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Chapter 383 God Lord

Chapter 383 God Lord
"Want to see me?"

Chu Cheng really didn't expect this.

The ruler of this star realm, the behind-the-scenes of this group of god envoys and god kings.

Chu Cheng had long thought that they would meet sooner or later, and imagined various situations, but most of them started from conflicts and battles, but he rarely thought about such a situation——the other party's messenger, as polite as before Like inviting guests, he invited his Green Lantern to drink tea in person.

But without a moment's hesitation, Chu Cheng made a decision.

If you don't enter the tiger's den, you can't get a tiger's cub. The greatest advantage of a hero is the fearless sacrifice by remote control.Even if it was the Hongmen Banquet, it was a good time to see what the real master looked like, and it would be easier for follow-up plans to find out the truth and reality.

Besides, Chu Cheng also wanted to know what kind of medicine was sold in the other party's gourd.After the last Battle of the Temple, it is generally believed in the astral world that Green Lantern has an extraordinary relationship with the old god Jaeger, and it may be related to this fact that the protoss came to Lanternman.

Hal readily agreed, and immediately prepared to set off with the god-king.Seeing that he was leaving, Jaeger grabbed his arm and shouted to go together, but Chu Cheng refused.

"Don't worry, just stay here and don't run around." Hal said, "I'll be back as soon as I go."

It's hard to say whether it will be a blessing or a curse. Although Jaeger is very powerful, he is not an immortal virtual character like Hal. It may not be safe to go.

The god king didn't talk too much, and after they finished their discussion, he flew into the air lightly, turned into an afterimage and shot out of the sky with a sudden sound.

Hal didn't fall at all, and he rose into the sky with a flash of green light all over his body, chasing after him like a green shooting star.

This Lord God King was almost completely defeated after his last battle with Hal.She hasn't lost a single defeat since she was blessed, and she lost so thoroughly for the first time in her life.

She has already been convinced of her strength in the battle, and she has no intention of going up to find a place to humiliate herself.But right now, she just happened to have this opportunity and wanted to try his speed, thinking that even if she couldn't beat him, at least she could fight back in terms of speed, at least she wouldn't lose all.

She came up at full speed, and in the blink of an eye, she had already rushed out of the atmosphere.With her strength, she can already rely on her physical body to survive in the cosmic environment, and there are only a handful of strong people who can do this in the astral world.

She turned her head to look, and found that the Green Lantern was also following her, as if she didn't feel at all in the harsh cosmic environment, following her with ease, seemingly feeling no pressure at all.

The God King frowned slightly, and worked harder.Her divine power has been running at full speed, and her flying speed has reached the extreme.

But Green Lantern followed at his leisure, reacting looking exactly the same as before, as if she couldn't even tell she had accelerated.Not only that, he took advantage of the situation and asked: "So, your master, did you reveal that you have anything to do with me?"

The King of God was even more surprised when he spoke.At this speed, she was already struggling to breathe, let alone speak.Her whole body is like a tight string, as long as she breathes a sigh of relief, the speed will inevitably stop immediately.

But this person maintained such a high speed as if it was effortless at all, his expression was leisurely and his speech was normal, and it even gave her a feeling that she was so bored that she was about to doze off.

In fact, it really wasn't her delusion, this time Lu Fei just pressed the W button and didn't let go, it was indeed so boring that it made people grow grass, and Chu Cheng was indeed about to doze off.And he can't set the automatic navigation on hook, because compared with the green light ring, the god king flies too slowly, he has to pay attention to control the speed and not overtake in front of her.
The God King was also surprised that the other party could speak normally in this cosmic environment like on a planet surrounded by an atmosphere.Not even she could do that.

It is a law of nature that sound cannot be transmitted in a vacuum, but this limitation is of course nothing to Green Lantern.The God King couldn't answer, so he could only keep a cold face.

After flying for a while, Green Lantern followed her through a stargate.After coming out, he flew to a remote place in the star realm, and soon another star gate appeared in front of him.

Green Lantern Ring has already downloaded the star map of the whole star world, and after comparing it, it is found that there should be no star gate here.

Chu Cheng quickly understood the joint after thinking about it.

The universe is vast and boundless. In a place as large as a star world, finding a small star gate is almost like looking for a needle in a haystack.If someone deliberately omits a star gate in a remote area on the star map, then the chance of this gate being discovered is almost zero.

And this is the star gate leading to the God Lord of this star realm.It has been standing here for many years, but only the chosen ones who serve the Almighty know where it is.

Normally speaking, ordinary people in the star realm are not qualified to know its location.At this time, the god king showed his coordinates and route in front of Green Lantern, which was a bit abnormal.

After passing through the star gate, the scene ahead is completely different from other star gates.

Unlike other star gates, which are always a certain star field after they come out, what often appear in front of them is still the starry sky and the Milky Way, but here is different.

Coming out of here, it seems to have come to a certain planet.There are huge and ancient buildings here, all of which are like statues, distorted in grotesque postures, and frozen in weird postures.It looks like a living sculpture, but when you get closer, you realize that it is some kind of building.

There is no one in the building, and the atmosphere is quite strange.The God King led the Green Lantern to fly all the way in, and stopped in front of a certain building.

"The great Lord is waiting for you here," she said, "I have no right to go in."

Hal nodded, covered his whole body with the green light force field, got up and flew in.

It was gloomy inside, and I couldn't see my fingers.The green light of the lamp ring lit up the space, and a pair of eyes soon appeared in front of it.

A fuzzy outline, even under the light of green light, still looks abstract and difficult to recognize. It can only be seen that it is a very huge guy.It seemed to be sitting obliquely in a huge chair, leaning back in a posture that resembled a collapse, and there was no emotion in the eyes looking at Hal.

"You're here," it said, "I'm waiting for you."

"I'm flattered." Hal said, "I don't know what the great god-king wants from me?"

"It's not great. I just heard about what happened before, Jaeger woke up, you are his closest friend, I know." The god said, "I just want to talk, that's all."

It has to be said that the painting style of this divine master is not quite the same as Chu Cheng imagined.It doesn't come across as sharp-edged, or aloof, as stereotypical gods should be.

It looks limp, and the sound is even a little flat.

"Of course, I'd be happy to talk about it." Hal nodded. "It's better not to involve fists."

The god master actually seemed to smile.

"Naturally, I assure you it need not be. There seems to be some misunderstanding between us. But I believe there is nothing unclear."

(End of this chapter)

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