Chapter 375

Wrapped in his battle armor, Tony Stark landed in the middle of the messy venue, his eyes swept across the messy venue, and he couldn't help frowning.

"We have security in place, everyone who comes in is scanned - for weapons and infection levels."

The person in charge of security at the venue stood among the ruins and explained profusely, that the residual smoke of gunpowder could still be vaguely smelled among the wreckage.

"We don't yet know what exactly triggered the explosion"

"No, it shouldn't be." Stark's voice came from under Iron Man's armor.

"Yes, I know this is a huge omission." The person in charge bowed his head, also apologetic, "I'm sorry about that too. Our team is working hard to find the reason"

"No, it's none of your business." Stark was talking more to himself than to him, "I mean how did the attackers get around our safety net?"

Chu Cheng was also a little surprised when he received the "explosive" news.The incident happened in Huicheng, which is supposed to be a city already under his control.

The entire city is covered by drones, the killers and gangsters have been wiped out, and even the hidden infected people have been wiped out last week.Any subsequent infection will be spotted immediately by the ubiquitous eyes of drones, and they will be dealt with immediately.

In his impression, these have been classified into the category of "occupation of the city" by default, but he didn't expect such a moth to come out.

Compared with dealing with this matter and catching the culprit, Chu Cheng was more concerned about the accident itself.He needs to know where the hidden dangers are, how the troublemaker manages to avoid his ubiquitous eyes, and how to hide such a big case from the sky.

Stark simply asked the person in charge some questions, and at the same time not far behind, Batman was scanning and reconstructing the scene in detective mode.

"I really didn't see anything, Bat."

Detective Luo Yajun was standing beside him.When the explosion happened, he was far away from the rostrum, and he had a special physique. Although he was affected a little, the meeting has basically recovered.

"It happened so quickly that I honestly didn't see any signs of it. If only I could have been closer."

"It's okay, Agent Luo, I will find out what happened here."

When Batman spoke, he basically restored the situation at that time in front of his perspective.The disintegrated podium was restored by blue modeling. Professor Peng stood on the podium and spoke impassionedly into the microphone, with the bustling crowd below.

Chu Cheng played the screen backwards, paused the moment before the explosion, studied the release of the impact with slow playback, and tried to restore the central position.

When such a big incident happened, the branch of the Ninth Branch of Huicheng's local special service and the Public Security Department naturally also sent people over.Director Li Shou of the Public Security Department personally led the team.

It was the first time that Director Li Shou had seen the legendary Batman.But he is familiar with Batman, after all, he cooperates with Cassandra a lot.

Cassandra was not good at words, and she hardly communicated with him except for mission needs, and naturally she didn't mention family matters.But Li Shou is not stupid. From the pointy ears and cloak that are in the same line, he knows who the Bat Lolita is behind the scenes with his feet.

So what's their relationship?
Maybe it's her daddy?


Director Li seemed to be breathing heavily for an instant.

It's no wonder the director thinks so, after all, Cassandra's uniform is a [-]:[-] tribute to Batman, plus her petite body looks very young and tender, and she is rumored to be an old bat by street gangsters in her magazine daughter.

At this moment, Chu Cheng was manipulating Batman to retreat along the direction of impact in the perspective, trying to restore the trajectory of the scene at the time of the crime.He retreated in front of Chief Li Shou, only to find that this foolish man was standing there staring at him in a daze, not knowing how to hide.

It wasn't until Batman turned his head and squinted his eyes to remember the old bat's gaze that Director Li Shou shuddered and came back to his senses, stepped aside in a hurry, and apologized repeatedly.

Chu Cheng felt a little strange in his heart.

Today, it was because the seriousness of the case attracted his attention, so the two big local tyrants, Iron Man and Batman, drove over.He usually acts in Cassandra's vest in Huicheng.

He thought about the fact that Director Li Shou used to have a lot of experience in handling cases in the field, and when he cooperated with Kashan, he was able to analyze the case in a clear and logical way, and his action ability was beyond the comparison of ordinary security officers.But I don't know if it's my own illusion. Today I saw the old bat, Director Li, and I felt dumbfounded.

Director Li Shou pondered for two seconds, and couldn't help but ask, "Well, may I ask Batwoman, isn't she here today?"


Chu Cheng was concentrating on dragging the progress bar of the playback screen, and responded casually.


Director Li was a little disappointed.

Batman changed several positions, the progress bar fast-forwarded and rewinded, and he kept replaying and observing from various angles.Others can't see his modeling perspective in detective mode, but feel that the ruins in front of him seem to be full of clues in front of this boss, showing the demeanor of a detective, which is quite admirable.

But as he walked around, Chu Cheng felt more and more that Director Li was a bit in the way today.No matter how hard he tried to ask questions, he couldn't get to the point. He always reacted slowly and didn't wink, and always stood at the key point of his scene modeling.

Several times, his position was stuck in the model, and some important scenes were passed through him, which somewhat affected his viewing experience of this replay.

So Chu Cheng said: "If you are not in good condition, you can go back to rest first. We will deal with it later."

In fact, he didn't mean anything malicious, but he really felt that it was unnecessary for him to get in the way here.He usually had a good impression of cooperating with this Mr. Bureau Chief. He thought that maybe Mr. Bureau Chief was unwell today or something. Anyway, since the Nine Divisions are here, there is nothing he can use. It is better to ask someone to go back for a vacation.

But it may be that Batman is fierce in appearance, coupled with the hoarse and gloomy voice that has been changed, it sounds like a murderer.Hearing these words, Chief Li felt like a bolt from the blue, and felt that his first impression of Master Bat today must have been extremely bad, so he drove him away.

So Director Li didn't dare to say a word of nonsense anymore, so he withdrew with a bitter face.When I went out, my face was full of sadness, thinking that if someone went back and said to Bat Loli, I think your bureau chief friend is stupid and not very smart, so you should keep less contact in the future to avoid being infected.
Then he might as well be dead.

"Did you find anything?" Luo Yajun asked.

Batman stopped work and said coldly, "Yes."

After a pause, he glanced at Iron Man beside him.

"We have a security breach."

(End of this chapter)

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