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Chapter 384 Science and Technology Truth

Chapter 384 Science and Technology Truth
"First of all, I have no intention of being an enemy of you, or Jaeger himself."

The god master said calmly, his voice sounded a little weak.

"I can sense hostility from you, but I assure you it's totally unnecessary. I have no reason to be hostile to you."

"Really? Jaeger might not think so." Hal said, "Just in case you don't know, the previous generations of God's Chosen, who were loyal to Jaeger, died in your god Make it in your hand."

"The former envoys did it. They violated the regulations on their own initiative and got the punishment they deserved." The god said, "It was not my will.

The chosen ones come from various star field races, and occasionally there will inevitably be people who have difficulty understanding the big picture.What they did was meaningless in terms of the astral world, or it was an anti-natural process. "

"It sounds like you don't agree?" Hal said, "You don't mind sharing this astral world with another ancient god?"

The Almighty pondered for a moment, and said, "They said that you might be Jaeger's chosen one, but I found that you don't seem to understand how the laws of the astral world work."

"I'm new here, maybe you can help me understand." Hal clasped his hands.

"There is no conflict or competition between the gods. We exist because the universe needs us to exist. We work because it is the law of nature."

God said flatly.

"Even death, demise, and even rebirth are part of this law. We listen to the voice of nature and act. Follow the laws that maintain the existence of this world. How can there be conflicts?
When Jaeger died, I appeared and took over this star realm, which is the law of natural evolution.But now that I am about to disappear, his return here to regain control of this star realm is also part of the evolution process.

The law should be like this, how can I go against the law? "

Chu Cheng digested it for a while, and said, "It sounds like you are saying that you are just puppets."

"It's a very vivid statement." The Almighty Master was not annoyed, and said, "But we don't see it that way. That is our innate mission and the reason why we exist.

I know this may be difficult to understand.This is true for ordinary life, even among my angels, few people can fully understand it. But it doesn't matter anymore. "

He sounded weaker.I don't know if it was an illusion, but Chu Cheng felt as if he was facing an old man who was dying.

"...I'm going to die," he said.

Chu Cheng was taken aback.This really caught him by surprise.He tried to take a closer look at the other party through the screen, but even with the high-light filter added by Green Lantern, the other party was still a black mass, and he couldn't see anything clearly through the screen.

But his intuition told him that this was not a lie.

"What happened?" he asked through Hal.

"It's not really a surprise. New gods in the astral world often appear when the old gods are about to perish. It may be a coincidence, or it may be the self-regulating mechanism of the astral world.

I got hit by some surprises and got hit hard.I've been holding on for a while, but I know I'm just dying.And when I heard that Jaeger was back, I was even more convinced of it - my time had come. "


Chu Cheng was surprised.He is not sure how strong the Astral God Lord is, and the only thing he can refer to is Jaeger.Jaeger, who just woke up, may have only [-] to [-]% of his strength, and he has already shown quite strong, and the god in front of him should be several times stronger than Jaeger at his peak.

In this way, can someone sneak attack him?Which fairy is that?

"This is why I want to see you, a warning." The god said, "You should know that the most serious taboo in this astral world is something called 'technology'."

Chu Cheng had indeed heard about it, but he still didn't know why.

"Earlier, long before the historical records of existing species, this was not forbidden." The god said, "This is a part of the natural development of intelligent creatures.

The intelligent beings of some galactic races will gradually develop this ability to create.They learn to create themselves, build their own way of knowing things and energy, and make their own progress. "

"Sounds good." Hal said.

"Yes, the protoss thought so too. So they let this phenomenon go, allowing them to develop themselves." The god said, "But obviously, this decision was a mistake.

Countless galaxies develop their own civilizations and their own technological systems.Until they are not satisfied with using their own resources, they start coveting and plundering others'.

They no longer use creation to transform themselves, but start to develop weapons for destruction and killing.What follows is war, killing and mayhem.

Resources have been plundered, civilizations have been destroyed, and countless people have been displaced.The star world was dragged into a war.

Only then did the ancient protoss understand the mistake they had made. 'Technology' is originally the seed of taboo, something that should not exist or be mastered in the first place.

Any race is fine, intelligent creatures will not be satisfied with using it to transform the future for the better, sooner or later they will think of using it to harm and plunder.

Some civilizations perished due to self-injury before leaving their home planets, while more perished in battles with the outside world.

In the long run, the existence of such a thing is more harmful than beneficial, and this is the final judgment we make.So technology should not exist, this is the final consensus reached by the astral world and the entire universe. "

Chu Cheng: "."

No wonder the astral world adopts such a strict prohibition on the development of science and technology, there is such a story in the past of love.

"So you exterminated all civilizations that developed a certain level of technology and cut off the fire?"

"This was what the gods thought, but now they are obviously wrong." The god said, "Some people have not been completely wiped out.

Because we've allowed them to develop for so long, they've developed technologies that exceed even our expectations.Some remnants of the various races and galaxies of the civilizations that were hit in the interstellar, they united and established a special organization.

They share technology, jointly avoid the eyes and ears of the Protoss in the interstellar, secretly develop and plan actions against the existing system.They call themselves 'Technical Truth'. "

Chu Cheng had a thought, and immediately thought of the extraterrestrial technology of unknown origin that appeared on the Earth's Pole Star.But he kept his composure and continued to listen to the divine master's narration.

"Now, they came to my star realm. I was unprepared and was attacked by some kind of weapon from them, so... that's it."

When the altar master said this, his tone was still calm, as if narrating his own death was also an insignificant matter.

"But when I found you, the warning I need to leave is to beware of the Church of Science and Technology Truth. Because once I fall, their next probably the new God Lord of this astral world, Jaeger."

(End of this chapter)

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