Start operation Batman

Chapter 397 Justice League Destroyer

Chapter 397 Justice League Destroyer

Justice League Destroyer, this is definitely one of the classic models in Batman armor.

The code name of this project is "Fenrir", which means Ragnarok.Batman compared the various teammates of the Justice League to the mythical gods, and the armor he built was designed for killing gods, hence the name "Justice League Destroyer".

In the comic circle, I often like to compare this thing with the curse of Stark next door being dismantled, because this comparison is too prominent.It only appeared once, and even though it was torn apart by Superman in the end, it did achieve the glorious record of "destroying the Justice League from the front", so it is often active in the front line of the argument of Batman's combat power.

However, unlike the anti-Hulk armor with a bunch of arc reactors that perform miracles vigorously, the statistics of the Justice League Destroyer itself are not outstanding.In terms of the armor panel alone, it should be said that it is still vulnerable to the gods of Zhenglian, and even in the face of Superman weakened by the radiation of the red sun, there is no power to fight back.

What makes it really powerful lies in the various targeting methods, which really bring the word "anti" to the extreme.

At this time, these aliens were a little bit surprised when they saw this posture, but they soon calmed down and launched an attack.

Leading the charge was the heavily armored soldier.These few people are well-trained and have a well-organized way of advancing and retreating. The heavy soldiers are responsible for the duties of tanks and attackers.The huge body is thick and thick, and the attack is powerful and heavy. It blocks the opponent's large field of vision and maneuvering angle by standing in front, creating maximum output space for teammates.

He stepped forward, and at the same time as he took two steps, a beam of light swished.Some kind of unknown energy weapon was launched secretly and extremely fast. Chu Cheng didn't know the details and had no intention of hard-wired it. Batman released a shield with one stroke of his right arm.The transparent shield held the light beam firmly, and it didn't even make any waves.


The heavy armored soldier seemed a little surprised by this, but he didn't pause much, rushed forward with a loud shout, and punched the Justice League Destroyer.He was originally very big and faced Batman from a bird's-eye view, but the Justice League Destroyer was also not small. At this time, after wearing the mecha, Batman was half a head taller than him.

Batman's armour, with five fingers, took down the opponent's punch with a bang.The metal impact was like a cannonball detonating, and a transparent air wave burst out. Both sides took a heavy step back, and the steel feet stepped into the ground with a bang.

In terms of pure motivation, they seem to be comparable, and both sides have a concept in their hearts.

At this time, the blue and red fighters had both circled to the flanks, shooting out blue and red impacts respectively from the left and the right.The blue one is using low-temperature technology, even if it rubs a little bit, it can instantly freeze the target.The red one is a precise high-temperature blow, and the high temperature released is enough to melt through all materials on the polar star.

But not today.

I saw that Batman did not dodge or evade, and the armor raised transparent barriers on the left and right.The two impacts hit the barriers on both sides respectively, and they both exploded like waves, without any effect.

Both of them widened their eyes in surprise.

Heat and cold are basic phenomena, and they are one of the most common abilities regardless of the technological side or the mysterious side.But even the basic ability has huge differences under different strengths, and these two people have achieved the ultimate in this field.

It seems that they are just two ordinary shocks, but they are the most outstanding among all the relevant system equipment of the church, so that the equipment on them is too precious, and the entire church has only two or three pieces in stock.The two can achieve extreme cold and heat by special means, and they are unstoppable.

But this strange human armor actually defuses both of their offensives lightly!
These two thought they were holding some kind of amazing weapon, but in fact, it was not the case at all in the hands of the invincible Zhenglian Destroyer.

This set of armor is a collection of means to deal with almost all the abilities of the veterans of Zhenglian. Among them, Superman, who is the number one comparison, naturally has special hospitality.In addition to the red sun generator and kryptonite that specifically suppress Superman's abilities, there are different measures for Superman's different abilities.

For example, what is currently enabled is the plasma shield shield.It is designed to counteract Superman's thermal vision impact, and can be combined with the armor's thrusters and heat capacity engines, and can also counteract Superman's cryogenic breath when switched modes.

Needless to say, the strength of Superman's two signature skills is the extreme of cold and heat respectively, and they are far beyond the allowable range of conventional physics.In comparison, the equipment that the two aliens were proud of was nothing at all.

And when facing Superman, the armor can barely resist for a short while, and if it takes a little longer, the defense will be broken abruptly, but at this time it is completely capable.I saw the arms of the mecha swung, and the barriers on both sides rotated around the huge body.The shield of plasma energy attracted the two streams of energy, one cold and one hot, like a magnetic force, passed across the armor, and swept away towards the two of them.

That Xiaohong and Xiaolan were taken aback, and immediately mobilized all their strength to resist, but it didn't work at all.The red armor was instantly frozen together with everyone, while the blue one seemed to be unable to withstand the high temperature and exploded cracklingly. The outer part of the ice crystal-like light blue armor was melted, and the inner part was scorched black. The wearer was in pain on the ground. Rolling and howling, screaming continuously.

This scene made the rest of the people even more frightened.

The blue and the red don't say how strong they are, but they all know the strength of the ice and fire ability.It would be fine if they were forcibly crushed with other abilities. Although the two are strong, it is not uncommon for the stronger one to exist in the vastness of the interstellar universe.

But to actually freeze the high-temperature armor, melt through the absolute zero armor, and force a breakthrough in their respective favorite fields. Doesn't it mean that the other party's technical strength in related fields has surpassed their church by a hundred times and a thousand times?
Although Zhenglian Destroyer is indeed strong, in fact, this move is also a coincidence.Chu Cheng used the plasma energy to pull, so that the two people's ice and fire abilities hit each other, and at the same time urged the built-in thermal vision and freezing energy modules of the armor to enhance the effect respectively, as if the Zhenglian Destroyer and the little blue man worked together to freeze the little red man , and joined forces with the little red man to melt through the little blue man.

The strength of these two battle armors is about the same. After Batman intervenes, they are naturally not the opponent's enemy at all. Therefore, on the surface, it seems that Batman understates two blows in seconds, and they are both in their respective fields of expertise. The degree of shock immediately doubled.

The remaining three also immediately held their breath, not daring to be careless at all.

They've figured it out.

This may be the most terrifying opponent they have ever encountered in their lifetime.

(End of this chapter)

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