Start operation Batman

Chapter 385 Are You The Platinum Star?

Chapter 385 Are You The Platinum Star?
The meeting with the divine master did not unfold exactly as Chu Cheng originally thought, and the information he obtained here was completely unexpected.

Although I can't be sure whether this so-called God's one-sided statement is completely credible, but if it is true, then this so-called technological truth really has to be guarded against.

Naturally, they might take a sneak attack on Jaeger.Jaeger has just woken up and has not fully recovered his divine power, so he is still a bit short of the current peak state of the Astral God Lord.In addition, although Jaeger regained his divine power, he is still not very smart, and he is slow to react to many things. It is expected that he may suffer even more than the God Lord.

Even the god lord was successfully attacked and is now half dead. If Jaeger is targeted by such a group of people, the situation may indeed not be optimistic.

Furthermore, the Earth Pole Star may have already been on the opposite radar.

Before, Chu Cheng only wanted to hide the coordinates of the Earth Pole Star from the God Lord and his Eagle Claw, but now it seems that it is no longer his primary concern.Instead, it was the technological truth that noticed the forgotten planet before the Chosen Ones.

Judging from the incident that just ended, they seem to have tried to make contact with Jixing, but their intentions are currently unknown.Chu Cheng didn't want to judge whether the other party was an enemy or a friend too hastily, but he couldn't be too optimistic.

If it is true as the Almighty said, the technological church may have developed a technology that can compete with the gods, avoiding the eyes and ears of the chosen ones, then the level should not be underestimated.

This made Chu Cheng have to consider upgrading the monitoring system he currently built on Earth's Polar Star, so that he could react faster when facing enemies with higher technical levels.

But what he didn't expect was that the second contact happened soon.

This time it came more directly.

It's night in Jiangdu.

The tall and thin man was wearing a baggy black suit, walking along the street along the street lights, his eyes slowly sweeping across the brightly lit city.

A stall owner pushing a cart by the side of the road was busy, and the loudspeaker placed beside him was playing in a loop to sell.The tall and thin man walked to the side of the cart, the stall owner noticed him, stopped what he was doing and greeted with a smile: "What does this customer want?"


The tall, thin man has a blunt tone, but his pronunciation seems a bit weird.

"Tony Stark, Iron Man."

The stall owner was taken aback, then smiled and said, "Dude, you are joking. This is Jiangdu, and Stark rarely comes here. If you are a fan of Iron Man, you may have come to the wrong place.

If what you're looking for is Batman, you might not have a chance. "

"Well how?"

The tall and thin man thought for a while, as if he was wondering if he could find Batman, so he asked.

The stall owner smiled: "That's simple. You just make some noise and disturb the law and order. The Public Security Bureau has nothing to do with you, and the Ninth Secret Service can't handle it. If you pass the test, you will naturally meet Batman in the end."

"That's not a solution." The thin and tall man seemed to have thought about it seriously, "Simple and rude, but this logic does work. That's fine."

As he spoke, he grabbed the cart in front of him and pulled it hard.Immediately, the trolley rose into the air under an incredible force, turned around many times, and smashed the hood of the car passing by with a bang.

Before the stall owner could react, the tall and thin man was already striding towards the center of the road.He punched with his right hand in the air, as if an invisible force was released, and the black car parked on the side of the road a few meters away suddenly flipped over, turned a few somersaults, smashed the glass and flew into the shopping mall on one side , causing a scream.

Three or five cars on the road had crashed into a mess, and the rear was even more crowded into a mess.

The stall owner watched from behind, opened and closed his mouth, and was speechless for a while.

I just said it casually.
The logic of his plan is indeed good.The moment the tall and thin man made his move, a drone captured the message.And it was faster than the stall owner's nonsense, without waiting for the Public Security Department and the Madhouse to go up and pay for it, the drone immediately judged the level of the incident and it was difficult for ordinary institutions to handle, and the matter was directly fed back to Chu Cheng.

It's just that it wasn't Batman who arrived on the scene first.At this moment today, the master is still in Huicheng, and someone else is on duty in Jiangdu.

With a bang, another car was blasted into the air by an invisible force, and the passengers screamed in the car.The deformed body flew seven or eight meters high, and the passengers in the car would be smashed to pieces when it landed.

But that didn't happen.At the critical moment, a white silk thread came through the air.A huge web was woven between the buildings on both sides of the street, and the car body fell steadily into the spider web, like an elastic trampoline.

"There!" A passerby pointed to the sky in surprise.

The white figure flew over with the spider silk hanging, and the spider Gwen speeded up the dive, muttering "Let's put down our weapons and talk about life" and so on.

Spider Gwen and Spider-Man have mirrored panels, and the basic data naturally needless to say.She had swung to the limit speed on the way, and this flying kick was brought to the extreme in terms of strength and speed, and it was almost a must.

"Finally one."

The tall and thin man was quite calm. He raised his eyes and looked in the direction where Gwen appeared. The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, but he stood still as if he had a plan in mind.

Gwen kicked the letter box on the sidewalk.Where can the letter box withstand her terrifying leg strength?One kick directly dried the poor mailbox into pieces, cracked into several pieces of scrap iron and was fired out.

Gwen flipped to the ground, turned her head to look at the tall and thin man behind her, and was a little surprised for a while.

Chu Cheng was also a little surprised.After he got the news, he immediately switched to Gwen, who was on duty, to operate in the main world, but from the screen, it seemed that he almost didn't see the other party's evasive action, but this killing blow was actually kicked crookedly.

Gwen flicked her backhand, and the spider webs snapped out.The thin and tall man still smiled lightly, his arms were stuck to his body without moving, and he seemed to avoid it with a flash.With a click, the person suddenly rushed in front of Gwen.

Chu Cheng was surprised by the unexpected speed.The spider sensor was activated instantly, and Gwen's pupils under the mask shrank rapidly, causing a pair of big eyes on the mask to stare wide open.

The screen slowed down rapidly, and the afterimage of the opponent's punch was forcibly slowed down countless times.But even so, it was still so fast that even Gwen had no time to dodge, and only had time to raise his left arm in front of him.A huge force hit her arm, knocking her upside down, making a somersault, and her body shot obliquely into the wall with a bang.

What is this concept?
You must know that Spider-Man's reflexes can easily avoid even a hail of bullets. Does this mean that this person's fist speed is faster than bullets?

Are you a Platinum Star?
From the opposite perspective, Gwen seemed a little surprised to see that Gwen was able to defend against the punch, so he couldn't help but frowned.


(End of this chapter)

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