and hear without any pressure.

Besides, although there are many enemies outside, they are actually trash in front of Iron Man and Green Lantern.It's just frying fish, and [-]% to [-]% of the energy is enough to beat them to death, and the rest of the energy can be concentrated on the live broadcast on Deadpool's side.

That's why he called Deadpool to follow him in the first place.This is equivalent to an eye he inserted, a humanoid self-propelled camera.With him in Chu Cheng, he can grasp the situation in the temple in real time. If there is an ancient god who wakes up like the legend, he also has the opportunity to be the first person to contact.

An eye opened in the void.

Huge one-eyed eyes, the pupils seem to be churning with monstrous venom, just looking at each other for a moment makes one's hands and feet feel cold.

An extremely huge thing, a pitch-black demon god, with a rugged and deformed body that is frightening.

"Ha, long time no see!" Deadpool looked up at the big guy, and started to develop a relationship, "What? Forgot me? Ah, I'm so sad, don't you even admit such an unforgettable night? How heartless .”

As he spoke, he began to wipe away non-existent tears through the mask.

The demon god stared at him coldly, although he didn't respond, he recognized him.

Yes, this is the guy they saw in some kind of void when they first touched the statue.It may not be easy to forget them from the perspective of demon gods. Of course, needless to say, the green guy who can shatter the dark field, the crazy guy in front of him who is indifferent to his power is also a bit unforgettable.

At this time, the boy also fell down, his feet lightly landed on the empty ground that did not exist beside Deadpool.The statue in his hand had disappeared after entering, and he walked forward blankly, looking up at the demon god, with a look of panic and confusion on his face.

The giant stared at them for a moment, then took a step forward following the huge body.

"Hey, don't get excited about the big guy." Deadpool drew his sword and stood in front of the boy, "If you want to make gestures, let's make gestures, don't uh?"

If it unfolded as expected, it might have been another three hundred rounds of fighting with the big guy-Deadpool's small body may not be its opponent yet.As a result, I didn't expect the sudden change of painting style in the next moment.

The big man narrowed his eyes, bent his body, and seemed to have fallen down.

The outline of the body was blurred, hidden in the endless darkness all around.The details of the body and movements are not fully visible, but judging from the restrained momentum and posture, it clearly seems to be expressing submission.

This is rather strange.

Even Deadpool was momentarily at a loss for words, and held back for half a second before saying, "Uh, free from courtesy?"

The big guy turned sideways, and a road appeared in front of the two of them.The young man hesitated, but finally mustered up the courage to step on it, moving forward along the dark road, as if feeling the guidance of fate.

Soon something appeared in front of him, it was actually the statue that the boy was holding in his hand.It's just that it seems to have returned to its proper position at this time, and it is placed in a slot that fits perfectly.

He took a deep breath, followed his instinct and slowly reached out to touch the statue.The next moment, a faint light enveloped the statue itself, as if it had been verified and unlocked.

The statue disappeared, as did the surrounding passages.The void was dominated by darkness for a few seconds, and then light reappeared, forming images and pictures.

Like a holographic projection, like an immersive large-scale movie, they are all audiences in the middle of the scene.

The past is like smoke, and the mysteries spanning countless years are all unlocked sequentially with these pictures.

Chu Cheng didn't expect this.Waiting for them behind the door, there is no eye-catching enemy, no omnipotent wish-granting machine, no ancient gods, only the truth.

About the boy's life experience and his origin.

He is the son of Stardust, the descendant of Stardust Valley.

That is the family that guarded the secrets of the previous generation of gods.Countless years ago, the former gods of this star world fell, and new gods took their place.New God has developed a brand new system, a new God's Chosen.And the chosen ones who governed the star world in the past generation of old gods naturally lost their divine power with the disappearance of their serving masters, and disappeared from sight.That is the origin of the Valley of Stardust.

That's why the rumors kept saying that they were the only ones who kept the way of awakening the old gods.They disappeared for countless years, and lived quietly in unknown corners of the star world until more than ten years ago.

The first to discover them were a few divine envoys.

There must be no confrontation between the protoss and the protoss, and the new gods cannot interfere in any form with the awakening of the old gods.This is the regulation of the universe since ancient times, or the law of nature, which is deeply embedded in the DNA of the gods.Therefore, the actions of the envoys are not inspired by the great master, but on their own initiative.

After they found it, they slaughtered everyone in the Valley of Stardust.

Those envoys were loyal to the new gods, and believed that if the previous gods returned, they would definitely have an immeasurable impact on the lord they served and on the existing system of the star realm.If it is lighter, it may cause huge waves, and most of their chosen ones may be involved.If it is serious, it may even cause the world to be subverted again, and countless people in the star realm will die because of it. They, the chosen ones, will follow in the footsteps of those stardust remnants and become the forgotten ones in the new star realm.

So they killed everyone in Stardust Valley to avoid future troubles.


There is only one omission.

One of the envoys, who had almost swept through the entire Stardust Valley, saw a child.A very young child with innocent eyes, ignorant of the disaster that befell him.

So he relented.

Maybe it was because he couldn't do it, or maybe it was because it was impossible for such a child to grasp the dangerous secret, but in short, he couldn't kill him.

But he was wrong.

That child is the only important person in the entire Valley of Stardust.

(End of this chapter)

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