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Chapter 374 Press Conference

Chapter 374 Press Conference

Huicheng, the central square.

The killers who have been rampant in the city for as long as people can remember are gradually banned, and Huicheng is very different from the past.In the past, the vitality of the whole city has dropped a lot at night, but now the city life can't wait until night to start.It seems that people's long-standing fear of the night has finally dissipated, causing some kind of backlash, and Huicheng seems to be developing towards the city that never sleeps.

This is especially true today.

Because in the central square of Huicheng, there is a grand event that attracts the attention of the whole city today.

Even though it was past eleven o'clock at night, the square was still crowded with people.Enthusiastic people pushed and crowded, and the whole street was very lively.Among them, a few hard-core cosplayers are particularly conspicuous. They assembled a bulky Iron Man armor purely by hand, and walked on the street sweating profusely, attracting pedestrians to stop and cheer while taking out their mobile phones to take pictures.

Some people even walked on the street wearing Iron Man red and gold-themed T-shirts or jackets, and some children wore iron man helmets with funny big heads.You can see today's theme from almost all parts of the street.

iron Man.

That's what they're here for today, reveling in change.

It didn't take too long for Iron Man to appear in front of the world, but the changes he brought were earth-shaking.As big as the whole of civilization, as small as every aspect of life.Now there are new energy vehicles and new concept subways on the road.Smartphones are replaced by Stark products, and holographic projection screens are becoming more and more ubiquitous in big cities.

Even in some large shopping malls, if you swipe into the air, you have the opportunity to draw a sci-fi floating screen.

Various benefits and convenience are second, and the worship of the Avengers reached its peak after the alien crisis passed.Today, Iron Man has become synonymous with technology, and even has the potential to become a world leader.

Today is a small press conference.Stark-related products are now all over the place, and there will be some gadget release activities in every city from time to time.Today's session was chaired by Professor Peng from the Star Technology Committee.

At this time, a statue of Iron Man has been placed in the venue.Black copper statue, exquisite workmanship, lifelike details.It was transported to the venue for the event two days ago, and it was already surrounded by people taking pictures.

Detective Luo Yajun was standing not far away at the moment, smoking a cigarette against the railing outside the crowd.He looked at the eager people surrounding the sculpture from a distance, and couldn't help but chuckled softly for a moment.

"Unbelievable, isn't it?"

The sound made him turn his head.An old man with white hair but rather tough body was standing there, looking at him with a smile.Luo Yajun recognized this as Professor Peng who was hosting today.

Although this professor is not a member of the Ninth Branch of the Secret Service, he has cooperated with the Ninth Branch because he is on the Starry Sky Technical Committee.He is one of the fastest-accepting professionals after Stark reshuffled the energy industry. He has a major voice in energy technology and several other related fields. He is really an extraordinary figure.

Although Professor Peng was talking to Luo Yajun, he kept looking across the crowd to the tall and sturdy Iron Man, and said, "I mean them, superheroes from beyond the sky.

Easily change everything and transform the world. This is the power of technology, isn't it?What we've always believed in, the unwavering path of those of us who are.

They just showed us the future and made us more determined that it was right.Technology and creation are the power to open up the future. "

Luo Yajun froze for a moment.But he thought that this old man had devoted his whole life to science, and now he saw with his own eyes the prosperity that he thought would be hard to see in this life, and it was all thanks to the technology he believed in, so he couldn't help expressing his feelings.

So he replied: "Yes."

After a pause, he took a puff of his cigarette and said, "I've waited for most of my life, and finally this fucking world is finally moving in the right direction."

"Correct direction?"

The old man smiled meaningfully, and said, "Then what is the right direction for Detective Luo?"

Luo Yajun was startled again, and said without much thought: "Justice can be upheld, and people can go out at night with peace of mind. There will be no more oppression, no more bullying, and everyone can live their lives with peace of mind. Correct."

"Is it?"

Professor Peng smiled again, but he didn't answer or comment. He just said, "The opening is about to begin, and I have to prepare for the old man to speak. I hope Detective Luo will have a good time here."

After finishing speaking inexplicably, he immediately walked away.

"Blame the old man." Luo Yajun shrugged and put on a new cigarette.

The organizers may have underestimated people's enthusiasm for the event. The huge venue was almost full, but there were still people wanting to come in at every entrance.

A hooded boy followed the procession to the door.Metal detectors are installed at the entrance of the venue, and there are security guards standing behind the door.It's just that the flow of people is too large, and the security guards are sweating profusely and can't handle it.

The teenager walked past the metal detector, and the instrument gave a safety reminder.He stopped in front of the security guard. The security guard picked up three different devices including the source of infection scanner and scanned him. After giving the "safe" results respectively, he waved his hand to signal the boy to go over, and immediately dealt with it. next person.

It cannot be seen by the human eye, but there are two drones hanging over the venue at the same time.Stealth mode completely conceals their stature, and they fly silently over the noisy crowd like ghost guards.

One of the invisible cameras of the machine also passed over the hooded boy. The scanner scanned the crowd all the way, and several avatars recognized on one side of the built-in screen popped up one after another, with a "safety" sign marked on the side.

The boy walked to the edge of the rostrum and moved to a relatively front position.He lowered the brim of the hood very low, covering half of his face, but from the shadow of the brim, a sharp line of sight shot out, locked on the stage.

Professor Peng came on stage soon.He coughed into the microphone and said: "I'm glad to see so many enthusiastic faces today. I believe everyone knows the theme of today and where the miracle we have today comes from.

Technology - I've always been a firm believer - is a beam of light.It has guided us and given us strength for thousands of years, just as our ancestors first got hold of fire."


The hooded boy said in a low voice.But his voice was silent, everyone's attention was on the podium, and no one paid attention to him.

Until his eyes under the hood lit up like will-o'-the-wisps, and his arms were also wrapped with faint blue light beams, like water snakes of energy.

next moment.

The roof of the venue was blown up to the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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