Chapter 379

"Overdrive mode activated."

The electronic sound rang inside the armor, and the next moment, the screen in front of Chu Cheng's eyes suddenly slowed down, like the slow motion of a movie.The electric current danced all over the body of Batman's battle suit, and the speed of the armored monster in front of him, which was originally extremely swift, suddenly dropped a lot, and his movements were so slow that even the old man in his dying years could not move.

Overspeed mode, as the name suggests, is naturally the ability of the Flash, who is known for his speed in the Justice League.

Needless to say, The Flash's speed is not only in the American manga circle, but this character has reached the pinnacle of the word "fast" and has reached the point of being out of the circle.There are countless records of terrifying speed in personal and alliance publications, such as what evacuated the residents of an entire city at the almost static moment when the nuclear bomb detonated, and what raced against the full-fed cosmic gods so fast that they surpassed space The concept is even faster than the instant movement without cooling in the whole universe
Of course, although the old bat stole some speed power, the copycats are naturally not comparable to the genuine ones, and they are naturally not comparable to those exploits.But there is no pressure to show off in front of others.

The man in the armor on the opposite side punched it, and the blue light ball blasted a big hole in the ground, but the weird big bat suddenly disappeared as if out of thin air.

But he was very alert, or maybe the armor's sensors were quite sensitive, and he seemed to realize immediately that the enemy was behind him.

Without even thinking about it, he swung his fist backwards, and the laser blast blasted out again, but there was nothing behind him again.The laser energy pierced through the thick wall panels of the warehouse, and flew into the night sky without a trace.

This really surprised him.He yelled in his mouth, turned around and punched constantly, and the energy of the battle armor continued to blast out.The continuous lasing of the beams of light blasted the surrounding objects into pieces, the debris splashed everywhere, and the abandoned warehouse was riddled with holes.

The power of this weird battle armor is really powerful, and the power of the laser vertical and horizontal is unstoppable.But the more he fought, the more frightened he became. The armor's sensors kept reminding him that the enemy was behind him, but he kept turning around and bombarding indiscriminately in all directions. Where did he see the figure of Batman?
What's even more weird is that he can't see people, but he can always see shadows.

As the night progressed, moonlight streamed in through the shattered windows and holes in the punctured walls.He saw his shadow in battle armor cast on the ground by the pale moonlight, and there was a ghostly bat beside him.

No matter how he moved, the ghostly shadow was always stuck to him.But no matter how he turned around or attacked, he couldn't see the opponent's appearance at all.

It's a ghost!This is absolutely impossible!
The perfect card perspective operation may be similar to the legendary "shading step" high-end skills in the game.The so-called onlookers can see the scene from the perspective of a third party - the afterimage of a huge black bat circles around the man at high speed, the speed is too fast and it is always stuck in the perspective behind him, so the man's armor is full of force. Bombing all over the place, they couldn't even touch the man's cloak.

Batman went against the opponent's turning direction and continued to get stuck in the blind spot of vision, walked two steps diagonally, kicked the opponent's buttocks fiercely.The golden electric light is wrapped on this foot, and the power under the blessing is countless times stronger than that of the armor alone.

The man yelled after taking the kick, and flew out exaggeratedly.Sparks exploded from the armor behind him, as if even the armor was about to be blown apart.

The Flash is different from Kuaiyin, he is not just "quick".Speed ​​Force can be said to be one of the highest and most amazing abilities of DC. The introduction in the setting is "can offset all the negative effects of speed on the Flash".

This description is very abstract, and it has the flavor of "the right of interpretation belongs to the DC editorial department".But to put it simply, it is like some kind of limited body protection force field. It is responsible for explaining why the Flash sent the Protoss out of the atmosphere with a punch at super-light speed and shoulder to shoulder with the sun. Live Newton's coffin board.

The Flash, who appeared in Zhenglian movies, also showed the characteristics of speed force body protection.Otherwise, he is an otaku who lacks exercise, how could it be possible to tear apart the Apocalypse demon-like monsters just because of his speed?

However, this speed force body guard also changes with the strength of the Flash.When he debuted in the early days, he was not in the realm of extreme speed, and it would be great to break the supersonic speed. If the sonic speed is punched by someone, he will have a fracture and pain for a long time.

But in the later stage, as his connection with the speed force deepened and his mastery became more proficient, the gods of the speed of light did not wear brakes.

Naturally, the insider armor is not that level, but since his acceleration principle also simulates the speed force, it naturally has the same characteristics.So the power of this kick is naturally not as simple as an ordinary power increase.

The man was kicked far away, but he had already started to adjust his figure in mid-air, trying to land steadily.But Batman didn't give him a chance, he rushed up again with a flash, blocked the way and intercepted the opponent's falling route, jumped up, spun 360 degrees, dragged lightning and slammed him hard.

Taekwondo's one-legged whirlwind, gorgeous and handsome powerful kicks, but generally classified as stunt kicks, powerful and handsome but not practical.

Of course that is generally speaking.In the super speed mode, Batman's body moves at supersonic speed casually, and under the absolute panel crushing, there is no need to consider the issues of back-swing and being caught. Naturally, it is how strong it is.With this leg, the person who was about to hit the ground was pumped into the sky, and a few pieces of metal parts splashed out, as if the armor was almost dry.

Batman continued to rush up, following the routine just now with a series of combos.The man turned around in mid-air, feeling dizzy, the degree of armor damage continued to increase, and the shock in his heart also continued to increase.

In fact, if the opponent's equipment is better than him, stronger than him, more powerful than him, or even has some special weapon to try to crack his "energy reflection" technology, forget all of these, it is completely acceptable.

But what the hell is this! ?

It's like fighting a ghost.

"Overdrive mode is over."

"Overdrive mode enters cooling."

The second mode on the armor goes into cooldown.Looking at the list at the back, there are still five lights on, but it seems that the other party has no luck.

The man fell to the ground, the armor was covered with cracks, parts and fragments were scattered all over the place, and the laser light wrapped around his body was also dimmed.

Stark watched in silence for a while, and finally couldn't help but say to himself: "Well, I have to admit, this bat does have some unique features, but it's not all copying my skills."

Batman stepped forward, lifted the muddy man on the ground with his left hand, raised his right hand, and a black metal black rope shot out from the armor.With a flick of his arm, Heisuo bound the man like a snake.

"The mantra mode is activated."

"Now you can't tell lies." Batman said coldly, "We have a lot of questions to ask."

(End of this chapter)

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