Start operation Batman

Chapter 396 Fenrir

Chapter 396 Fenrir

Giant steel pillars fell from the sky, a total of seven or eight pillars, which fell on the Earth's Pole Star in different regions.Immediately on Friday, drones were deployed to investigate the situation, only to find that each column seemed to contain powerful and unparalleled energy, which was continuously driven into the center of the earth.

Originally, I wanted to drive the drone to get closer to investigate, but found that it didn't seem to be possible.Each pillar released a special energy force field, which was extremely strong and connected to each pillar. It might not be possible to break through with a brute force attack, and I don't know what the consequences would be.

But storming wasn't the only option.

The giant pillars that invaded were scattered all over the planet, but if you look down from the perspective of the universe, you can see that they seem to be set up in a special array, as if they have a special formation.And the core of the formation fell on Jiangdu.

At this moment, Batman is already on automatic hang-up in Jiangdu.Heroes in the idle state will automatically search and take action when an event is triggered.Therefore, when Chu Cheng cut to Jiangdu's perspective and manipulated Batman, he had already come to the outside of the huge pillar.

At this time Batman is not wearing the insider suit, but is wearing another set of more special armor.It's just that the armor is designed for frontal combat and is not suitable for sneaking actions, so it has not been activated for the time being.Coming here from Chu Cheng's perspective, operating Batman to land first activated the Allen system, and penetrated into the force field.

Although this barrier technology is unfamiliar, and the strength of the force field is amazing, but fortunately, it can't prevent the wall from passing through.Batman walked in with little resistance.

Chu Cheng didn't remove his ability either, and turned on the stealth mode directly after the virtualization ended.From the outside, the drone can only scan superficially from the energy level, without knowing anything about the situation inside the column.This trip is mainly for reconnaissance, and after obtaining information, we can make the next step.

Batman passed through the barrier and came to the metal pillar, his figure blurred again and penetrated directly.Chu Cheng was in a trance for a while, and there was a dark room in front of him.The wall structure is full of metal vine-like structures, and it looks like countless tentacles are twisted together, extending into the depths of darkness.

When Chu Cheng turned on the detective mode, the screen was distorted and distorted for a while, and a view like snowflakes full of poor signal appeared for a short time, and then the "error" button popped up.

Chu Cheng was slightly surprised.This is the case in the Arkham series of games. The villains in some maps have equipment that can interfere with the shielding detective mode. In the game, you need to find the corresponding equipment to hack, or find the corresponding minions to assassinate to eliminate the impact.

But this is the first time that the detective mode has been disturbed.

Chu Cheng cheered up and let Batman continue to explore incognito.Before he took two steps, a ghost suddenly appeared beside him, bringing a whirlwind to catch Batman.

The opponent was coming very fast, and they took advantage of the darkness to hide. Normally, it was almost impossible to avoid it.But Batman's suit has six times the reaction speed blessing, and Chu Cheng is always on guard against surprise attacks, so he activated the Allen system immediately.Batman's whole body was shaken and turned into an afterimage for a short time.The black shadow flew towards him and passed through him directly.

The man let out a "huh", as if he was also surprised by the fact that he passed through his body.After Batman avoided the attack, he took advantage of his momentum and threw out two darts with his backhand.But I didn't expect that person to be extremely agile, and his figure drew a "Z" shape as soon as he kicked his feet, skillfully avoiding the bat dart.The dart exploded into a fireball in mid-air with two bangs.

Chu Cheng's heart trembled, he didn't expect the invisibility to be seen through.Although the remote control is of course nothing to be afraid of, but the infiltration operation is unfavorable, and the following things will definitely be more troublesome.

The one who came to intercept him was a slender guy who looked like a penny, and his movements were light and fast. He was far from being comparable to the Flash, but he seemed to be able to touch the threshold of the "speeder".

In any case, get rid of this guy quickly.

Chu Cheng made up his mind, but just as Batman stood up, another wave of waves swept from the darkness.Chu Cheng reacted very quickly, and immediately performed a rolling evasion operation, only to see a mass of liquid-like substance passing across like a torrent, and was dangerously avoided by Batman.

But before Batman rolled over, a similar substance emerged from his feet again.At this time, Batman had just rolled and dodged, and he hadn't had time to stand still, so he couldn't accept new dodge commands.The light blue liquid-like solid substance erupted from the sole of his boots, enveloping him completely in it.

Chu Cheng made a decisive decision, Alan's system restarted, Batman's whole body shook, and he penetrated before being surrounded by the strange substance.

Then the semi-liquid substance was quickly withdrawn, returned to the hand of a person next to him, and then attached to that person.The whole body of the man seemed to be wearing a battle suit, and the light blue flowed like a liquid.

This kind of reminded Chu Cheng of his ability to manipulate Green Lantern to meet the cadre at the second alliance headquarters in Krafal, and felt a little bit like a venom symbiote.

There is more than one enemy.

Followed by a third person.That person was also in a strange outfit, which was somewhat similar to the Dewan Stone that the Flash had just defeated. Maybe it was the same type of unit in the enemy army.He is tall and thickly armored, and the mechanical joints of his thick arms make a slight friction sound, which should be quite strong by visual inspection.

Following the fourth and fifth people also appeared.The two seemed to be partners, appearing side by side in the arena.Both of them are lightweight equipment, with special lines spreading on their bodies.Among them, the person on the left is covered with light blue lines, while the person on the right is dark red.One of them is holding a cannon in the left hand and the other is holding a cannon in the right. Their shape and posture are very symmetrical. One blue and one red are pleasing to the eye.

A total of five people appeared on the scene, occupying all positions and surrounding Batman in the middle.

Chu Cheng didn't know them, so he guessed that they didn't feel like ordinary soldiers.This is indeed the case. These five people are the defense line of the No. [-] unit of the planetary transformation fortification. They are also top-notch individual fighters in the church. like now.

A pair of five, and five are not weak, the situation does not seem to be optimistic.


But Chu Cheng, or the Batman he manipulated, was already prepared.

Without hesitation, Chu Cheng directly tapped the activation button.

The gray-black armor specially designed for Batman seemed to fall from the sky, and smashed into the ground with a bang, causing dust to rise.Batman jumped up and stepped into the cockpit, the hatch closed, and the mecha transformed, standing up like a sleeping hungry wolf.An icy blue glow lit up in the eyepiece, and a huge black bat was drawn on the chest.

"Execute the code, Fenrir."

Batman's voice sounded coldly behind the mech.

"Come and meet 'Justice League Destroyer.'"

(End of this chapter)

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