Start operation Batman

Chapter 380 Alien Technology?

Chapter 380 Alien Technology?
Mantra lasso, one of the iconic equipment of Wonder Woman.An artifact blessed by the divine power of the ancient Greek gods, which can force people bound by ropes to tell the truth.Facing the questions of the artifact holder, keeping silent or lying is not an option, and even the most determined will can not resist its power.

Although the old bat doesn't understand magic, he took a side path of using technology to implement magic methods.His armor mimics the way magic works in every way.Noose of Mantra also gave him a low-end polygraph version.

In short, this suit is basically a low-end and degraded version of the full capabilities of Zhenglian.

But it is enough for the current situation.The man's armor was torn and useless, so Batman held him under him, grabbed the end of the rope with one hand, and tore off the man's helmet with the other hand.

The face exposed below was fair and jerky, looking like a young man.He's unafraid, glaring at the two superheroes, or perhaps more accurately at Iron Man.

He was very angry and seemed determined to keep his mouth shut.But the power of the noose made him unable to resist, and a burst of electric shock made him grin his teeth.His face convulsed, and after a fierce struggle, he finally opened his mouth with difficulty.

"My Kali."

He said through gritted teeth, glaring at Stark viciously.

"You ruined my life, killed my parents, and took everything from me!"

Chu Cheng was very surprised to hear this, and switched his perspective to Stark: "Why did I kill your parents?"

It would not be surprising if this were placed in Marvel's homeland. Stark had offended a lot of people when he was young.He himself made his fortune selling arms, and he wished that all the relatives and friends in the world who were killed by Stark bullets would hate him to the bone.After he changed his face to become Iron Man, people like to blame every building that super criminals blow up on his head. It is not surprising when a new Iron Man No. [-] black man pops up from any corner.

Could it be that Stark's taunt value is too high and he is the number one target wherever he goes?
But after facial recognition recognized his identity, Chu Cheng immediately understood.This boy turned out to be a descendant of the leader of the illegal armed organization "Eagle's Nest". The Eagle's Nest was wiped out by the steel mecha army a month ago, and all the main members were killed.

It was just an insignificant matter to Chu Cheng. The whole process took less than 10 minutes and he didn't even supervise the battle himself. Basically, the Iron Legion took care of it by himself, so he didn't even have the impression that he had done this before he found relevant information.

It turns out that they are descendants of terrorists, so there is nothing to say.Even if some of the things Chu Cheng did while wearing a Stark vest may be controversial, but after all, it is impossible for terrorists to let them go.

When Eagle's Nest was in its heyday, it was just a small organization that couldn't be seen by Chu Cheng, and if it was destroyed, it would be destroyed.What made him wonder was how such a brat left over from such a spicy organization was able to steal this piece of equipment.

The young man looked hostile, obviously unwilling to cooperate: "If you want to kill you, you can kill it. Anyway, you have already killed all of us, and I am not bad. Uh ah"

His fair face twitched again, as if contorted with excruciating pain.He foolishly tried to resist the strength of the rope, and it was only natural that he couldn't get a good result.

After a while, he finally opened his mouth with difficulty, succumbing to the force of the rope.

"Someone gave it to me," he said with trembling lips.

"Who?" Chu Cheng continued to ask.

"...I don't know." The boy gasped, "Our organization... father and everyone, they were attacked by you and all died. I was the only one left.

I can't stay at home because it's already occupied by your... those disgusting machines.I escaped, in the boundless desert, not knowing where to go.

And then that person...that person appeared.He said he could save me and give me strength, let me come here to find you. Find Tony Stark, the culprit who killed all my family members.He said I could take revenge"

At this point, he couldn't continue talking, and his face was a little annoyed and a little angry.He stole a glance at Batman, obviously thinking that the man had clearly lied to him.Although the equipment given to him was very strong, it also made him feel invincible for a while, but he didn't expect that in front of Batman, he was just like a mouse seeing a cat, not an opponent of the same magnitude at all.

Chu Cheng asked him more, but there were only these messages back and forth.Frightened by the Iron Legion, he fled alone in the desert like a fly without a head, and the man suddenly appeared when he was tired and thirsty and saw that he had only one breath left.

He was very weak and not very conscious at the time.When he recovered, the person had already left, and when asked what the other person looked like and what were his characteristics, he could only vaguely explain.

Under the shackles of the mantra mode, he couldn't hide anything, and Chu Cheng knew that he knew nothing about the truth.So Chu Cheng didn't waste any more time on him, stripped off his armor, bound him, and then called someone to deal with the mess.

Before leaving, the boy was still yelling at Iron Man's back.

"You want to play a hero? Do you think you are better than us? You are just like us!" he shouted. "Murderer, terrorist! The only difference between you and us is that your gun is bigger!"

Iron Man ignored it, and disappeared into the sky with a whoosh of ignition under his feet.

He couldn't reveal more, but it was unnecessary.

While fighting, Friday had gone to find everything he needed.

Iron Man flew over the bustling urban area, returned to the hospital, and stood in Professor Peng's ward.But this time, he didn't take off his battle armor, walked into the ward with the steel battle suit, and came to the old man's bed.

The old man was still lying there, looking exactly the same as when he left, seemingly untouched.He wasn't surprised when he saw Iron Man coming in, he just pondered for a moment and said, "So, you know."

"You know nothing can hide from me if I'm interested in looking into it."

Stark spoke nonchalantly from under his helmet.

"No one stole that piece of equipment at all. The research was terminated, yes?" he said. "Your research was re-evaluated by higher authorities, and it was deemed not worthwhile to continue.

You guys lost your funds and you want to recertify it.You're the thief yourself, aren't you Professor?The person in charge of the sudden death was yours, right? "

"You're wrong about that part, Mister Stark. I didn't kill him. But the rest is right. They're short-sighted, and I've got to show them the value of this project."

"This is not even your own research." Stark continued, "Earth Star currently does not have the ability to develop exoskeleton armor of this level."

Professor Peng also readily admitted.

"Yes." He said calmly, "Its origin is similar to yours. We believe it is alien technology."

(End of this chapter)

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