Start operation Batman

Chapter 378 The Insider

Chapter 378 The Insider
Stark was dissatisfied and wanted to fight again, but Chu Cheng had already made him step back temporarily and switch to Batman's perspective.

It's not that I don't trust Stark's ability and feel that he can't handle it. Although I was caught off guard by the opponent's reflex just now, the effect on the brand new and different armor is actually HP-1 at best. Also confident.

However, after these two rounds made him realize that his opponent seemed to be a bit good, Chu Cheng immediately had the idea of ​​testing his skills by the way.

His Batman hasn't faced a serious opponent since he was promoted to A-level.

After all, now is not compared to the initial stage of the year.Back then, when a new C-level hero was released, you could pick a gangster casino on the street to try all the skills. Later, when you reached the B-level stage, the hero's ability increased significantly, but if you want to try the skills, find an infected person who can deal with them or pick an illegal armed person. The base works too.

But it's different when it comes to A-level.Heroes at this level are already in a delicate situation between gods and mortals, and sandbags capable of being beaten in this level are not easy to find.

If he ran into one today, Chu Cheng would naturally not let this opportunity go.

Batman shrank his whole body in the wide cloak, and strode forward.The shadow already concealed his movements to a certain extent, and the cover of the cloak on the torso made him even more unpredictable.

The armored man gave a clear cry, punched out from the air, and fired another beam of laser energy.Batman stepped aside, and the blue beam briefly illuminated his gloomy appearance, and the waves of air caused his cloak to rise violently.

Batman's cloak suddenly spread like wings, and the thrusters hidden on his back hummed.The short-distance push made him rush to the opponent's body quickly, and the black fist shadow slammed into his face.

But the man's arm was swept away, and the power provided by the gauntlet was actually quite amazing.The energy attached to his arm is more like scorching heat.He jabs back, and Batman dodges, sending the blast of energy flying straight out, smashing a window in the warehouse.

The man yelled from under the helmet, followed by a series of hooks, swings and combined punches.The battle armor amplified his strength and speed, and his punches may not be very clever, but each punch is attached to the high-temperature blue laser, leaving vertical and horizontal traces in the air as the whistling punches, each punch They all cover a large area.The reaction from the player's perspective is a red warning sign that cannot be prevented but can only be avoided.

But not completely helpless.Batman took a few steps back, and suddenly the cloak unfolded again, and his figure flew into the air with the help of the thrusters.He tricked the opponent into hitting the air with a fake move, seized the gap to volley, and kicked the opponent's chest after turning around with the help of the thruster.

Kicking after turning around is the strongest attacking move on the spot. Batman has the booster of his suit and the booster horsepower to assist him, even if he kicks down, the armor of a tank can be deflated.The man fell over immediately after taking the kick on his chest, but he bounced up after two somersaults, and the faint blue light covering his whole body was amplified even more.

But Batman kicked his way, created an opportunity, and became invincible.It's like in a fighting game, once Gaowan manages to bypass the defense and hit the opponent, the follow-up must be a tumbling combo.Batman's eyes suddenly flashed green, and a program had been activated in that instant.

"Green light mode activated."

The bat mark in his eyes and on his chest suddenly lit up with green light. At the same time, he stretched out his right hand and grasped with five fingers. The green light transformed into a huge claw that suddenly came out of nowhere and grabbed the body of the person opposite, pulling him along. The movement suddenly pulled it towards him.

Obviously, it is the green light ring simulation ability.

As the so-called anti-Wayne technology tree points of Stark's technology tree are stolen, the "insider armor" that bat fans must mention every time they are forced to fight is undoubtedly the master of the master's technology in this word "steal".

Insider armor, Batman's super suit combined with Quanzhenglian's capabilities.There's Superman's heat vision, a replica of Wonder Woman's mantra rope, The Flash's super speed, Green Lantern's ring power, Martian Manhunter's invisibility and penetrating abilities, and more.

The ability is so powerful that it looks almost invincible. Chu Cheng was shocked when he saw it at first glance, and he didn't understand why this kind of equipment was rated as A-level.However, it is also clear after a full understanding of its limitations.

Although the insider's ability is abnormal, his own quality is actually very ordinary.Especially when it comes to armor, it is better to say that it is an ordinary Batman suit, the kind that is bulletproof but not stabproof, and can break the defense with a single knife.

Moreover, his series of invincible abilities cannot be fully activated.Its energy consumption and skill cooling problems are quite serious. Each of the abilities can only be used for a short time when the corresponding mode is turned on, and it will enter a huge cooling time after use, and the cooling time is usually more than half a day.

So rather than saying that this is a finished suit, Chu Cheng thinks it is a transitional product designed by Batman in his attempt to steal his teammates' ability, a prototype.Therefore, it is destined to only be boasted as a "theoretical powerful combat power" when fans analyze it, and it is difficult to stand side by side with the bat armor series that really has a comparable record.

But this is already a black technology that people can't imagine.

The one Chu Cheng chose is a modified version of the insider armor, which has a similar appearance to ordinary Batman equipment, but its performance is basically the same as the original insider armor.

What is activated at this time is the ability simulated from Green Lantern.He pulled in the void and transformed into a giant hand to pull the opponent towards him, followed by a flying kick to make a kicking motion.The transparent green giant legs swept across the air, and the man was swept away with a muffled grunt.

Following the swing of Batman's cloak, he stretched out his right fist, and the simulated green light ring shot another impact to catch up.The energy simulation of his battle armor very closely restores the energy impact of the green light ring or the emotional spectrum system. Although it lacks in the ever-changing shaping ability, the impact intensity is equally overbearing.

But the weird scene that happened to Iron Man before reappeared.The man rolled and landed on the ground, his arms spread open, and the energy covering his arms unfolded in a strange way.After the green light hit the force field, it swayed strangely, and then reflected back intact!

It's just that this time Chu Cheng was on guard, and he had already pressed the defense button when he saw the situation was not good.Batman grabbed the cloak and shielded it in front of him, the green light unfolded like a wall in front of him.The rebounding shock hit the barrier and Batman staggered and took half a step back, but the shock was canceled out.

"Green light mode off."

"Green light mode to enter cooling."

At this time, the man had already adjusted his feet, kicked his feet, and with a loud roar, he rushed forward again.

"The other party has some means of reflecting energy, sir." Friday reminded.

"I found it, no wonder Stark's recoil technique doesn't work." Chu Cheng quickly switched modes with the number keys, "Then let's try this mode and see what happens."

There was a flash of lightning in Batman's eyes, and a throbbing golden current passed through the Dark Knight's whole body.

"Overdrive mode activated."

(End of this chapter)

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