Chapter 377

According to Professor Peng, this seems to be a confidential project, which involves a lot of secrets, so it's a long story.The old man said that it is inevitable to tell the truth, but now the dangerous elements are still at large, so for the time being, he only picks out the part that may be helpful to the search.

He explained that this was once a confidential experimental project, but two days ago, the person in charge of the project suddenly died suddenly, and the cause of death is difficult to determine.This matter has aroused great attention of the project team.But before they had time to discuss what happened, the armor was stolen the next day.

The sudden death of the person in charge and the timing of the theft of their high-tech equipment, which was still under research, naturally appeared to be a bit of a coincidence.Later, after sorting out and investigating the deceased's belongings, it was found that there were traces of a private transaction between the person in charge and an unknown person.

So it easily led to the conclusion that the person in charge sold the equipment to an unknown person for some benefit, but was immediately silenced by the other party with unknown means.

Then there is today's matter.

Professor Peng was inconvenient, but he still insisted on dictating how to track the stolen equipment.He is one of the main researchers of the project and has a good understanding of some characteristics of the armor.He suggested to try to track by magnetic signal tracking, and gave the range of signal characteristics.

Finally, before Stark left, the old man said solemnly: "You may not take it seriously, Mr. Stark. I know that the technology of our world may appear primitive in your eyes.

But trust me, this one is different. "

Speaking of this, he already looked very sluggish, as if he was about to collapse at any moment, and he no longer had the strength to speak.Chu Cheng knew that he needed to recuperate, so he said, "Don't worry, I know what's going on. You take a break first, and you can explain it to me slowly after I pick up that thing back."

Professor Peng's suggestion was really useful, and a city-wide scan quickly found several magnetic signal signs that matched his description.Stark, who returned to his battle armor, took off and locked onto a warehouse in the outskirts of the city within half an hour.

Iron Man descended, and conducted a global scan with the built-in monitor in mid-air.Sensor feedback indicated that the interior was empty.

Chu Cheng first instinctively felt that he might have missed again, but he thought that since the opponent had the means to avoid surveillance and drones, he might be able to avoid the armor's sensors.

Thinking of this, he still operated Iron Man to fly up.

The door was locked, and the rusted steel panels seemed to be stuck, but of course that couldn't stop Iron Man's armor.He held the door panel with both hands, and pushed the heavy door panel to both sides with brute force.The five fingers of steel were almost embedded in the door, pinching the steel until it deformed, and the door panel was slowly pushed open with a buzzing sound.

Iron Man strode in, his eyes and arc reactor glowing coldly in the darkness.

The sensor still didn't respond, and there was no living breath.

But just after taking two steps inward, there was a whistling wind, and a figure suddenly flashed from the side vaguely.

I didn't expect that the other party was really capable of avoiding the scan of the battle armor, but Chu Cheng had already prepared himself, and the first time he took a step to dodge.This step has different effects on different heroes. For example, Spiderman will do a gorgeous side flip, while Batman will roll on the spot.And when it is received by the Iron Man armor, it is immediately pushed flat with both palms, and the palm thrusters are sprayed in the opposite direction, pushing the body to one side and move sideways instantly.

The moment he hid, a blue energy beam shot out almost brushing against his armor.The debris piled up in the warehouse behind Iron Man was blown to pieces, and the debris flew all over the sky.

A mechanical figure flashed out, wrapped in some kind of armor that seemed to be a combination of biological and mechanical.His arms are wrapped with a light blue glow, like an enchantment, and the air punch is a beam of impact energy launched, which is somewhat similar to Iron Man's recoil cannon.

As soon as the energy cannon missed, the man let out a shout, and rushed forward and punched him.Chu Cheng saw the weird flash on his arm, so he didn't have to touch him head-on if he thought it was unnecessary.Then, in conjunction with the direction key, he tapped Shift twice again, Iron Man's palms continued to push forward in the opposite direction, accelerating forward diagonally to the left, and then forward to the right.

After two stages of acceleration, Iron Man had already circled directly behind the opponent, and the recoil energy of his right palm roared out.

However, this man was unusually alert, and he seemed to have predicted Iron Man's actions without turning his head. He shrank, and the majestic recoil energy immediately passed over his head, slapping the thick warehouse wall in front of him. There was a hole in it.

Chu Cheng gave a "huh" and was surprised by the mobility and performance of this unknown armor.Not to mention that the wearer's reaction speed is as fast as that of a strengthened person, and the armor can support him to make such flexible and complex movements. It seems that it should obviously exceed the upper limit of the Earth Star technology.

No wonder Professor Peng specially instructed this thing not to be underestimated before he left.It's a bit strange that someone on Earth Pole Star can secretly develop armor behind his back, and there must be tricks in it.

The man dodged the recoil cannon and immediately punched back, and the erratic blue light wrapped in lightning was attached to the heavy mechanical fist and hit it straight.However, with Iron Man's cross arm, the armor gauntlet unfolded automatically, deforming into a shield to support it.At the same time, the shoulders of the armor bounced off, and the shotgun was fired close to the face, crackling and continuously exploding sparks on the opponent's main torso armor, blasting the man into the air.

The man flew into the air, the shield on Iron Man's arm was disarmed, and he opened his palm with five fingers to lock on the man who had been bombarded and flew into the air.

Although the performance of the toy on the opposite side is a bit surprising, it is still a toy compared with the current Iron Man.


I thought so.The recoil cannon was fired, and the energy beam blasted out from the palm.But when the unparalleled recoil energy was approaching the target, he saw that the man suddenly shook his arms in the air, and the faint blue energy glow on the two arms suddenly connected together, as if something was formed in front of him. An invisible force field.

The recoil energy blasted in mightily, but somehow it bounced back like a mirror reflection. Instead, Iron Man's armor was hit head-on and fell down for a while.

"What are you doing.!?"

Of course, Iron Man can fully withstand his own shot.Although Stark was not injured, he was also a little confused.

"Well, there are tricks of all sorts these days."

After landing, the man took the opportunity to get up, yelled and flew forward, as if he wanted to take advantage of the situation to pursue him.

But unexpectedly, there was a flash of wind in the darkness, and an old bat that didn't talk about martial arts flashed out, gliding out and kicking on the cheek of the opponent's helmet.The man tilted his head, flew out and fell into two somersaults.

Batman fell to the ground expressionlessly, his cloak drawn around his body.Stark stood up, his face full of reluctance under his helmet: "Really, the situation is completely under my control. You can go on drinking your bat milkshake on your bat beam."

(End of this chapter)

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