Start operation Batman

Chapter 388 Let's Talk Now

Chapter 388 Let's Talk Now
Bishop flew out again, until he landed and rolled many times, the crowd stayed for a long time before finally bursting into the sky.

What they saw was unbelievable.It’s nothing more than a fast movement and amazing speed, but Flash’s unarmed tornado kung fu is really shocking. From the style of painting, it doesn’t look like what you can see in the real world.

Some people cheered loudly, while others were provocative and scolded.The people who were trembling with fright under Bishop's ghostly action before found the big brother who was backing them up, and immediately became more powerful, and their waists straightened up much more.

Bishop rolled around a few times and got up, with golden stars in front of his eyes.To be honest, he hasn't recovered his balance yet, but he thinks that the enemy is so fast that half a second of rest may be as long as a century in the eyes of others, so stopping in front of the opponent is tantamount to suicide.So he gritted his teeth and forcibly stood up, but when he stood up, he still felt a tightness in his chest, and his eyes seemed to be spinning.

He tried hard to move, but he took two steps to the side, but he couldn't run.

Although everyone knew from the results that The Flash had crushed this weirdo, in fact, it was not obvious from the process before.When Bishop ran so fast, it was also an afterimage in all directions. It was hard to tell with the naked eye, handsome or handsome.

But looking at it now, there is a stark contrast with the previous one - he staggered and his feet were sloppy, and he ran like a person who just woke up from a hangover. He was top-heavy and he couldn't understand running.His movements are neither fast nor beautiful, even if he grabs a random elementary school student, he will probably look better than him.

What's even more funny is that these two steps were taken too quickly, his left foot tripped over his right foot, and he fell down with a plop.The weird helmet wiped out a long string of sparks on the ground.

This is called unexpected.Everyone froze for a moment, then there was an uproar, and then some people began to mock, saying that it was too late to beg for mercy, or that his trick of eating shit was just right, although it was not directly lethal, it could make people laugh to death.

Bishop's fall was also messed up, and there was a "buzz" in his head, and he couldn't figure out what was going on for a while.

What do you mean?
Body speed has always been his specialty, and it is his most conceited field.Even with his eyes closed, he could walk like flying, no matter how faint he was, it would be too outrageous if he stumbled and stumbled.

He turned his head in astonishment, looked at Flash more like a monster, and shouted, "What did you do to me!?"

But as soon as the words were uttered, everyone around was at a loss.

"Is this guy crazy?" "What is he yelling?" "Isn't it too late to pretend to be crazy and beg for mercy?" "No, I think he might be really crazy."

Bishop murmured several times, and then suddenly realized that the language was no longer understandable.

The translation system of the suit is broken.

No, it's not just the translation system, his entire suit is scrapped.

This piece of equipment seems to be just a close-fitting battle suit, as if it has no obstacles to movement, but it is not.This is a battle suit designed for speeding. Its every move and every slightest movement needs to be powered by a special engine.If there is no drive, even ordinary actions will be difficult.

And now, the dress is broken.

Bishop knew very well the battle suit that he valued as his life, and he figured out the situation in just a moment.The opponent's blows just now were not only physical shocks, but also contained some kind of extremely weird energy.

If it is ordinary physical damage, his battle suit is actually very durable, especially the energy system is very stable.After all, it has been considered that a battle suit that loses its drive may become a burden instead, so this module has been specially strengthened during the design. Even if the entire suit is half disabled and half of it is blown off, the energy drive may still be able to barely maintain operation.

But it's different now.What the strange man in red did not only speed up and punch him a few times, but also poured some kind of strange energy into these few offensive moves.

That is a type of energy that has never been seen in the technology tree of their technological truth union. Its nature is extremely special, and it is extremely weird.His driving device was overwhelmed by the impact of this external energy system and finally scrapped, the entire system was paralyzed, and the armor entered a state similar to a crash and paralysis, which became a burden to his actions.

So naturally, including the universal translation software is also offline.He used to pretend to rely on the function of the battle suit before, but now that the battle suit is dead, all functions are naturally gone.

Even if he ran naked without wearing a battle suit, he would never be in such a mess.

"Alien language?" Chu Cheng couldn't understand the other person's words, so he only asked.

"Yes sir. Iron Man has been launched, with translation software on the brand new alien armor." Friday said.

Although the S-class hero Flash is invincible in fights, his language skills are not his specialty after all.At present, apart from Green Lantern, the most professional counterpart in the hero pool with translators, the rest are Ant-Man, Batman and Iron Man.

But it doesn't seem to be necessary.


A voice came from behind The Flash.


Not only Chu Cheng, but even the onlookers at the scene were taken aback—so many eyes focused on the center of the venue, looking at the Flash and the knocked down alien, no one noticed the flash behind him. When will there be such a person.

Another alien.Also in armor, but much bigger and bigger.He has a Hulk-like build, only about a head shorter than the Hulk.It was still the kind of armor with a combination of biological and mechanical textures, which fit on his body like metal flesh, but it might have been stretched to the limit because of his overly strong body, as if it was about to break.

Of course, the strangest part is how he appeared without anyone noticing.And it's not the kind that walks on the knees in the dead corner of the field of vision, but it is refreshed in front of the public at some point.

Rather than the flash ability of teleportation, it is a bit like the Akalin ability that reduces the sense of presence.He wasn't invisible or flashing, he just had some ability to make him invisible.

This person seems to be a little stronger than Bishop on the ground, but the style of painting seems to be the same.He is not angry and majestic, even the voice through the translator shows an irresistible majesty, which naturally carries a kind of arrogance of a superior.

"Stop fighting, you have earned the right to talk to us, warrior. We can talk."

The Flash paused and chuckled.

"Really? That's flattering. It's just
You may not have the right to talk to me. "

The moment the voice fell, the man's pupils shrank and the back of his head tightened, feeling that someone had caught his vitals.A surge of energy surged in his back.

The next moment, the Flash in front of him with his back turned away disappeared.

This surprised both him and Bishop on the ground.They quickly realized that the speed of the man in red was too fast, the man had already flashed around behind him, and the other party had already been caught before the afterimage left in front disappeared.

This is almost to the point of nonsense.Bishop sat there blankly, thinking that even if his battle suit accelerated a hundred times, he might not be able to do it.

"Now, let's talk." The Flash said calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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