Start operation Batman

Chapter 389 Spaceship

Chapter 389 Spaceship
The moment the rabbit rises and falls, the moment the Flash flashes, it is too late to blink an eye. Even though the new big alien is facing him, there is no room for any reaction.

But he was not annoyed at all, nor nervous. He just smiled and said, "I understand your vigilance, but I also guarantee that this is completely unnecessary. In fact."

He snapped his fingers.

A whirlwind suddenly rolled up, and the airflow made everyone around them breathless for a while.I saw something suddenly appearing out of nowhere in the midair, a black shell with a strange shape, hanging in the sky strangely, as if there was an invisible silk thread hanging from the sky to hang it here.

An alien spaceship.

"...Our captain also wants to invite you to talk."

There was a burst of exclamation from the crowd, the spaceship is not a spectacle you can see on the street every day.Those who reacted faster had already picked up their mobile phones and frantically pressed the shutter, and some even lowered their voices to whisper.

Chu Cheng was also a little surprised.

It's not because of the sudden appearance of this spaceship, in fact, he already knew that this thing was here.

The appearance of this frisbee-like thing is completely invisible, and it has been processed by a technology that has never been seen on the Earth's Pole Star, as if it has been blurred.Humans have never heard of this kind of technology, but it cannot escape Chu Cheng's eyes and ears.

He had already noticed that the spaceship was coming down, but he reminded on Friday that an unknown energy reaction could be scanned from the ship, covering the entire spaceship like a coat.Its energy properties are very unstable, and the feedback of the scan results feels like a layer of bombs that will explode at the touch of a touch, and a rash attack may detonate it instead.

The other party did not actively show any intention to attack, so Chu Cheng did not act rashly for the time being.He plans to wait for Iron Man to scan at close range to see if there is a way to break through, and try to find a way to fly into the ship.

As expected, he felt that the two aliens who suddenly appeared in front of him were probably the pioneers who got off the ship.Of course, it is better to sneak into the spaceship and face the other leader directly than to entangle with them.

Although Flash can fight, his speed advantage allows him to remain invincible even if he can't beat opponents of Superman's level, but he can't fly after all.

Well, to be precise, it cannot be said that it cannot fly, but that it cannot fly freely.In the original work, he has a different way of flying. One is to turn his arms at high speed to create a tornado to lift himself up like before, but in this way, he has no way to use force in the sky and cannot maneuver, and it is even more difficult to use his superb speed. It seems stupid.So this trick is mostly only used by him to save his life when he is free falling from a high place.

Furthermore, shortly after he gained the ability, he sprinted beyond the first cosmic speed and flew off the ground.But this is a side effect and not an ability. Once off the ground, it is difficult to move at the mercy of fate.Later, as the Flash deepened his mastery of the ability to explore the speed force, he gradually mastered the ability to offset this side effect with the speed force.

So the Flash can say he can fly, but he can also say he can't.Aerial targets are not his specialty.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, the other party actually took the initiative to descend, and the hatch opened in front of him with a bang, as if he was sincerely invited to go up.

And the alien also made something like "please".

Chu Cheng only thought for a while, then manipulated Flash to stride in.He originally wanted to go inside the spaceship to inquire, but at this time the other party took the initiative to invite him.If you are lucky, you can single-handedly pick the entire ship on the opposite side, and if you are unlucky, you can still find out the truth.

If there is any trap set in it, it is even more necessary to go.Whether it's abilities or traps, there are not many ways to hold The Flash.If Chu Cheng changed to another hero and came in to make a surprise attack, he would not be as confident as The Flash.

With almost unlimited speed and physical immunity to concussion and virtualization, even in the DC where the gods are rampant, The Flash is a hero with insufficient output but basically invincible in life.Wipe it and count me as a loser, okay?

These outsiders were polite and did not embarrass him.The Flash walked directly into the cabin with the two of them, the cabin door was raised and closed, and took off under the sound of countless shutter buttons being pressed wildly.

It wasn't until the spaceship lifted off the ground that the crowd exploded into discussions.Many people only feel that today's experience will definitely make the headlines, and the photos of the scene may also cause madness.Just waiting for them to open the mobile phone photo album and take a look, all of them couldn't help being dumbfounded.

I saw that the photos taken by everyone are exactly the same, blue sky, white clouds and dilapidated streets, where is there a half ghost of UFO?

This alien spaceship obviously has a certain ability to shield the digital lens from being observed by the naked eye, but what is the specific principle and technology is beyond the guesswork of human beings.

The Flash followed on board the spaceship, walking beside the two of them calmly.On the contrary, Bishop, who was beaten to the ground, couldn't help but peek at him from time to time, but he seemed a little unable to restrain himself.

After this battle, of course, he has completely surrendered to the Flash's speed, knowing that his title of the fastest gun in the universe is likely to change hands.But even knowing that the opponent's speed is weird, he can still be so calm after breaking into the depths of the enemy camp alone like this, which is indeed even more admirable.

Of course he didn't know that it was because the human deity was not here.Chu Cheng remotely controls and controls a basically invincible character, so of course there is nothing to be afraid of.

"The captain is here."

Following the tall man's recommendation, Chu Cheng quickly saw the person he was looking for.A blue-skinned man with an unattractive face by human standards, full of bumps and potholes, if seen under street lights at night, it would be almost terrifying.

"Sorry, my subordinate was reckless."

The captain waved his hand to signal the two to back off.He followed him up, nodded slightly and said.

"I just wanted to chat with you."

"Us?" The Flash said.

"Yes, you. On behalf of our union, and your planet."

"Then you may have found the wrong person."

The Flash folded his arms around his arms in a gesture that seemed relaxed and undefended.If someone else crossed their hands in front of the enemy like this, it would be tantamount to death. If they make a sudden move, they will definitely be half a beat slower than others, whether they are defending or counterattacking.But that's certainly not the case with The Flash.

"I'm just an ordinary enthusiastic crowd." He shrugged, "I'm not a big shot, let alone someone in charge on this planet. You should find a leader who can really tell the truth."

The captain shook his head.

"If you are referring to those superficial leaders, then it's worth not looking for them. We have observed for a while, and we know very well who is really in charge of this planet now.

It's just that we can't find your contact information, let alone the address of your leader, so we can only use this bad strategy.Or if a leader in your organization is willing to come forward in person, we'd be happy to talk in person. "

"No need, I will convey it." The Flash said, "So, what do you want to say?"

(End of this chapter)

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